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Smash Bros Brawl list of characters

Smash Bros Brawl screenshot

Smash Bros Brawl screenshot

We’ve compiled a Smash Bros Brawl list Of characters from the official Dojo web site along with their previous roles for those wanting details of the highly anticipated Nintendo hit:-

So those are all super smash bros brawl characters we have for this version (# – we’ve marked the newcomers joining the veteran fighters with a hash). Sadly Mewtwo, Pichu, Goku, and Dr Mario didn’t make the super smash bros melee tag team for the Wii release, but rumour has it that Count Bleck is in Super Smash Bros Brawl somewhere – either as a charecter or one of the trophies. You’ll be able to play these Nintendo charecters in single player, multiplayer and online multiplayer using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Multiplayer game modes include Brawl, Handicap, Special Brawl, Rotation, and Tourney whilst there is a welcome Adventure mode for single players not blessed with friends or an internet connection.

Related:- Official Super Smash Brothers Dojo, Super Smash Bros Brawl sales figures, Super Smash Bros Brawl features

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