Gamesweasel TV

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars

PC owners have had Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars for a few months now but fear not 360 and PS3 fans; id software’s online team multiplayer frag fest is coming to your next gen system very soon. Join the Global Defense Force and protect Earth as best you can from the ugly Strogg invaders using a multitude of weapons and vehicles over highly detailed landscapes.

If you get fed up of blasting aliens you can always switch sides and choose to play as the Stroggs, but you wouldn’t want help invade Earth would you? Would you!? QUAKE Wars is a great online multiplayer experience, but if like me you’re too good to play everyone else online without them thinking you’re cheating you could play against the AI bots instead. If you’re interested in trying this out, why not download the QUAKE Wars demo for the PC before splashing out money on a full price shiny disc. The Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars release date is May 30th.

Link: Download Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars PC demo

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