Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light release date

Even though I’ve never been the biggest Final Fantasy fan in the world, there’s no way I can deny the amazing worldwide success the games have had over the years. The popularity of the Final Fantasy remakes on DS recently proved to Square Enix that the audience was ready and willing for a brand new entry into the series. Step in Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, the first original Final Fantasy title for Nintendo DS.

If you’ve been waiting for a true turn based RPG with random battles then what are you waiting for? A great single player campaign and multiplayer coop for up to four players await you, thrown in a real 3D game engine and with unique storybook visuals and your eyes will be in for a real treat.

The Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light Release date is October 5th 2010, perfect for some late Fall (Autumn) RPG fun.

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Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light

Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light

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