This is the second time the Tekken franchise has come to a Nintendo console, the last one being Tekken Advance. This time the game is back in 3D with not only a game to get your paws into if you like playing as Kuma but also a full 3D movie to watch in the form of Tekken: Blood Vengeance which also appeared on DVD, Blu-Ray and in the PS3 game Tekken Hybrid.
So what’s the game like then? Well, the good news is it plays like any other Tekken you’ve played before on your console and if you have a 3DS and have always wanted to take the game on the move then this is perfect for you. The A, B, X and Y buttons correspond to your left and right arms and legs and as a result it’s quite intuitive to pull off combos that involve hooks, uppercuts and kicks as well as wrestling someone to the ground and making mincemeat out of their face. Unfortunately there’s not really a story mode to speak of. There’s simply a survival mode, versus modes, quick battle and practice and I’m afraid that’s your lot. Special Survival has you fighting against a series of opponents one after the other with only one life bar. Complete it and you can enter the next stage to fight more in a row and unlock character cards which you can trade and collect via Streetpass.
There are plenty of characters to choose from including old classics from the series as well as more recent ones that appeared in Tekken 6. You can also customise your shoulder buttons just like you could in the console games and use the touch screen to pull of other special moves at a single touch. The 3D looks good but to be honest, you won’t really be using it because mashing the buttons means you’ll lose that sweet spot. It’s best you turn it off altogether if you want to see what you’re doing.
Because it’s Tekken, this is of course a solid fighting game but unless you like playing others online I’m afraid there’s not really enough here to keep your interest in single player. It just feels rather lightweight so it gets a good 6 out of 10.
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