Tagged: Red Dead Redemption
The latest downloadable content is now available for Red Dead Redemption. The Liars and Cheats pack lets you race horses against 7 other real people to earn points. You can also play poker and liar’s dice multiplayer, there are 7 new gang hideouts to fight through, a new explosive rifle and much more. You can get it for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 online for about a tenner. Buy Red Dead Redemption now New: Buy Red Dead Redemption from Amazon.com Related: Red Dead Redemption downloadable content announced, Red Dead Redemption
If you’re aching for some extra Red Dead Redemption action then you’ll be pleased to know today sees the release of the Red Dead Redemption Legends and Killers Pack DLC, available now on Xbox LIVE and the PlayStation Network. Legends and Killers boasts nine new multiplayer map locations, 8 multiplayer characters from Red Dead Revolver and the brand new Tomahawk throwing weapon. All this, plus more opportunities to earn Achievements and Trophies. So saddle up cowboys and I’ll see you in there! Buy Red Dead Redemption now New: Buy Red Dead Redemption from Amazon.com Related: Red Dead Redemption review, Red...
Enjoying the DLC for Red Dead Redemption? Well the good news is there’s lots more on the way. The Legends and Killers Pack, Liars and Cheats Pack, Free Roam Pack and Undead Nightmare Pack will deliver lots more new content, co-op missions and even zombies and they’re available from August 2010. Buy Red Dead Redemption now New: Buy Red Dead Redemption from Amazon.com Related: Red Dead Redemption review, Call of Juarez Bound in Blood review
It’s easy to just label Red Dead Redemption as GTA 4 on horseback but actually it’s more than that and thankfully presents an original concept in an age where the market’s full of shooters, racing games and family titles. So, in this Western you play as John Marston, a man who’s trying to be good after leaving a gang of naughty people. He’s come to the Wild West to confront the gang leader and stop him before he goes after John’s wife and kids. After being shot at the start of the game he’s taken in by some of the...
You may or may not know that last week, UK TV channel Five USA showed a 29 minute programme using the in-game engine of Red Dead Redemption called The Man from Blackwater. Directed by John Hillcoat, the movie gave an alternative take on the game and if you missed it or are interested in seeing it, here it is in all its glory! Buy Red Dead Redemption now New: Buy Red Dead Redemption from Amazon.com Related: review of Call of Juarez Bound in Blood, review of Lead and Gold