Calling all TNA Impact fans

I’ll be meeting TNA Impact wrestlers Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Petey Williams for an interview so if you’ve got anything you want me to ask them please fire away. Drop a message on the comments form on the blog here by the 16th of June and we’ll include the best ones on the show.

UPDATE: We are now closed for comments – questions which made it for the 16th when we did the interview can be found at TNA Impact interview with Samoa Joe and AJ Styles

Calling all TNA Impact fans

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11 Responses

  1. enrique says:

    will raven, senshi, james storm, petey williams, robert roode, kip and bg, black reign, kaz, james be in?
    will king of the mountain, six sides of stee. ladder match, table match be in?
    is ultimate x only one on one
    or will it include triple threat, fatal fourway, tag team
    will there be more weapons than chair like table, ladder, belt, guitar, sledge hammer, crutches, ring bell, ring step, baseball bat etc

  2. enrique p says:

    will raven, senshi, james storm, petey williams, robert roode, kip and bg, black reign, kaz, james be in?
    will king of the mountain, six sides of stee. ladder match, table match be in?
    is ultimate x only one on one
    or will it include triple threat, fatal fourway, tag team
    will there be more weapons than chair like table, ladder, belt, guitar, sledge hammer, crutches, ring bell, ring step, baseball bat etc

  3. Austin Castillo says:

    To: AJ Styles: A Dream Match for me would be You vs Matt Sydal. Your thoughts on the match between you and Sydal?
    Joe: When Kurt Angle, Booker T, Christian Cage, Etc Came To TNA, Did you got worried u wouldnt get a push?
    Petey: Your thought on working with the legendary, Scott Steiner?

  4. cody croaff says:

    AJ will you ever think about entering the wwe.Also will the tna game have team 3d

  5. ITSMYYARD says:

    To All 3: 2 Questions
    If you had to compare TNA Impact to 3 other wrestling games from all regions, what would they be?

    Will TNA Impact showcase the King of The Mountain mode still?

  6. Derick says:

    How often will the website for the game be updated?
    Who is coming over for the X Cup?
    Will the X Cup be part of the story in the TNA Game?

  7. Phil Allely says:

    I heard about the game during the recent UK tour, did the fan response for the UK tour amaze any of you.
    I was there to review it for the sun newspaper in the uk who have been championing the promotion.
    Is the UK as important a market game-wise as the US.
    Many of the TNA roster play video games, was there much input from the roster as to what to include or remove from the gameplay.

  8. Adam says:

    when will the Demo be released?

    When will we get the Full Roster?

  9. giorgio says:

    is team 3d in ? will their be bats and pipes?
    how many weapons will their be
    what will dlc will include
    keep up the good work samoa joe and aj
    it’s good to know the fans from belgium and netherland have a translated site

  10. Podshow says:

    Thanks for the questions everyone – we’ve put the questions that made it for the 16th when we did the interview forward to guys the video can be found here at TNA Impact interview with Samoa Joe and AJ Styles

  11. Knightrrider says:

    Will Petey Williams be in the game ? He must be !