Samba De Amigo party
Last night I attended the Samba De Amigo party in a Mexican venue in Old Street, London. We got to see the game in action and have a few free drinks courtesy of Sega.
The game has over 40 Samba-inspired songs and will probably have you accidentally knocking precious vases off shelves as you swing your nunchuck and remote to the beat of the music, strike poses and showboat. Your Mii can also join in the fun and you can play solo, co-op and view online leaderboards to see how well you shake against others round the world. The Samba De Amigo party release date is mid September.
And I wasn’t even drunk! First person to send these to me as an animated gif wins a prize.
Mammy, Mammy! -Sonic shows us his Jazz Hands
There’s nothing normal about an ant in a bikini and a cactus with maracas.
Looks like a mad Beatles trip.
Related: Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise, Wii Music