Silent Hill Homecoming release date

The new Silent Hill has got the subtitle of Homecoming. Out in September, this is the 6th in the series and the first one for next-gen consoles. Prepare for a Silent Hill 4 walkthrough on the Gamesweasel blog when we get our hands on it (and prepare for some new underwear).

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Silent Hill Homecoming release date

Silent Hill 4 walkthrough, Silent Hill Homecoming release date, silent hill hometown mp3, silent hill mp3,answers to silent hill, silent hill 4

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8 Responses

  1. Catherine says:

    New underware? why not just buy a box of Depends. Haha

    I love Silent Hill!

  2. Patty Mayonnaise says:

    Silent Hill 4 walkthrough?!

    Why do you need a walkthrough for a game that should never even be looked at, much less played.

    That game…is disgusting.
    Go play 3 or wait for 5

  3. Rogen387 says:

    you’re an idiot! Silent Hill 4 was much needed in the franchise! granted it isn’t the best of them but it definitely isnt the worst!

  4. Christo says:

    Silent Hill 4 was average, I guess its since they actually were developing some other game and decided to slot it into the silent hill franchise instead of going it alone.
    ( A piggy back if you will )

    Cant wait for Homecoming!

  5. Kevin says:

    By far, just for the shock value, the first was the best. It had the best setting, the most isloated feeling, and just us scary as hell. The fourth was kind of a let down, not to mention it was easy; they just threw a lot of really nice graphics in and were like “Look-Look- its scary! Looooooookattttitttt!”

    The story line was, likewise, subpar.

  6. German says:

    none silent hill should be missed-

  7. Brevard Smith says:

    I like most of the Silent Hill game but I really never wanted the game explained to much. Keep it dark and unpredictable.

  8. sven says:

    idk.. silent hill 4 was pretty damn scary to me. i couldn’t sleep after i played 2 hours of it. all the others didnt have that claustrophobic feeling like silent hill 4 did.