Dragonball Z Goku Densetsu review

Here is my review of a brand new Dragonball Z game subtitled Goku Densetsu. Now if you’re used to these games on the consoles you’ll know that they’re usually over-the-top fighting game swhere you get to fly in the air and hit each other, and even smash planets on each other’s heads when you do a crazy super-move.

This one’s nothing like that. Instead, it’s a glorified board game mixed up with top trumps and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it.

The story’s pretty simple, if not far fetched. The world gets invaded by aliens and you and that evil green dude team up to defeat them, then move across the game boards using card to determine how many steps you take, and which path to choose you.

Land on a square with an enemy and you get to fight them by selecting cards with attack, defense and special moves. Of course, you don’t know what your opponent is choosing and by sheer fluke and a bit of strategy you win and lose based on these card selections.

My first problem with the game is the long and confusing tutorial at the beginning of the game. I consider myself to have a modicum of intelligence but this really was more complicated than the instructions you’ll find in some IKEA flat pack furniture.

Then, we get to the battles. I don’t mind turn based games but only if you can quickly select your turn and see the outcome. Each card selection plays an animation that’s a bit too long and only frustrates soon into the game.

Playing the single campaign then isn’t much fun, but it can be more exciting against real people with yup to four players. Getting one over a real opponent is just as exciting as playing with real cards, if not a little slower.

Personally, I prefer the fighting games. If you’re a fan of the series then maybe you’ll enjoy this one, even with its faults – 5 out of 10.

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