Uncharted 2 Among Thieves review

The original Uncharted took me by surprise as I’d never heard of it when I put it in my PS3 and absolutely loved it from the moment I started playing. It goes without saying I’ve been looking forward to this sequel and a couple of years on it’s bigger and better than the last game.

This time, Nathan Drake’s on the search for Marco Polo’s treasure. Of course this leads him on a journey around the world with a few twists and turns in the storyline and of course some very different locales to visit. There are jungles, underground caverns, cities and snowy mountains to explore and the gameplay’s very much a mix of platforming and third-person shooting.

Climbing and jumping is somewhere in between Tomb Raider and InFamous. Nathan won’t usually jump into oblivion even if you try to tell him to and he can now hang and shoot at the same time and use riot shields to walk towards enemies and stay in cover. There’s also a new stealthy way to play which you’re shown how to use when you break into a museum. You can choose to take people out from behind without alerting anyone and can even get into fisticuffs and have a good face to face scrap.

There are also some fantastic set-pieces in the game too. Fighting a gunship, battling on top of a train and jumping from jeep to jeep during a car chase all spring to mind and the set-pieces and action blend seamlessly into each other to create something akin to taking part in your very own action movie. The story’s also well told and the voice acting and camera direction isn’t quite up to the standards of the Metal Gear games but they’re pretty close.

And once you complete the game you can go back into the chapters and try to find all the hidden treasure and play the game with tweaks you can buy including infinite ammo, one shot kills etc. There’s also multiplayer in there for good measure so the game should keep on giving for a bit even after you’ve finished the 10 hour story mode.

The game’s not perfect – there was a moment during the final boss fight when it glitched on me and there are some frustrating ‘instant death’ moments and difficulty spikes. Still, if you want to be taken on adventure that’s far more fun than any Indiana Jones movie, you need this game. Uncharted 2 gets 9 out of 10.

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves review pics

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves review screenshots

Related: Uncharted Drakes Fortune review, Uncharted 2 wins best of E3, Youtube Uncharted 2 Among Thieves review

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1 Response

  1. Anders says:

    I’m a bit puzzled here, I was reading the written review where the score was perfect. In the video-review its getting 9 out of 10. I’m taking that the most recent post is the official. Not that it matters a whole lot, both ratings justify the purchase, but what changed since the written review?

    Anyways thanks for making the best reviews, its rare that you find reviewers who’s taste is alligned with mine.