1000 free Microsoft points codes
How to get cheap and free Microsoft points codes
Initially this article reported on a highstreet retailer giving away free Microsoft points codes, since that offer ended we’ve been inundated requests for free microsoft point codes so we’ve put together this handy guide for the cheapest ways to pick up points. We’ve been working out dollar for dollar how each of the different Xbox live points codes cards compare and in the process discovered a bargain Xbox 360 accessory pack bundled with free Xbox live codes for 12 months. To help you choose we’ve drawn up this list of Xbox live points codes cards and worked out how much they cost per 1000 points or per month:
Xbox 360 Live points cards
For games, maps, expansion packs and downloadable content
- Xbox 360 Live 4000 points card – $45.57
$11.39 per 1000 points – BEST DEAL - Xbox 360 Live 4000 points online game code – $49.99
$12.50 per 1000 points - Xbox 360 Live 1600 points card – $18.49
$11.56 per 1000 points - Xbox 360 Live 1600 points online game code – $19.99
$12.49 per 1000 points
Xbox 360 Live subscription cards
For online access
- Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Messenger Gold Pack – $56.54
$4.71 per month and $64.97 worth of extras free – BEST DEAL
Includes mini keyboard, headset and game - Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Live Gold Card – $37.54
$3.13 per month - Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Live Gold online game code – $49.99
$4.17 per month - Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Gold Card plus 1 Month Bonus – $46.90
$3.61 per month - Xbox 360 Live 3 Month Gold Card – $19.99
$6.66 per month - Xbox 360 Live 1 Month Gold Card – $7.90
$7.90 per month
Recommended cards
Although the smaller 1600 points and 3 month cards are cheaper these represent a false economy, if you can afford to buy extra points and months in bulk then we suggest picking up the larger 4000 point and 12 month cards – here are our picks:
Best value points card
For the best value Microsoft points codes pick up an Xbox 360 Live 4000 points card for $45.57 from Amazon.com, even if 4000 is an overkill in points for what you might need now you’ll easily be able to spend them within a few months. The next time you buy that killer game that you just have to download all the expansion packs for then you’ll have some spare points in your balance ready to go.
Best value subscription only card
If you just want get your Xbox online for 12 months then best value card to buy is the Xbox 360 Live 12 month gold card for just $37.54 which will let you access all Xbox Live content, download the latest exclusive demos, enjoy multi player enabled games, communicate using voice and video chat and now stream TV shows, movies and HD content.
Best overall subscription card
To get the best experience from online gaming we suggest the Xbox 360 Live 12 month messenger gold pack (pictured below) for only $56.54, this pack includes 12 months Xbox Live gold access and accessories worth $64.97. You’ll get a wired headset to chat to your online gaming buddies worth $19.99, a messaging keyboard to speed up typing worth $24.99 and the highly acclaimed Project Gotham Racing 4 video game worth $19.99. With $5 worth of free mp3s thrown into the deal we’re left wondering why Microsoft and Amazon haven’t gone out of business yet giving away over $125 worth of Xbox 360 goodies for less than $60.
Physical cards vs online game codes
There are two ways to pick up the card from Amazon, a physical card and an online game code – both do exactly the same thing but differ in price depending on how desperate you are for those points.
- Physical scratch cards are cheaper and arrive in the mail with free super saver delivery – although these save you a few dollars they usually take around 2 to 3 days to arrive. These also make good 21st century equivalents to book tokens for birthday and Christmas presents if you are short of ideas for your Xbox owning family and friends.
- Online game codes mean you’ll get your hands on those MS points codes immediately. Amazons’ online game code service is almost instantaneous but there is a premium price for that extra convenience.
Prepaying with a subscription card is also worth it if you are concerned about Microsoft repeat billing your credit card details or having your credit card being used fraudulently. Ordering a physical card and sticking with a reputable company like Amazon.com is a safe bet, parting with your credit card and filling in online surveys in return for points can also a risky business.
Get $5 worth of MP3 downloads free with selected cards
To promote their online music store Amazon are also giving away $5 worth of downloads from their MP3 store for every microsoft point codes card you buy. This special offer is valid until June 15th 2010 and these mp3s music downloads will work on both your Xbox 360 and any other device you own.
Xbox 360 networking essentials
- Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter A/B/G networks only – $71.38 – Older and slower model
- Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter A/B/G & N networks – $89.99 – Latest faster model for connecting to 802.11N networks
All Xbox 360 Live products
- 4000 points card – $45.57
- 4000 points online game code – $49.99
- 1600 points card – $18.49
- 1600 points online game code – $19.99
- 12 months messenger gold pack – $56.54
- 12 months gold card – $37.54
- 12 months live gold online game code – $49.99
- 12 months gold card plus 1 month bonus – $46.90
- 3 months gold card – $19.99
- 1 month gold card – $7.90
- Network adapter A/B/G – $71.38
- Network adapter A/B/G & N – $89.99
puntos microsoft
i want free microsoft points please thank you
plz can i have them because i need call of duty f 4 maps
i need 800 Points for the HALO 3 maps. can i have??? plz Thank you
send me 1600 points so i can buy halo 2
plzzi need 4000 microsoft points for new maps thank u!!!!
send me 1600 points please
i need 1000 microsoft point send us them please nice 1
i need microsft points plz so many things to get ppplllzzz
can i have 800 please to get new call of duty maps
can i please have free Microsoft points! Really want the cod 4 maps!
Please send me micosoft points to get maps on call of duty 4 and so i can do something with my 360.
can i please have 1,500 microsoft points to change my name and get an arcade game thank u very much
ay i need 1600 for tdu cause i just got it and i really need cars
could you please send me enough to get the new maps on halo 3? i really want them but i dont get any money = (
i need points for new halo 3 maps please and thank you
May i please have these points becuase i dont get any spending money and i have just got an x box and i need the new maps for halo3 if you could send me the microsoft points i would be very gratefull and thankfull
Thank you :)
Can I have 4000 microsoft points so that I can buy some games
can i get to 1000’s plz but one is fine
I just started xbox live and I would really apriciate having microsoft points because I spent tons of money I setting it up so please would you send me them I hope you choose me and thank you for your time
need call of dudy and halo 3 maps
please i need 600 for a map pack of COD4 i will appreciate if you could get me 600 points thanx
Can i have just 400 points please? I only have 400 and i need the halo 3 map pack.
i need 4000 for games please and thank u
plz send me some my xbox tag is x ReLoAdZ xTMx
Plz CAn u send me 1000 microst points because i want to change my gamer tag plz send me them
i need 1600 microsoft points so i can change my name to be in a clan plz send thank you very much
i need 800 microfoft poitns please
Dude i need 800 microsoft points….to change my name…
i need 800 microsoft points so i can download halo 3 legendary map packs plz send me the code plz thank you
I need 1600 for new maps pleaseee my xbox tag is OMAR30017 please sendd me someee
I need 800 MSFT points for new maps.
Please could you send me some ?
My xbox tag is Zonbis and i’ll greatly appreciate
Have a nice day.
Hey my family just got aids so my wife cant work anymore, and i just got my hand choped off.so cud i plz have any amount of points to my a new hand so i can actually play xbox….im just a humble farmer makein u delicious food,like custard!my wife sends her love as do my 27 children…thank::: my halo be with you.
could i have like 2300 points to my xbox live account to buy xbox live gold
plz , my gamertag is : T7U78
Can I have 800 Microsoft Points for the Halo 3 maps? Thanks.
can i have 1600 microsoft points to change my name and to get halo mapz
could i have some my tag is deltapoole
i need 800 MS points to get the halo legendary map pack
i need 800 microsoft points for the halo maps plz
i need 160 points whats the code ?
i need microsoft point dosent matter how!!!
Can i have enough for a month of xbox live and 800 for the legendary map for halo because all of my friends are getting mad because we cant play big team ranked. Thank u
I only need 800 so i can buy halo 3 newist maps that would be great if you actuly give the code to me and if you play halo 3 i will help you get a 45 or 50 in doubls i am a Lv. 50 i am MLG pro 08 just send the code to my old lv 45 gt SPARTAN 117 Iv because i am travling right now and theirs no stors for 30 miles in souperor AZ.
Thanks Samuel
i have been tryin 2 get microsoft points for months can i have enough to change my crappy name plese
hi will you please send me 1200 ms points and i will trade you for a 1 month xbl subscription thanks.
May I have 800 Points? I just Need the COD4 Maps. Your a Kind Soul.
Sorry This is myGamerTag Dark Yoshi25
Can you send me 800 points for COD4 MAPs?
i want free microsoft points please thank you
Please i need free 1600 microsoft point for call of duty 4 maps and halo 3 legendary map pack please im sad and I really need that 1600 points porfis thanks…
Hey 1600 points would be appreciated but 800 would be fine. if you don’t want to thats fine but i just want to get the CoD4 maps and Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack so i can continue leading my clan.
i need 4000 points for maps and such if you could
gamertag: hu kwon do
Can I have 1000 points for forza motorsport 2 please
Can i get 800 points to download the legendary halo map pack so i can play it with my fellow marines? Thank you
i need microsofed points and if one of u r so kind to email me the code at frostman272@yahoo.com
can i plzzzzz have 1200 points plzz
gamertag chrisjdi
Im not goin to beg of you. My name does that already i simply ask for around the 2000 point mark as i wish to download songs off of Rockband.(espesially motley crew XD) Thank you. :)
Gamertag: PougeMahone 08
I like points
Can I have 4000 for maps and such stuff…. my gamertag is xXgamerz1o1Xx
can i have 4000 points PLZ
im trying to get uno.
so if you will hit me up with 400 or more.
Could you please give me 1,200 points so i can get the new stranglehold maps thank you!
i need microsoft points for cod4 new maps and to change my name!!!!!!!!
Please 4000 points halo 3 please!!!!
1600 points plz
400 points plz i need them cuz i am pore and my grandma just bought me a 360 and i got halo 3 as well but i only have 400 points right now so i need 400 more for the good maps
can i get some points please!!!
thanks, alot man.,
1600 points too please
and thank you in advance
i need 1200 points too and thankyou in advance
Will you please send me a code for X amount ( doesnt matter how much)
of points.
i will help you out on live games and get you achievements if you send me a code at 12068matt@live.com
microsoft points please i want the halo maps.
i need 800 points for the halo 3 maps
Can i have 2000 microsoft pionts
i need 800 points for the halo 3 maps please
Can i pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase have 1600 microsoft points emailed to me
actualy my gamertag is bradgibb1 please send 1600 points
i want microsoft points as well =D
my gamertag is SCS Outbreak
Can I have 1000 points for forza motorsport 2 please
send me 4000 points please, send it to gamertag kable51
need 4000ms points for cod4 plzzz
please can i have 5000 microsoft point please is very important
Could i have 900 points please?? Gamertag : Pipsie Hunter
please give me 1000 points ive got 2 kids and cant afford them
Can i have 1000 For Arcade and COD 4 Maps Plz plz
send me 4000 points plz send to gamertag xx504bigkennyxx
PLZPLZ i need microsoft points i borrowed microsoft points fro a friend and now he wants them back and i have none. he said he was going to hck my ip adress and boot my 360 from xbox live on halo 3. I need 4000 microsoft points.PLZPLZ
send the 4000 microstf points to general romo
please send me 5000 microsoft points i need them
can you please send me like 1600 so i can get the call of duty 4 maps that are new and so i can have a little extra just incase i need them.pleasseee give me the codes…if you could email them to lil jorden12@YAHOO.COM would be wonderfull thanks
can you give me 100 microsoft points plz
can i have 200 microsoft pionts
Can i please have about 4000 points? i have seen and try many games but cant download them Please!
Gamer Tag PunchyWoXx
hey how does this work i need points but are they free here can i have 4000 for new games
can i have some points plz
please can i have 4000 microsoft points thanks
hey can you send me some points to badboy56_1@yahoo.com i could really use them
hey my gamer tag is ryan61822 can you send me some xbox microsoft points plz i reay need them thanks
i’d really be thankful if you could please lend me 800 microsoft points so i can purchase halo 3 maps.thank you.
my gamertag is S4N74 CL4U5 by the way.please send 800 microsoft points so i can purchase halo 3 maps.thank you.
i need 800 points plz
i need 1600 microsoft points pls
i need microsoft points
i need 15.000 microsoft points for multiplayer maps and thanks in advance so can you please send me them!
i need 800 ms points so i can change my gamertag cause i really dont like it
pls i need the ponits
i relly relly need MS POINTS plz im beging u if u do give me MS points send it to my gmail plzzzz datkidmacho@gmail.com
oh my gamer tag is RTz x SoNiC x
here mine i just brought and don’t want it. the microsoft point code is h5h3nd8d9f89hnd8
Could u send the point code to Jaxx.Howard.Kobra@googlemail.com please, i need at least 1000 if possible :)
if you could send me some points so i can change my name thank you??????????????????????please please please please
please can i have 800 points. I need them to change my name and join my clan. Thanks
Sean H
email is kenkajam@Hotmail.com
someone please give me 800-1600 MS points i never had microsoft points before and need them..
give them to me i need them now i need 1000 microsoft points
oh and i need them for the new legendary maps
hey can i please have 1600 microsoft points so i can get sum arcade games please! Thanks
can i have 4000 microsoft point or 1600 point,,,
so i can get new costume pack for ninja gaiden,,,
i can’t get any ms point in indonesia ,,,
So i’m begging to,,,
————- n_n —————————————————
can i have 4000 microsoft point or 1600 point,,,
so i can get new costume pack for ninja gaiden,,,
i can’t get any ms point in indonesia ,,,
So i’m begging to,,,
————- n_n —————————————————
Please, I need 2000 microsoft points to download Songs for Guitar Hero 2 and 3, please, I bag you !!!!! Thanks
I’d like to have 660 Microsoft Points for Halo3 Legendary Map Pack,
Thank You
hello, can i have a 1000 point card # for the dlc maps for halo and to get a game for my little brother
i just want some points so i can get halo maps
itd make me smile if you gave me some
Por favor agradeceriÃa mucho que me dieses 800 ms points para descargarme el street fighter. plissss..
i need em for xbox360 to get new name i need also a some incase to so i guss 1600 if u may plsplsplsplspls
please need 1600 for cod 4 maps
can i have 600 microsoft points please
need lots of points for Guitar Hero packs for songs
i need 1000 point so i can get some movies thnx
need another 1600 for halo 2
gamertag eliteassassin14 need points
man can u hook me up wit 4000 points please man help me my gamertag is re3fer101
man can u hook me up with 1600 points plz man my gtag is TriggerHappy734
thnx man
Please send me 800 points i wanna change my gamertag
Can you please send me as many points as possible my gamer tag is TB urgessJR i would really appreciate it more than anything….
I dont know why i put a space in there my bad my gamer tag is TBurgessJR all one word sorry please help me out PLEASE as many as possible
All I need is 1200 points
Gamertag – Delta3545
can i have some point to buy a couple of arcade games 1600 would be nic ethak you
could you please send me 1600 microsoft points? i need them!
i need 1000 points for the new call of duty maps and halo 3 maps so hit me up…. thanks
Gamertag- InSaN3 InFeRnO
can i have 4000 microsoft points pleaz
May i have 1400 points please =/ I need them for new maps for (COD 4 Modern Warfare, and Halo 3). thx if u help me out
Please give me some points i need to download saints row content….please….
i need 1200 for fable please and thank you.
i need 400 gmaer points for UNO please and hpefully thank you! :)
can I have 4000 points plz?
i need 400 so i can get uno please reply
please can i have 1000 points or more and does anyone know a good keygen that works???
i need free microsoft points for soal calibur i have ninja gadien 2 twice !! can i have 4000 for all the halo three and cod 4 and cod 3 add bits please
1200 points please (600 for H3 maps. 600 for COD4 maps)
plzplzlz i really need!! plz i need for maps!
Yo man u didn’t hook me up can u please help me hook me up wit something at less gtag re3fer101
1000 microsoft points pleaseee……. i really want to change my gamertag thank you :)
x x
May i have 700 points plz thank u
i need 1200 points 2 change my gamer tag please.
may i have 5000 microsoft points please thank you vm
1000 microsoft points please,,,, i need ninja gaiden 2 mission pack :)
can i have 10,000 microsoft points please send me the code in my email
plzzi need 4000 microsoft points for new maps thank u!!!!
plzplzlz i really need!! plz i need for maps!
plz give me a code for 1500 microsoft points i need to download an xbox original plz i would really appreciate it
can u plse send me a good 2000 microsoft points thnks
can some one please give me 1000 free microsoft points because i come from a poor family and cannot afford them, if you are generous enough my gamertag is : anti lad 2k8 if you could add me and give me free points
i really need 2000 points for new map please, please, please !!!!!
can you please send me 1000 microsoft points?
I need 1 point please. All the people under me ar POOR Bastderds get a job nolifes.
please send me Microsoft points, i will be forever grateful, thank you!
2,000 microsoft points, over however much you are willing to giver would be really nice, and again thank you
Dear , Microsoft points . I need Microsoft Points because the account i have on xbox 360 its american and i leave in canada so everytime i buy points from here (canada) i cant add them it say not valid the reason why its because my account its american . I need microsoft points to change my name Before i get banned . thanks for reading my message and plzz i hope i could get my points atleast 1600 alright . Hope so… ill Appreciate
can i please have some microsoft points
i need to change my name because every1 makes fun of it
i live in canada and i also have an american account so when i buy cards they dont work
I need points for indigo prophecy in the original xbox games and for ninja gaiden 1 please.thanks in advance if you do give some to me.^.^
pleassseee can i hav 1000 points please maitieee i neeed 2 change gamertag thx
hello, could i please have 1600 microsoft points, that is all i would need, and i will never ask for some ever again. i cant go and buy some because parents are dumb, so if you could send some that would be awesome, thanks :)
PLZ could I have 600 points i really need them for the new halo 3 play list i need to buy a map for it plz.
ppppppppppllllleeez could i have 600 points so i can get the halo 3 map pack my gamertag is og 2020
Plz if u would be kind enough to give me just enough Microsoft Points to last me gold membership for one year. My parents work very hard but unfortunetlly they dont feel that they should waste their money on xbox, so I’m left with just silver. I enjoy being w/ my friends online having a great time. So plz send me a code and i would have much, much respect and thanks from u. Thanks for reading…
Can i please have 400 microsoft points for Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack
hey, umm, il send you a game or something in the mail,
but can i get 800 points for the game n+
i love that game, and have been playing it on the computer since it came out, i absolutly love that game, and i am hoping you send me the game so i can play it,
can i please get some points please
i need points I want to Get Fable From The Xbox Originals.. Thank You Sooooo much. :)
Hey will you please add some points to MasterCheifM’s account, that would be really great if you could. I’m trying to download extra file share space and the new maps for Halo 3. If you would please do it it would be really awesome! Thanks
about 1600 would be good thanks
Please send me 1600 microsoft Points i need it so badly please :( Thank you
I want 1600 MS please for change my gamertag and buy some rock band song :)
thank you very much
I would like them but if dont want give me them no hard feelings
Can i have 1000 microsoft points for a new gamertag + picture packs
Gamertag- XxSiiDZ95xX
can I get 1600 I need it bcuz I need cod4 maps
please give me some points. i need them very much. 10x
could i please have some mspoints i would really appreciate it as i want to change my gamer tag
Please, can i have 1000 ms points, beacuse i need new gamerpicture and cod4 maps?
Please I need 1600 microsoft points so i can buy golden axe and new gh3 and rock band songs
no one needs points or maps of you want points then buy them i got 2100
for £20 just under a penny each
can i have one million micrsoft points because i wanna buy every single thing on xbl i spent all my money on meth so i could play halo 3 for 3 days stright.
i hope you choose meeee
i just need some points for oblivion if you got some add larry runnels or darkersaucer
I realy want to have some points. I dont have any money !!!
ill trade a uk 2100 points card for a american 2100 point card
cause ive got an american account and i need usa points
please help
i need 1600 points thank you
there for cod4 maps
Hey dude, i only need 600 to change my gamertag cuz im sick of it and me andmy friend want pretty much the same tag. Very, very much appreciated my friend and thanks ^^ plz send them to me fella.
i need points 4 new gamertag please
plz can u send me 1600 points my tag is CJW666
please need 1600 points for rockband songs send the code to my e-mail crisman@snet.net
i need 600 fo halo 3 map pack
please please please could i have 1600 points my gamertag is really gay and i badly wnt new tracks for guitar hero. I would really apreciate it.
my e-mail is lardo9@hotmail.com
can someone please send me 1600 points to my email crisman@snet.net
can someone send me 1600 points to my email crisman@snet.net
can i plz have 3200 microsoft points. i need them to change my name and buy arcade games. my gamertag is Mario Hang. plz and thank u
please can i have some points need to get the legendary map pack need 600ms points please my user is moly2007
hello my name is mike can you please send me 800 microsoft points please my clan told me to leave and there filecomplainting my name if i dont chance it so please could you send me 800 points i would be so gratefull g.t= xLGx FL4WL3SS thank you
hey peeps,
if its alight with you can you please give me 800 points sp i can change my name because my clan is going to report my name if i don’t change it.
hello my name is Deadlysp33dy i would like as much points as u give me. it would be highly welcomed
plz can i have ms points plz i need them for call of duty 4 maps! and halo 3 maps! plz plz plz
hi my name is deadlyfuse and i would really appreciate it if you gave me 1000 points.
hi im not going to beg for the codes…. but it would really help me alot if i can just get enough points to change my gamertag as people mock me and it and it really does get quite annoying… my gamertag at the moment is T1NY B 92 and with ur help i can make it alot better… thnk u nd if u do decide to send me the code u are the most generous human being alive thank u =)
plz can u give me 4000 points for games
plz give me 4000 points for games
can you please send me 1000 points so i can please buy the legendary map pack it wod make me really =)
oh and m gamertag is marc114
can you pleeeeeeeezzzz sedme 4000 microsoft points I would very well appreceate it (or however you spell apprecieate) thnxxxxxxx so much send to PitaBread18
Hi,my name is Tom and please could i have 800 microsoft points for the Call of Duty 4 map pack DLC. Thank you
hey can i get 4000 points cuz i need to buy fable , and change my gamer tag name , and i wanna download themes for my 360 , please and thank you
Hey, could i plz have 4000 points for songs on guitar hero, my gamertag is kyle145354. Any points would be greatly appreciated. Thnx
i was wondering if i could be sent some microsoft points i would be gratefully happy with u because i want to change my name from S1L3NT R4p1d Zz to st34lth13 tig3r
please email to baddog99@hotmail.co.uk or send me message in online message thanks its me silent rapidzz
i would aprreciate some microsoft points because i need em to change mi name from S1L3Nt R4p1D Zz to st34lth13 tig3r
hey, could i have 1000 points i need them for new oblivion stuff
send me 800 ms points plz so i can change my name send @ james_howell_mcfc@hotmail.com Thanks :-)
i need 5000 microsoft points for test drive unlimited for the downloadable cars and usable content for alot of other games
send that reply to sholy2069@aol.com
plzzzzz send me 2000 piont i want some cars for my forza 2, thanks alot
stop begging u ****tramps get a ******life u homeless ****buy the *****game and get them oh i forgot u dont have any money leave the ****person alone he doesnt give a ****about u people stop *****begging u dirty tramps
HI this is nick and i have been dying for 800 microsoft points. I have a bad username and i would like to change it. If i get these than thank you so very much!
4000 points please =) nirvanafreakmatt@yahoo.com
plz send me 1000 points to get downladable content for gh3 xbox live
Hey i need 2,400 points for shivering isles! I have been waiting so long to play this game. I will take anything though, as it would help becuase i am broke:)
plz send me 1000 free ms points so i can change me name
PLEASE send me 2100 points i really need them to buy maps and a XBLA game thanks my gamertag is Dragon Star 786
hey plz can i have 2100 points so i can get some new maps of cod and halo3 thank
any amount of microsoft points would be greatly appreciated
can u please send me 1600 microsoft points, it would be greatly appreciated
hi, if u could please give me 1600 ms points as I would like to change my name and get the new maps my name is lukovic92
plz can i have 2100 microsoft points
You know… it’s not free if you end up having to pay for something in order to get them.
Just thought I should point that out.
i need 800 plz for a game plz ty
People, you do realize that the writer listed a way for YOU to get YOUR OWN points by PURCHASING the game from a specific website right?
So yes, free points as in points that you would not get otherwise by buying the game at a different location.
As far as begging…nobody ever said they were giving handouts. People work for their money and are not about to reinforce the concept of begging. You will have in this life as much as you work for.
pleaz i need 1600 ponitz i will help
i need poniy badly plz kind ser if u have an xbox live acc my acc is (the carter 3 be)
can i have enogh microsoft pionts so i can unlock maps for call of duty and halo plz i wouldent ask but i canrt aford them thanks
please, need microsoft points for maps, looking for just 2000, please thanks
gamer tag : Wipeout1292
Looking for 200 points to buy N+ Level pack #2
please send code to raseruhanzo@hotmail.com
Hey, I dont know what this website is or what it does but, I need 1600 Points to get Shivering Isles downloaded on my 360.
can i have 2000 or 1000 free microsoft points
May i please hav 200 ms points i hav 600 but want 2 change gamertag thx
can i plzzzzz have 1600 pts? i need castle crashers. My friend is bugging me about it.
Please Can I Have Some send the code to hazard_@hotmail.co.uk
can i please have 800 points for COD4 maps. I poor and dont have the money. if you can my tag is carsn3. THANX
need points
Can i hav 1600 microsoft points asap plz my gamertag is STjimmyink
plz give me some because i need 800 plz
Plz can i have some so I can buy the halo 3 maps.
Plz send it to my gamertag its RealDCarter
thank you
MY GAMERTAG IS Lil famous11 plz send me some
cud i have 1000 micro soft points plz send me the code
gamer point plz my gamer tag is xdarklouiex
can i have some points please
if u want to give me them send thum to me on xbox live
my gamercard is MLJ SPD 1 MLJ THANKS IF U DO
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed these points please!!!!!!!!!!
may i have 10,000 points please im so poor and i really want a new game
Plz i need 1500 microsoft point for buy Death magnétic on Guitar Hero
plzzzzz can i have 800 for my name xGow2 priety rubish .
il be ur best freind if u do !
plz can i have 800 for name xGow2 priety rubish
my gamertag is: xGow2
hi can i have the ms points because i want to buy halo 3 map pack
please can you give me 4000 points for games
Can you please send 800 microsoft points to Rogey Rog on xbox 360 the name is just getting annoting….PLEASE
Hi, I do not have enough money to buy points and I need a name change. It would be great if you could give me some Points. Thank you so much.
Hey may i please have 800 Microsoft points please
I want to change my gamertag
i need 600 microsoft points for halo 3 legendary maps if u send them i will post a thanks on my youtube and bungie profile please send them thank you
i ll also add u on my friends list and i need the codes not the cards thank you
my gamer tag FA00002 if u will please send them through the internet or xbox live thank u
please can i have 2000 ms point for the halo 3 maps plz plz plz plz plz plz!!!!!!!!!
i want microsoft points please thank you
gt: uneedmorespeed3
Hey There, I Just Bought HALO 3 .. Again.. And Now Realised That I Need Both Map Packs Just To Get The New Achievements :(
I Recently Got Hacked (No Lie) And Whoever It Was Stole My Acc..
So I Only Need 600 MS Points, If You Add Me As Friend On XBL I Will Definatly Help You With Your Achievements :)
Liam_Shorty@hotmail.co.uk (Please EMAIL Me A Code If You Like) Thank You :)
Hey, can i have only 2100 points so i can download the 2 new episodes for GTA IV when they come!
Thanks please reply ASAP!
can i have 1600 microsoft points to change my name i hate my gt its “little tucker” and it sounds ……well……stupid…..so can u plz sent me the points plz plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz trevans1994@hotmail.com
i need microsftpoints like a 1500
I’m sick of not being able to play new maps on halo 3 and call of duty 4. I’m having a hard time getting a job, please send me points!
I’d greatly appreciate it.
can i have 1600 for the new mythic map pack on halo 3
Hello May i please have 1600 microsoft points
Please i need point 1000…… :(
Can you send me a 5000 Microsoft Point code I would really appreciate it I need to buy the Legendary map pack thank you very much. please email me them
Hi it is me again you are awsome how do you get all of these codes!? Oh yea itll be awsome if you email me a code thanks dude!!!
Hey there any microsoft points would be nice.
plz can you send me a code for 1000 microsoft points asap i wouldnt be able 2 thank you more if you sent me them im in desperate need for the legendary maps on halo3
can you give me 5000 microsoft pls pls pls pls
im broke n my family cant afford to buy me games n points for my xbox 360 please can you give me 5000 points thank you
Dude I need some I really do I can get the new Xbox Expierence by paying someone please let me!!!!!!!!!!!
My gamertag is Mr Skippy7 one of my friends has a friend who can get me the dashboard update for Fall 2008 please I’ll do anything
Yeah I need 1600 points for a really good reason gamertag Mr Skippy7 and I am very thankful
Ok here’s a valid email address I was Ryan but then I put Ryan F. Gamertag Mr Skippy7 and 1600 microsoft points exactly thank you so much if you give them to me
i need 4000 for a arcade game and new maps please and if u do thank you so much
I need 4000 so I can change my name and get the new maps for HALO3 and COD4. My gamertag is KSI 3000midgets and I want to change it to Longhorn Bullet. Thank you soo much I would never of been able to afford this.
Pleasecan i have 4000 gamerpoints to keep the mrs and 2 kids happy while i get some sanctury playing xbox live in the dead of the night! thanks
points would really rock right about now. I could offer some of our services here at creativeedgecms.com in exchange
please can i have as many points you can give so i can buy rock band songs and ninja gaiden 2 demo i want to try it
please send me 4000 microsoft points so i can buy the new maps on halo3 and the legendary maps too PLEAZE I WANTED THEM SINCE I GOT XBOX LIVE so pleaze my gamertag is EDGAR THE KING please send me points
I need all you can give me and I need it now
I Need 4000 microsoft points I want to change my name and I wants the maps of Halo 3 and Call Of Duty 4. thank you
my gamertag is GsUs PR.
Could you Please send me 2100 points so I get the COD4 maps and get some desperately wanted arcade games for my CORE 360, I would really apriectiate it and will not ask any more from you,I think it’s enough having 2100 points since there free anyway. Thank you so much for reading my comment since I know you have plenty to go through and if you send me the points I will be forever grateful. Thanks
please can i have 6000 microsoft points i will some much appreciate it!My gamertag is BunkerBIG D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE MAN. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m begging you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need microsoft points so i can get more songs on rock band
i need microsoft points so i can get more songs on rock band 4000 that will be it if this works i will be amazed
i need 4000 for ng2 mission pack and some new maps plz plz and if u do it thankyou gamer tag is challenger Goku thx
please will you give me 4000 points back somebody hacked into my account and took ALL!!!!!! OF MY POINTS!!!!!!:-( it pisses me off
o yeah and my gamertag is xXHuNT312Xx plz i need them back i payed lik 200 dollars 4 them!!!!!!!
pleez send me a 4000 microsoft points code my gamertag is kunfu ninjitsu9
please send me 1000 points
plz i need 1000 microsoft points… Gamertag is Maggu Usa
sent a code to my Gamertag or how it works?
can i get 2400microsoft points so i get new maps im so bored old maps plz i need them so really
can i please have 1600 microsoft points i have tried to earn money i need them bad for maps on halo 3 and my name please please please
i will be thankful if u do this for me
i need 1200 mp’s please send them me my gamertag is j jason 200
Want 400 microsoft points please
i just finally got x box live and to play team doubles with my friends i need the maps for halo3 so if you could plaese send me 800 points please!!!
i just got an xbox 360 but am dead broke need 300 points for some episodes of heros
I need 4000 so I can change my name and get the new maps for HALO3 and COD4. My gamertag is KSI 3000midgets and I want to change it to Longhorn Bullet. Thank you soo much I would never of been able to afford this
please can i have 1600 points for gta san andreas
thank you
i need point for buy some new song for rockband
i need the ms points to get new maps for halo3 and some new things for fable 2
you go at me 4000 microsoft points ?
free points please please for my sons gamertag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i please get 600 points for halo 3 maps?
my gamertag is getstuck2112
give me 1200 point please for gta sa
1200 for GTA: San Andreas please? and maybe another 1200 for castle crashers?
please can i have 1600 microsoft points please thank you , send them to my xbox name if you can its blade ekulmas , very nice thank you please.
mannn i need 1200 for gta to please
caan i have 1600 ms to get halo 3 maps and rock band songs thanks u!
i need ms to buy halo maps and download rock band songs 1600 plz thanks
I need 1000 ms points plz
Gamertag: plasmius101
plz plz plz send it to me :D
May I plz have 1200 points? I need the halo 3 map pack my gamer is GantaJ16
Plzzzz I Only Need 1000 points to change my name on Live. thank u for whoever sends it :)
can i plz plz plz have some microsoft points im begin i only want 1000 plz and thank you so much if i get them =D =)
PLz i need 4000 MS Pints for a name change from ins1d3 th3 f1r3 to XimxsoxprozX
and the fable full game and GTA san andreas plz plz
ty ty ty i need them badly
i need 3000 more for the GH3 song packs
can i have 1200 microsoft pionts cuz i really want to get the maps for COD 4 and get darthvader for soulcalibur4 thx
if you feel like giving me at least 800 points it’s fine, but if not i’m alright too.
i don’t need your pity,but i won’t buy anything from you any more.
can i have 4000 mirco points plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
can i have 1000 points as i need to get fable pub games please, thank you my gamertag is: RUF Spankyc
PLZZZZZZZZZZZ can I have 1000 microsoft points, because I need halo3 maps. In the shop, you can buy microsoft points, but only 2100 or more. I just dont need so much .. soo plzzzz can I have 1000 microsoft points!!!
thanks a lot!!!!!!
Can i have 1000 microsoft points, i need them for halo 3 PLZZZZZ
thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!
i need ms pts my Gamer tag is NIM2008
It would be very much appreciated if I could get 600 MS points for the new Halo 3 DLC my gamertag is facelessPysch0. Please and thank you.
please i need 1200 points thanks
gt suicidleZebra22 i need 1000 msp
i need 800 msp gamer tag:lsutiger303
Just need about 1000 points if possible. That would be great, man.
i need 2,400 microsoft points for the oblivion add ons plz thanks
I need 1000
plizz need 30 microsoft points
Please i need 1200 for rock band 2 thank you
My gamer tag is Wastedchameleon
Please send me some points. my gamer tag is ManRam17. my email is harmon_174@hotmail.com thanks a ton
1000 would be good
i need 1200 microsoft points for gta san andreas
i need 1200 to get san andreas on da 360 so hit meh upp
plz can i have 2000 mircosoft points send me plzzzzzzzz
Dude, I really need just 800 microsoft points to buy Castlevania Symphony of the Night. I need no more than that and I’ll be very very grateful with you if you can send me those points. It’s hard and very expensive to get microsoft points in Argentina so you’re the last hope. chaveta32@hotmail.com is my mail. I look forward for your answer! THX!!!
plz can i ahve 200 microsoft points to change my gamertag thanks
i need points so can change my name for my new cod4 teams
i have a really stupid gamertag and i really need some ms points so please send me a code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i have some points i realy need the cod4 maps
plz plz can i have a 1600 points card plz
heya, i need about 300 points just to change my name, i managed toi get 500 from gta 4 but i cant get anymore, please help me
gamertag: CI4R15
Please can you send me some microsoft points, i need the COD4 maps please , My Gamertag is Hazyboyreppin. Nice 1 :-)
Please Could You Send 2100 Microsoft Points Please Coz I Need To Download GTA San Andreas And Microsoft Points Are Hardly Sold In Ireland….
could i please 4000 msp for i want to buy some games online and maps please i would realy appreciate it thanks my gamertag is phil woz here
lpz i need 400 microsoft points and i want them to buy they arcade game ultimate mortal kombat 3 plz plz plz my email is norsubzero@hotmail.com
name cool kid4 plz send me some points
-need em free-
could i have 400 microsoft oints please i need them for maps ect
thank you
email the codes to
can i plz have 800 hurdered microsoft points plz because im fourteen and i carnt aford them thanks ……
dude i totaly need 8000 points right now
please can u send me 1000 microsoft points to change my name please thank you id really apreciate it.
do you have any more xbox microsoft points for free games need 800 for mega man 9
hey, i need 1600 for halo 3 maps and halo ce download, please help!
can i please have 2000 microsoft points please
my gamertag is RichB93
can you please send me 800 points maybe more so i can change my name, please please
please can i have ms points….
i need 1000 points please other wise my xbox live will be taken
please give me 4000 points pleaseeeeeeee
i need 200 to get the mortal kombat can you please help me
send me 1
400 microsoft points plz i need them ninja gaiden 2 and kingdom for keflings
can i plz have 800 ms points?
Please send me over the code. Thanks
can i please get 4000 points i really need to get these points
I need 4000 points my dog knocked over my 360 and it toasted rock band 2 so i want to download some games. Please please please help!!!!!!
Hey, if someone is passin out free microsoft points, or codes , i want some for a downloadbale content for my game, so can i please get like 300 or 400 i only really need 250, please help out.
I Would Like 1000 microsoft points firstly due to me never actually having any lol :( and would seriously consider myself a sado with my current gamer tag. so 1000 points would make me a happy chappy purely because im sick of my baby like gamer tag :)
but i guess this is a compation so let it begin ;D x
Good Luck Everyone :D x
and try not to take it to heart of you loose its not the end of the world
can i please have 400 microsoft points so i can get the december car pack in forza motorsport 2 please i really need them
i need the halo 3 leg maap pack i realy need this to get my friendsz jelous because thay need some too and if u give me 4000 ms points ill tell my 102 friends about this site
Please can u give me 1000 microsoft points so i can download some things please mate thanks very much = ]
pppllllzzzz i want microsoft points because i want new cars on need for speed undercover thanks.
4000microsoft points plzzz
hey im using my bros account but i need some points please…
please may i have 800 ms points so i can change my name
Gamertag: sam120peace
Hi my names billy
i really need microsoft points badly
i really need to change my gamertag and would u able to give me 800 microsoft points and if u do i will be really grateful
May I please have 1000 microsoft points? If I could that would be amazing. Thank you very much!
Can you give me 4000 ms points or more pleeeeeeeeeezzzz!!!! My mom won’t pay for points
I really really need some points so please help
gamer tag: Aldo Jay
as much money xbox and microsoft has i think they could give everyone a nice christmas present and give everyone 2000 microsoft points for free plzzzz that would make my xmas thank you
hey can i get 4000 points… plz :)
gamertag: ZeroJaye
All i need is 600 for the new legendary map pack on halo 3 please please please.
would you be able to give me 4000 points plz so i can get some new great games and i would be very greatful and it would be a great crimbo prezzie lol so plz plz thanx and a merry xmas to u aswell
Please can I have 4000 microsoft points because i want to change my name, get some arcade games espically N+ and Kingdom of Kelfings and to get some DLC for Halo3 and COD4. I would thank you for the rest of my life.
Please can you send me the code to my gamertag: Chrisopher kain
That is why I need to change my name so badly. Please can you help me out.
i need 1600 msp please
I need 4000 microsoft points for verious things
could i have 800 microsoft points please send to this email adress kieran_1992@live.co.uk
Please can i get 1000 points to get the legendary map pack on Halo3 i will love you if i do get these points
my gamer tag is: GenTurtle
my email is the-blue-halo-clock@hotmail.com
Can U Please Send Me 1600 Microsoft Points. I Would Like To Get The Map Packs
i would like 800mp for the legendary map pack, that is if you are giving them away, if not no worries, iv tried to buy them from the official website + several 3rd party websites with no luck, i was wondering if you could help plz. xx
plz 1600 microsoft points plzzzzz
sry i mean 1000 points i need them for new cod4 maps
It’s my birthday, and I just hooked up my new 360. Could you send me some points to play around with getting started? Thanks. How ever many you think would get me a few fun things.
can i have 1600 for gta san adreas .. gametag is keeno92
plz i need a 4000 ms code so i can give it to the people in my clan who dont have 800 to change there name
need 4000 oints thank you and plz
plz send me 5000 micorosoft points for random stuff plz
hey can u send me 4000 points for gamez plz!!!!
thank you very much!!!!
can u plz send me 2000 microsoft points so i can buy some arcade games, thank u it would really help.
can i have 2000 mirosoft pionts please
i need it to downland doom and heavy weapon
Can i please have 1600 ms points. I need to get the new Gears 2 maps! :)
Please hand me over 600 Microsoft points so that I may finaly download the Halo 3 legendary map pack
can i have some free points
please send me 650 points for halo 3 legendary maps thanks
i need 4000 xbox live points for game and movie downloads gamertag: acjm121098
I need points period…….plz send me some
can i have please have 2000 microft points i want to change my name and download stuff for gears of war 2
yea, i kinda just want to get some songs for rockband 2. can you send me like 400 microsoft points? Thanks
gamertag- SatanicTurkey13
plz may i have a code for 4000 ms points for games and that sort of stuff.
Can i get 4,000 microsoft points for alot of reasons
my email is
Hello I am new to X Box Live and finally saw all the new features and cool things I am thinking this is better then ps3 because all my friends have ps3 and I dont and feel really bad but I just want to ask just for 2000 or 4000 Microsoft Points please I just want to prove to my friends how XBox 360 can be better then PS3 I just need it for movies and game add-ons thats all Im asking for and Happy Holidays and New Year Please I need the Points
i like need some microsoft points like now for my xbox narly dude if you give me some points i will be like very greatful dude
please can i have free microsoft points because i only got a xbox 360 and i have no games for it and i need microsoft points to get even the old xbox games because i cant really afford new ones…..:( ……..please?
Can you please give me 800 Microsoft Points so i change my name? If so, please email me at kbp9312@gmail.com
Can I please have 1000 points because I want to buy new songs for rock band so my family can have funn… Thanks….
Can you please give me 800 Microsoft Points so i change my name? If so, please email me at scotton0295@hotmail.com
hey Not to jump on the gravy train but I need just 600 points. By the way why are we doing this? There is nothing free in this world people…
Can i have 1000 free microsoft points Please for my xbox …..
My email is DylanK63@hotmail.co.uk
=] =]
May I please have 1600 Microsft Points or so? I would really appreciate that because I don’t have any money because I used 2 years’ savings on the xbox 360 itself.
yo i need like 1600 for guitar hero world tour songs can you help me out
can i plz have 3000 points because i need to change my name, need new maps for gears 2 and new songs for gh3
Can i get 1400 microsoft points to get burnout and ultimate alliance games,,,Plz!!
can i plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz have 4000 points plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i wanna get some maps 4 call of duty badly
can i plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz have 4000 points plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i wanna get some maps 4 call of duty badly
my bad my gamerscard name is icee202
btw my email is icee202@bellsouth.net
help help help help me please!!!i hope you can me give a little bit microsft points for me
hi, i would really appreciate it if you could give me at least 600 points if you decide to then thank you
i need 400 to change my name or 100
Can i have 1000 microsoft points for Xbox360 Please.
It’s for Halo 3.
Email : evildragonxi@hotmail.com
1000 microsoft points for banjo-kazooie arcade game
1000 points would be great if yur willing to giv out.. cheers..
look i no alllll of us on this page sound desperate but still we all need em . i dont have any money and really want the halo 3 legendary maps and cod 4 maps . also i want sum games but still…. look i no ull probably scroll right pass my name n ignore this comment but if u cud will u give me 4000 ms points plz. if not its fine but i really wanna play my m8s on halo 3 on the new maps and play em on cod 4 maps and maybe N+. its a little ninja game lol. but if u r readin this then thank you.
i no i wrote alot but im desperate
i want 1600 microsoft points pleaze
i want 4000 so i can buy banjo kazzy
May I have 1000 microsoft point please greco_kenny@yahoo.com
I need some 1600 or 800 mp for fable 2 add-on and some other things. please please send it to me. I really need it. Sry for my englisch im from Germany… Thank you
I need 4000 points for random stuff
Could I get some points in here?;o lol o.o
Hi 2000points please no worries if i cant have but still worth a few words eh :P
can i have some points for halo 3 maps and games
need 1000 points 4 GOW2 maps thanku so much
plz can i have 800 points to change my gamertag
could i plz have 800 for fable 2 knothole island add on thing
can i have 1000 points, need GOW2 maps :)
can i please have some points for guitar hero dlc much appreciated!!
hi may i please have 600 points for halo 3 map pack. thanks
Hey I could use 1000 free points too!
need 400 points.
im not sure if this will work but worth a try lol
hi may i have 1200 points that would be AWESOME
my email is [randall1444@hotmail.com] that would be awesome ^^ if u can
may i have 3000 microsoft pionts please because i would like to buy some things on my market place. lot’s of thanks, chris. this is my gammertag btw so u can get in touch. :)
I need 1600 my Gamertag is i ish Tobi
hi… i really need microsoft points !!! i really want to change my gamertag …..its my bro’s name……… my cuz used my bro’s email and i didnt even get to choose wat gamertag i want to use ……………. so yeah
Can i have any amount of points please.
it’d be much appreciated
i could use 600 points for the legendary maps on halo… thanks
need some points plz i just bought another halo 3 and need points to buy the maps and some for gow2
any amount is fine by me
Need as many as you can send me thanks man
Please could you send me 2 5000 microsoft point codes I have none and it’s too expensive for me to buy them my felf.
I need 1600 MS points please, email me at martin_volvo_power@hotmail.com
please can you send me load of points i buy them but never seem to go on right
Can you send me 1600 points for COD4 MAPs?
Can i have 1000points?tnx u
i need 800 microsoft points because i want 2 change my gamertag cuz everybody makes fun of my name so send 800 please
hi plz can i have 200 free points, i forgot my broz B-Day and i promised him theese
plz can i have 10 000 microsoft points (UK) plz x
plz can i have 10000 microsoft points for arcade games nd stuff plzz
Could I please have a code for 1600, i need halo maps. plz plz plz
send to General BP
thank u so much
I WANT SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heyy i know you might not send them to me but i think its worth it anyway. I need 1000 microsoft points because the mythic map pack for halo 3 is coming out january 23rd and i dont have the money to buy them. Thank you if you do send them to me though
i whould like to get some ms point for gow2 i dont have time or money to spend thats why am here asking here for ms points all i need is 800 soo plzzz ma gamertag for xbox360 is SkiTys CrEEdnz. sooo plzzz i will really like that u give me some. plzzz and thank u god bless you =)
plizzzz i need 1600 points for GTA 4 the lost and the damned
and my gamertag is HaMzAtheKiLLeR
please i need 4000 Microsoft points please reply to the cameron10113@yahoo.com thanks there for new maps
please give me some Microsoft points i don’t have the time or money thanks my gamer tag is master930 thanks
plaese i need 4000 microsoft piionts for gears 2 , gta4, and halo i dont have the money thanks my gamertag is SGTSUCKIT7
My gamertag is BADmajk can i have 5000 microsoft points i need to buy a microsoft classics please
PLZ i need 2000 mp i dont have mony. just moved out :P
need some games to my 360.
Hi pretty please can i have 4000 points coz i gotta get the new fear stuff thanks a million and my gamer tag is timben1
i need about 4000 points so i can download some song 4 guitar hero
can i have 1600 microsoft points so i can get GTA san andreas (and mb a little more in case im off on the ammount)
could i please have 1000 points i really need them for the halo 3 maps my gamertag is DEVILSHADOW13 please and thank you
i need a 4000 point card code please give me 4000 points i have none and can not afford them my xbox name is josh2114.
will u give me 600 so i can get the halo 3 maps
i went on yahooaanswers 2 get acode and some 1 had a code in it with & in it. i triedit but i wudnt lemme use the symbols. does n e 1 know how 2 do this? email me at liam5000uk01@homail.com
Can you send me 600 microsoft points so I can get the legendary map pack GT UGetEmIGotEm thanks
Send me one please gamertag: Iggn1te really need it for conbustible.
combustible map pack for GoW2***
2000 microsoft points for games please?
2000 microsoft points please
any amount of points please
Please i wanna change my name from IixSammGizzxiI i need 800 please thanks
can i have 800 microsoft points ple because i am a tramp thx weeeeeey
can i have 1600-4000 microsoft points please and thank you. I need them for new content packs and to change my gamertag. Thnx bye
Can I get 2000 points for maps and cars
yo can u hook me up wit 2000 microsoft point
or at least 1000
Could I please have 800 points? I would like to get the fallout 3 dlc
may i please have 800 microsoft points..im new to xbox live and i never had any microsoft points before..and i need some so i can change my gamertag namee thank you..i would be evr so grateful
answer back at lazyana@yahoo.com
i need 4000 microsoft points for Arcade games and new maps
I never recive my points, i really need to change my gamertag i’ve already aske , so you know how many i want please
All i ask of you is that i can have any micosoft points to offer any. Please im desprate
please give me 800 free points so i can get the new fallout 3 add on please!!!!
may i have 600 points please for the halo 3 legendery map pack
my gamertag is Adamcolly1704
thank you
you are the best
i would like 2000 points for arcade games and tv shows
Please may I have 800 points to buy the new pack for Fallout 3? Thank you in advance!
Plz can i hav just 400 points to buy the 600 point legendary map pack 4 halo 3
My Gamertag is tnr95
i need 800 points so ic an get a fable 2 add on
can u giv me 2000 micro points plz coz i only got 50 microsoft points coz i bought the maw plz gimme a code
can u giv me 2000 micro points plz coz i only got 50 microsoft points coz i bought the maw plz gimme a code cmon plz i gotta change my gamer tag
Please send me some microsoft points.I am dead broke and i need some for halo 3 maps.Please send me some?
send bart2k9 500 microsoft points plez thankx
can i have 4000 points pleeez
Please Can I Have 800 Microsoft Points For Fable II Knothole Island Thanks SO SO Much
can i have 1000 microsoft points please so i can get some new extention pack for my game. thanks
Can i have a 1000 micro points please so i can get some stuuff for my game
Yea can i plz have 4000 xbox live points for the new halo maps fear 2 stuff and skate 2 updates
ive told all my m8s, and they really like the sitk
thank you so much
my gamer tag is timben1
Can I have 600 points for Halo 3 legendary map pack
please could i have 800 points or 1000 so i could change my xbox live gamertag because my friend mucked it up
Please culd you give me 1600 hundred microsoft points so i can change my name and get bomberman please :)
can i have 1,600 microsoft points for my 360 plz i need tochange my name my tag name is ABDU BOUDINA thank you
I need 4,000 microsoft points my gamertag is FasteningJason
I need about 1600. i need 2 800microsoft codes
necesito 1000 puntus para los mapas de call of duty 4 por favor se lo agradeceria mucho garcias
I just need 600 or more please.
my email is rawker13@gmail.com
1800 points please? My email is rawker13@gmail.com
i need 800 points for the gettin busy bonus pack
can i’ve 4,000 ms points pls
my gamertag is Swooshdstar1
Can i have 800 microsoft pointspleas
my e-mail is sheva-sui@hotmail.de
plz i am in desperate need of a new gamertag change because bungie dosnt let u change for free ny more so if u send me a code it will be alot of help! =] thank you! send codes to my gamer tag (VI CURSED IV)
could i have a few thousand i could use some new games thanks my email is stephen.sednek@yahoo.com
hey it would be awesome if i could get 4000 for some stuff thanks man heres my mail
would it be possible to receive 800 microsoft points to dowload the fallout 3 expansion pack as my dad wont use his credit card ?. thanks .
btw vulcan S117 is my xbox live id .
Can I please have 5000 pointa or more? I need to by items and games for my 360. my gamer tag is AdeebJ
If you do I will be very greatfull to you
I dont know any of the above.. lol.. anyway.. I’m trying to get some points for my boyfriend… he loves his damn Xbox 360 … lol… and I love him… All i need is 1600 points to make him happy.. and I want to surprise him… can u help me out??
CAN I HAVE 1600 PLEASE? MY EMAIL IS jscott_1324@yahoo.com
Hey, could i please have 1000 points!
E-mail is haza55535@hotmail.co.uk
Can i please have 800 free microsoft points :)
To change my gamertag
hi i need 1200 microsoft points for halo 3 maps
thanks alot,eric
gamertag xcelerate08
can i have 5000 micrsoft points please becuase i need to get loads of stuff on xbox live thanks
mna all i wont is 600 point so i can get the legendery maps for halo
can i plz have some points cause i need map pack for halo and cod4 plese thank u my xbox live name is lavey gunner thx
can i please have 1600 microsoft points for sn adreas download
i need 1600 points pls email at nabeelsudhir@gmail.com
I really need microsoft points to change my name and buy lots of map packs. Any amount of microsoft points is appreciated.
e-mail me if you need my gamer id for Xbox 360.
could I please have 1600 points for the map pack for cod 4
look,my parents had to save up for my xbox and i had to work at my uncles deli to buy call of duty and my family really doesent need to spend this money because my mom and dad works to hard to spend there money on this and i fell bad asking them to buy me them microsoft points
thanks for doing this,i appreciate peopl like you,
i need 2400 points gt is OMG itz LaZeReR
hey can i get 2300 microsoft points, my gt is Djsrulz thanks
points card ? any amount or xbox live code either? 12berke@gmail.com
can someone please email me some microsoft points, my email is brooch184@gmail.com thank you
please send me 1,000 microsoft points
could i please have 1000 points
i need 800 points for 3 on 3 arxade hockey
plzzz send me 1000 just this once i caint aford one plzzzzzzz
Hi i was wondering if i couls have 1000 points to change my gamertag!!
Hey, I’m not going to give ya some bull story,, Ok ?.
My kid and a few of his friends got me involved in a couple of games,
Yes, I’m a beginer.. I’ve noticed them kicking my ass everywhere on the game, then i saw they have all kinds of weapons,maps,etc,etc,etc..
well you get the idea,, so if you could see fit to helpin a Dad out so he could practice while they’re in school,, Well Maybe ol pop could get into the action a lil bit better,, so anything you want to throw my way,,,,
I sure would Greatly Appreciate it..
Thanks Guys.
D.M.S.1st ~HotRod420~
i need 600-1000 points
Plz can i have 4000 microsoft points my gamertag is kleenexxxLOL
can i have 4000 points plz
can i please have 1,000 ms points my gamertag is now XxShow no mercy
May i have 1600 ms for the map pack on Gears of war 2 and for halo 3
4000 pls i need dem
can i please get 800 points i need them for CoD 4 maps
i want 1000 pleace
i need 800 points for the gears of war 2 combustal map pack
need 600 points for halo3 map pack please.thank you
i need 1600 for the new lost and damned
can you please send 600-100 ms points to my email ty i will be so gratefull.
hi can i please can 1600 microsoft points because i need it for the cod 4 maps and halo 3 one please i am trying my best to get the genorator but it gave me a virus lastnight so i reformated my pc thanks legolas86680 gamertag
i need some please send me a code at rickytc3@yahoo.com
wow people are really esprete damn i was going to ask fo 6800 microsoft points to buy grand thef auto 4 the lost and damned and going to chang my gamertag. Ok for u to know my gamer tag is ExtreamAssassin. if you gave me the points i would really appreciate it but im not going to beg you like them i mean i had xbox for a while and never had microsoft points so if i get them i will be very happy and if you read this comment then thank you.
can i have some points please
hey i need 800 for fable 2 DLC.
if you could send a code to j_deighan@hotmail.com it would be greatly appreciated :)
or my gamertag is JerryD08
Can Somebody help me find 1600pts. I really need the code for it or another way to find it. Please contact me @ donesn@gmail.com thanks a lot
Please help with 1600 for GTA IV Lost and Damned
Please Give Me Bare Points, Need Them As I Have Just Renewed My Xbox Live!!!
i need 800 ms points please for the fallout3 alaska map pack thanks! ._. .-.
i need 800 points to change my name
i need 800 to cnage my gt
can i have 3000’s points becauase i want all of the burnout paradise updates
I need 1600 points because i want to buy Grand Theft Auto IV Lost And Damned :D
can i pleace get 1600 points
i need 1600 microsoft points for gamertag change and gears of war 2 maps please
1600 microsoft points please for gamertag change and gow 2 maps please
need 2100 points so i can get gow2 combustable map packs and change my name/ or get new gta addon
I need 800 points to buy 3 on 3 nhl arcarde..please and thank-you =)
I need the new maps for call of duty waw that are coming out in a few weeks and i would be extremly grateful if i got 4000 microsoft points
i need points for rock band band songs its for my kids they love it please
please may i have some points really would like new maps 4 halo 3 and cod 4 ….. please please please thank u thank u
I will trade 3 1 month acounts for 1000 points each. Or 2500 for all three. I can also help you get your 50 in halo 3.
1200 points spurs4euro@hotmail.com
can i have 600 for halo 3 maps please :D
CAN YOU GIVE ME 600 MICROSOFT POINTS PLEASE ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!
hi, i would like about 2000 microsoft points for burnout paraise cars. thanks
hey please give 4000 microsoft points plz. want call of duty maps and the new gta iv game. thank you
i want 1000 please
sorry can i have 1600 please i want to buy some games
i want 1000 plz
i need to change my name
i need 700 or 800 mirosoft points please to change my name tag please this will help me so much
can i have 1600 mircrosoft points to buy the lost and damned pack for gta iv
can i have 5300 wii points plzz
can i have 1600 microsoft points because buying the new gta4 game add on
may i please have 1000 mirosoft points becuse im trying to download indestructibal for rb2 and save some for the legendary maps on halo
i just need like 1200 so i can get fable 1
my Xbox 360(Original first model) suffered the Red ring of death, got it fixed 5 months ago and it’s dead again(after I got a 3 month xbox live), they wouldn’t repair it unless i pay( Why should I When it’s a manufacturing fault).I got a 3 month membership which is being wasted. have to buy a new console so if anyone has code for ms points (800 would be nice) help me as It would assist me in sticking one to Microsoft.
They owe me for my loyalty
P.s Look for my xbox 360 gamertag DedNTT if anyone can help. i’m usually on my friends console so i can still recieve messages.
p.p.s i want the moon too.Referimg to my first comment i was meant to say if anyone knows a way to get codes/points for free that would be useful. i don’t expect people to just give me their unused ones.(Although…. i wont say no). Thank u all
Hello, i really need some points for extra maps on halo 3, if you could help then i’d be really greatful!!!!!
i want some too
Can i please get 2000 ms point i need them for the next extention of fallout 3 !!!
hey i would just like 800 to change my GT name.
btw my GT is: fr0gg1e (its really kidish and i just want to change it cuz people rip on it in halo 3)
I hope this works, please can you send me a code for 1600 microsoft points for a game add on.
My GT is “Ryan Parsons7”.
Thanks man.
please give me 1000 points so i can get cod 5 theme and stuff.
2000 microsoft points for burnout cars
plzz help me get 4000 free Microsoft points codes
plzz help me get 1000 or 4000 free Microsoft points codes
i need 2100-3000 points please, there are some noew cool expansion packs
or any amount larger lol
Hey man, how bout 800 pts for the new fallout 3 content? Gamertag: Holy Basil.
i need point to watch movies and get better maps
i need them so i can play with my friends on gta4 lost and damned
1600microsoft points pleass
need 2000 microsoft points please to get my name changed and a game many thanks
I would like some points please!!! Thank you!!
i need ms points because i wanna buy xbox originals and live arcade games
i know im not gonna get em though
hey man i need like 2500 points cud u pls send id really appriciate it man
i need them for the mystic map pack
i need ponits plz plz
thanks you heaps
hey bro thanks heaps i need a few point if u got any thanks any ways
me agine i need 1200 pont plz
hello please can you give me 1600 Microsoft points so i can change my gamertag because people take the p out of it and maybe a little something else
thank you
i need 2600 points for gta ost and damned and also portal please help me or give me as many as u can
Need 1440 for download metallica song pack plz thx!
4000 for maps!!!!!
email me at atoner@sps.edu PLEASE!!!
gamer tag
Plzz send me 1600 microsoft points need them for halo 3 mythic map paks
i need 1600 microsoft points for gta plz
can i have a code for 1600 Microsoft points
gamertag: p0oPyMaN297
I would like 1000 please
I need 1000 points for Halo 3 map pack, please. Thank you in advance.
can i have 4000 microsoft points please sen me the code on my email aidan_36@hotmail.co.uk
Can I get a couple thousand xbox live microsoft points. I just go a 360 and I have the bottom of the barrel stuff and I would like to down load games and stuff cause I really don’t have much money. Thank you
Please i need 1600 points!
gamertag : itsMcLovinNr1
need 1600points for gta lost an damned
Plz i neeed 1600 in the nxt 24 hours so i can get the lost and the damned! pleeeeeeeeez
howbout 1600 PLz i need the new maps plz i could really hepl
Plz I really need them here is my reall adress
Can i please get 600 points for the halo 3 legendary map pack. Thank you!
can i have 800 for the combustible maps please ty :)
can i have 600 points for halo maps plz ?
Hey i really need game points for the new call of duty maps please may i have a code as i cant get them before the maps come out
i just need 1000 points, k?
oh i mean 4000
can i please have 800 to change my name please thank you
Could i have 2400 microsoft points? I`ll buy the map pack and switch my gamertag for clan tag. And the rest 800 microsoft points for back switch, if needed.
can 800 microsoft ponts for call of duty 4 please !!! Thank You
Hi there,
i would be very happy if you can give me 800-1000 points for the fallout 3 addon.
My Gamertag ist Verde220k
Can i have 4000 microsoft points for games please
My gamertag is: toby man 2
can i have 10,000 please
can i plz have 2600 points plzzzzz my gamer tag is oix matt xio
Hi this is for my friend, Teknoshot48, he is really in need of 700 points to change his name. Please send them.
if you can give me some, just at least 1,200 so i can buy a classic game, if
you can thanksm/ rock on
Plz I NEED 600 ms points to get Legendary map pack.PLZ!!!THNX!!!!!!!!!!!
could I please have 2000 points so I can get some new maps in a bunch of games. Thanks.
can i have 3000’s points because i want all of the gh updates
can i have 1600 for lost and damned
plz could i have 1000 microsoft points to download new zombie map this is my gamertag- benaldo99
No. You can’t have points. You are asking for money and people don’t just give you money when you ask for it on a website. Look how many people above you just asked for the same thing before you post.
i need 1000 points thanks
ID REALLY GREATLY APPRECIATE 2 Codes im asking for 2 for me and my friend please if you cannot send two send 1 at least please ill take any microsoft points please msg back asap thank you
hey can i please get any where b/t 2000 to 6000 points i dont ever get money cause my mom always takes it my gamer tag is Shadowgrasty
can i please have 1600 points thank u
i need 800 point for the new COD:WAW map pack 1 my faimly is a ruff time and walmart is like a state over from us
i wna get the map pak 4 cod waw so can i hav 1000 points
hey please may i have 800 microsoft points for new maps on cod 5.
i need 1000 points so i can hav the new cod 5 map pack with the nazi zombies
would be very gratefull
dose thiz really work coz i havent got any yet but still can i plz have 800 so i can change my name plz thanks bud
Well, if everyone else is going to say what they want, i well too
I need 500 for the CoD WW maps, i’ll be very grateful
oh yeah, email is baberdon@yahoo.com
plz can i have 1600 points my name is LUKEYKOSTER
i need 1000 gamer point for the cod 5 maps please ty
may i av 800 points so i can get CoD waw map pack 1 plzzz
Can i get the code for the 1600 LATD GTA IV please
Hi I Need 800 mspoints plz for COD:WAW Map pack 1 my email is paularg@hotmail.co.uk
i really need 800 points for COD WAW maps PLEASE
hi i really need 800 microsoft points thats all plz plz send them to my gamertag mickD3412
can i have 1000 please?
blatently isnt going to work
proove me wrong
i need 1000 microsoft points for cod 5 please thank you :)
is this really a free 1000 mic point for the 360 how do i get it the code for the point please
please givee me 1000 MS for duke nukeem 3d.
i need 5000 microsoft points!! for gh!!
same please can i have 800 points for the new map pack for cod waw. my gamertag is jakeums5
please can i have 1600 microsoft points so i can buy the Lost and Damned please i would be very thank full if you would send them to me
thanks alot
Can i please have 800 points for Fifa plz cheers
i need 2500 points please for new cod 5 maps
can i have 2800 free microsoft points for arcade games.
Gamertag is O111O11O10111001
yo i need like 1000 points for call of duty world at war map pack my gamer tag is Denver Broncos8
can i get 800 points for the call of duty map pack please. thank you if you send me it
can i please have 1000 microsoft points to buy a xbox classic game thank you
Hey may i have 800 Microsoft Points for the Call of Duty:World At War Map Pack 1 ZOMBIES!!! Please and Thank you = )
Hey may i have 800 Microsoft Points but 1000 would be great. for the Call of Duty:World At War Map Pack 1 ZOMBIES!!! Please and Thank you = )
1000 points plz for cod 5 maps
can i have 4000 microsoft points so that i can get the new cod waw maps and change my name and get a movie
i reall need 800 microsoft points for new maps call of duty world at war new maps! thanks
please can i have 500microsoft points to dowload some stuff
it would be very gangster of you to put 800 microsoft on my acount, a bubble thankyou
it would be very gangster of you to put 800 microsoft points on my acount, a bubble thankyou
can i hve 800 points to get fifa 09 ultimate team
can i have 1000 microsoft points emailed to me please for the new cod waw map pack my email is Cheezeballs20@yahoo.com
please can i have 600 microsoft points i need for fifa 09 ultimate team my gamertag is Danny T Mc i already have 200 points. thanks
can i please have 600 points for the halo legendary map pack? I need it so you can actually play cool maps.
please can i hafe 1000 microsoftpoints gamertag: LG I x NIGHTHUNT.
email me mrsammy@live.nl
LG I x NIGHTHUNT. sorry foul name
i need 100 points so i can get the map pack for cod 5
i meant 1000 points
i need 9000 microsoft points to get my kid here games
can i have 800 mp plz for cod 5 map pack 1?
can i have 1000 for the new cod waw maps
i Need 800 microsoft points to Buy maps for halo3 i Need Ãt for the mithic maps pack, please my imail is itachi042000@yahoo.com
Please can I have 1000 ms points for the new zombie maps on cod – my gamertag is whackymr nick thanks
please may i have 1000 points for Oblivion please thank you.
hey i need 800 microsoft point for the new fifa card game i cant afford it at the minute as i have just had my daughters birthday it would be appriciated for the free points thankyou
Can i get 1000 Points for Fifa 09 Ultimate team!
Pleas, Please, Please, Please!!!
Could you please send me some points for the halo maps
need 1000 microsoft badly for new maps plz send them over :)
can i plz have 1600 poit and can u plz send it to gamertag:-krazy3bood
pls can i have 850 points for CODwaw
Please can you send me 800 points for cod 5 please if you do i’ll literlly love you please send me some il be too gratefull
xBaDx KiiLL3Rx
i need 800 microsoft points for the new call of duty wow maps plz thxs if you can do that nice one
i need 800 for new map pack one cod waw
please send me 800 for fable 2 add on my gamertag is vrygrimm
can i have 200 plz or more
I need 2100 today PLEASE so I can get GTA IV P{LEASE REPLAY CHEERS MAN YOUR THE BEST:):):)
can i have 1600 ms points for midnight club la south sentrel and for family game night.
Could I have 1400 points to get the death magnetic album on guitar hero 3 please?
i need points for the pitt in fallout 3. plZ send
Can you send me 1000points so i can get ultimate team on Fifa Plz ;-}
Hi, I’m looking to get a new gamertag, and i need 800 ms points, could you please get me some. thanx i appreciate it
can you send me 1200 points so i can get gta san andreas
can please have 4000 points i would like to get the fallout dlc’s and the new halo maps,
Thank you
Gamertag: Zouaves
can i plz have atleast 800 points cuz i bought microsoft points and i changed my name . but i spelled it wrong. so plz. it was supposed to be xViCi0US but i put xViTi0Us :(
can i have 5000 free microsoft points plz thx
please send me code of microsoft points! e need 1600 please!
i really nedd friend! thanks you stay king!
send me 800 microsoft points to my email at blueeyedsk8r92@yahoo.com
I need xbox live points I never had any to use
please send to harvet219@gmail.com
Could i have 800 points to buy an add on for fifa 09, the ultimate team..thank you very much!!!
Please can i have free microsoft points only 2100 i need new maps for gears of war two so i can do a clan thing please
thank you
4000 points would be great, ur a legend if i get em
PLZ can u send 4000 ms points 2 my email adress along with ur live name n ill add u as a friend PLZ PLZ PLZ send points
my email is nathan13@hotmail.co.uk
has anyone actually recieved points/point codes yet
the points i would like are 4 name change, new maps on cod 4 and 5, and a game or 2 plz plz may i have points thanx thanx thanx
also i live in england
i need 1200 points for maps in gear of wars2 thanks!
Can I please have some US Microsoft points, I need to change my Name Really badly
Hey man may i please have at least 2000 microsoft points so i can buy a game but if u can give me like 4000+ that i would reall really appreaciate send me the code[s] to deviousassasin@rocketmail.com thank you
can i have 4000 points plz x n can u get bk asap
please may i have 4000 ms points thanks
i would like 1000 point for map plz
Can i have the 1000 points plz i need the new maps on gears :/ it does ma headin dat u have to pay for them :@
please can i have 800 microsoft points for the new call of duty maps please thank you
I would like 300 points for the new maps on halo. Thanks
can i plz have 1600 points to buy the gears of war map packs plz
Dude can i please have 880 mircosoft points for Megadeths Peace sells album on Rock band 2? if you can that would sweet
can you please send me 1600 points for the gta iv app????
plz 1600mp plz
1600 mp plz
I need 800 microsoft points please…
Coulld i have some points, i really need a new gamer tag
lol x Cats
i need 1000 microsoft pionts for the NBA Live 365 packet so I can update my roster and other things…PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!
plz i need more DLC for RB2 plz send me 4000 or 1600 plz i dont have money
all I need is 800 4 cod5 maps PLEASE
i need 1600 microsoft points for new zombie map on COD5.. Please!
hello, please could you be kind enough to give me some points.
i need 800 for a fifa add-on
em could i please get some microsoft points so i can change my name ….800 microsoft points … thank you
I need 800 points for fifa please
can i have 5000 plez to get hale maps and gears of war 2 maps plez gamertag is ELITEMERKAGE1
i want micro pts plz just 1600 4 new mytic pack on halo 3
i want micro pts plz just 1200 4 new mythic pack on halo 3
i want microsoft points plz just 1200 4 new mytic pack on halo 3
hi i need only 400 ms points pls if you send the reedem code send it to this:legendtomb@yahoo.com
i need micro pts plz just 1600 for new mythic map pack on halo 3
I need microsoft points. I don’t know how many I will need, but 4000 would be my preferable lowest, since I want to be on the safe side.
i need 1600 micrsoft points please. i wan´t to change may name and some halo 3 maps, please
could i have 800 points for mythic mappack email me code plzzz
at commanderz@comcast.net
I only need 200 points for the mythic maps on halo3 I just got back from iraq can anyone help
Can you please send me 1,000 micro points, I need it to buy new maps for CoD 5.
Gamertag- Patman6666
Thank you, Patrick
can i have 1600 microsoft points so i can buy castle crashers
plz can i have 800mp to buy the halo 3 mythic map pack please
ps the names SLAMMERTAG…
May I have 1600 points please
i need some microsoft points 4 the ne mytic map pack i need 2500 plz thx
Could someone please give me 2100 as i would appreciate it so i could buy new maps and games my xbox live gamertag is xDAREDEVILxNTJ thanks if u want to give me them just add me and tell me the code thanks
i need 2000microsoft points
i need 1600 points for the mytical map pack for halo 3 and i want to get some more rockband1,2 and guitar hero world tour
hey i really nedd the points for the Halo 3 mystic map pack plz plz email me them at leroydaman20@gmail.com
plz give me 1600 pionts i need to buy the new map packs for halo 3 so i can get cool armor
i need 2000 microsoft points for the cod 5 and halo 3 new maps
Can i have 800 points so i can buy the cod 5 maps please. Thanks
NEED MS POINTS PLZ 4000 will work
Plz may i have 4000 ms points for new maps on gears of wars 2 and to change my name. Thanks tht would be much appreciated My gamerstag is:TheKingOfSwing1
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i need them to change name and get GoW maps
I need 1600 ms points pls! i’ve been trying to get them for months, but i have no money. I have to give all my money to my mom so that we can have cable /=
if u can send the code to my xbl gamer tag skater0451
i need 800 4 new mytic map pack on halo 3
send me 600 microsoft points so i can get the mythic map pack on halo 3
i need 5000 points 4 map packs and if i dont get that many points my friends wont play wid me in halo3 anymore and i will be left out of CoD5 nazi zombies verrituk and my friends will hate me so can i have those codes for mappacks and movies. pls thx
PLz can i have 1600 for new maps my GT is Devil Dark Hawk
hi can you send me pls 2100 microsoft points for halo mythic map pack and legandery
Gamertag:DaRk xXDeMoNXx
umm please can i have 800 for the knothole island ting for fable 2?
please im from argentina and i dont have any place to buy ms points.
i discover how to play by live and i realy want to download gears of war 2 maps.
thank you
Could i please have 1500 Microsoft Points for the new Mythic Pack on Halo 3 Please
i need 1000 microsoft points for map pack on cod waw plz chears
please ineed 4000 or 1600 mp for arcade game and snowblind map pack gears2 idont have money to buy it :(
plz may i just have 800 Microsoft points that’s all am asking for
may i please have 800 microsoft points to change my gamertag? please and thankyou!
can i please have 4000 points PLEASE. need them for gears maps
I need 800 Microsoft points for Fifa 09 Ultimate.
Can’t thank you enough!
can i have some ms points pleeeeease:( for fifa ultimate team
i need 600 microsoft points for maps pleasseeee. thanks
please i need 4000 point for my cousins birthday he just got out the hospital please i need them my gamertag is eman is pie 314
i need 800 point for gears of war snowblind map pack
could u send me gamer points so i can change my gamertag my gamertag is x WeE StEwArT
can i please have free Microsoft points! Really want the cod 4 maps!
please may i have 1600 microsoft points i need to buy cod 5 maps please i beg of you!!!
plz can i have 4000 points i wanna get the map packs for call of dutyWAW and GOW2 map packs send it to that email above
my email is nblake108@yahoo.com
Will give trade someone a one month for microsoft points. MY gamertag is
(the 0 in my name is a zero)
can i hav 2000 pts 4 halo 3 map packs?
Hey i need 800 microsoft points please for the new fifa ultimate teams?
Will be much abliged :) thankyou in advance
please can i have the points, i just want a few to get some songs of rock band, =]
can i please get 1000 microsoft points
will trade 600 points for a 3 month gold subscription card ASAP!!!!
Hey wassap is it possible you can send about 1600 points or more my way. The reason is that I’ve recently purchased the Guitar Hero Metallica game and was really wanting to buy the Death Magnetic dlc for it. there is also a game called The Dishwasher Dead Samurai thats pretty fun. also there are the map packs for World at War, and Gears of War 2 (800 points each [expensive? I know kind of a rip off])
But yeah as many points as possible would be much apreciated, my email is borderhopper26@aim.com
Thank You Very Much In Advance
can i have 1000 points please
j’ai besoin de 2000 point
can i please have 1600 for gta lost and dammed and if not can i have 800 for n + please and trhank you gamer tag is xxbabyboy1594xx
800 points for mythic map pack please.
Hey could I have 1600 there is an expansion for PSU and Smackdown vs Raw 2009
My email is Chasm_x2@Yahoo.com Plz send them thank you
i need 2100 for oblivion add-ons
i need da’ coins please
Hey can i please have 800 MS points to Jimisme123. for halo 3 mythic maps. thanks!
i need 400 microsoft points for the new ultimate team on fifa09 please send as i want to join my friends on it:(
sorry i meant to put 800..
please give me microsoft point i really need them to get the new halo maps please anything 600 800 1000 1600 anything please ill be really thankful
email is bond09@hotmail.co.uk thanks
Can i have 800 points for mythic map pack for halo 3 plz. i just want the map to play online with my friends cause they all have it but i dont
give us 1000 points 4 cod5 maps plz
could i pwease hav 1800 microsft points please
please could i have 1000 points… for some track packs on guitar hero and some bits and bobs
prob isnt going to work but you could prove me wrong …:)
can i have 2000 ms points to buy mythic and zombie map
Hi can i borrow 4000 microsoft points so i can catch up on map packs?
Email= jacobrazzberry777@hotmail.co.uk
Gamertag= Jake Razzberry (i need to change that aswell)
Thank you so much :)
i need them for fifa 09 ultimate team please can i have 800
please i want the cod 5 maps
Need, 900 for some arcade gamess :)
thankss (;
hi im new to these points. but i fancy getting 800 points for free and everyone is asking for them here so i’ll give it a go and chance my luck.
thanks. gamertag is stitchgrin2
i need 1600 microsoft points for a name change and maps on call od duty 4… please and thank you in advance much much thanks
i need 1600 microsoft points for halo 3 pleeze and thanks!!
OUTRUN is 800. i need it. would much appreciate. doubt this will work but its a shot. email is mizzoureezy@gmail_com
I need 200 microsoft points for the wizards fortress on oblivion
hi i need 1000 microsoft points 4 halo 3 i need the mythic map pack
i really need microsoft points for call of duty worl at war new map pack and a name change! pleaze and thanks in advance plz
my little brothers turning 12 soon and i want to get him the new halo 3 maps, my mum and dad say im not alowwed to buy him stupid accessories for a stupid game but i can do this without them knowing. please i love my little bro. =)
Can i please have 4,000 microsoft points to buy an NHL 09 team. It would mean alot to me, considering my friend and I have had numerous D1 teams stolen. Thank you very much.
Send the code to me at:SMPAsportsrocks@AOL.com
Can i please have 1200 microsoft points so i can buy castle crashers. thank you :)
plz i need microsoft points for halo 3 map packs
send 1600 too baseballer1994@suddenlink.net plz!!! i need maps on halo and a name cheange!! much thanks
please i need points email is audaris@live.com
please i need points email is audaris@live.com plz
may i have 3500 points added to my account, will u send it to bballplyrchase@aol.com
Dude i need 1000 microsoft points plz and thank you
can i please get 1000 microsoft points for a fallout 3 extension??
thank you
i need 800 points for call of duty world at war can u send me some?
hello please could yo send me 800 microsoft points because i really need the halo 3 mythic map pack but have recently had she will not pay
hello please could yo send me 800 microsoft points because i really need the halo 3 mythic map pack but have recently had she will not pay for them i have made lots of great forges and getting this map pack will help the halo community. my gamer tag is mike oxlong 99 thankyou
haverecently had an argument with my mum and she will not pay for them
i need 100000 microsoft points plz i need them for halo3 and cod4 and5 maps cuz i spent all my $$$$ on xbox live cards
so plz.
hey i really need 1600 microsoft points to get the call of duty waw maps and the cod4 maps please will you send them????? please
I need 800 microsoft points for new Call of Duty WaW maps, plz can i get some point from you ??
Greetz Alex
I need 5000 microsoft points please.
plz send me a code if u dont mind
plzzzzz i need ms points gimmi 4000 every week plz do a kid a favor ok send to my e-mail =)
thnxs for the points
Hi there,
Would you please send me 800 to 1000 points so i can get Call of Duty maps or even 1600 so i can change my gamertag too.
Thanks if you could possibly do this. Would much appreciate it ;)
He, I would like to have 1600 microsoft points to buy Sid Myers Pirates….Thanks
need 4000 microsoft points for cod 4 maps please
Hey can i have 1600 microsoft points please for the GTA IV Lost and Damned?
i need 1600 points for madden09
hey, i need like 800 MS at least so i can finnally see what the buzz is about the mythic, legendary, or heroic map packs for halo 3. I make no money and my parents are going thru a divorce. Please help me! (get points)
but 4000 would do just fine. more than fine, i would be in life long debt spiritually if i get more than 2000. Just dont have the money anymore
I would much enjoy to have at least 1600 microsoft points so i can finnally find out what the big thing about all the Halo 3 maps is. Parents going thru devorce so money is realy tight. 4000 would make me cry with happyness.
need 800 points for bomber man piz and ty
ok if it does work plz can i hav 500 points
can i have 1600 points plz for fifa and the halo maps plz
Can i Please have 600 Microsoft points for the legendary map pack for halo 3
thank you
i need 800 microsoft points bad i want to get the ccx car on need for speed undercover please help i had enough points one time but i downloaded the wronge thing and they wouldnt refund my points so please help i will greately appreciate it so much!
hey ive been trying to get microsoft points for the longest time and nothing works. im flat out broke and really want to get the halo 3 map packs for me and my brother for his bday. if you could help me out i would be soo thankful
1000 points or more would be very helpful. 2000 would be just dandy so i can rent some movies and get another map pack for cod. please help me out. im soooooo bored haha
please send points to zachkerkorian@comcast.net and ill send some back when i have money to buy them
i need 12 microsoft gamer point codes this is the only i’m asking for i will never ask again if you give me the codes.
my gamertag is omgblackman
Hello, i really need the points right now for a name change because my gamertag is not suitable anymore, thanks… Luis.
if tis works can you please give me a code for 10000 microsoft points,
despeate fot the call of duty maps and gears of war 2 maps!
please reply
can i have a code please
i need 2500 microsoft points please for add on
i need 2400 microsoft points please for add on
need 2850 microsoft points please for add on
I would greatly appreciate some MS points PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if possible 800 for the new map pack on COD WAW. Dont want to b rude or anything but if you do thanks in advance appreciate what you do coz MS points are quite expensive, and i really want the map pack gamertag is MelonMurderer (its a crap name i know it makes no sense). anyway if you do i’d more than gladly give a month trial for x box live please and thank you
i need 1600 points for halo 3 maps
kwood mugget is my gamertag
can i have around 1500 points for the new halo 3 maps?
plz plz plz, may i have 4000 free microsoft pionts sent to my xbox live acount = skater17addz
i have been looking everywhere online for the past 2 weeks, as i can not afford microsoft points. =]
send some to my email adress or gamertag called bladefeed about 1600
i need 800 microsoft points for the halo 3 mythic map plz.
can u tell me the code because me me live runs out on the 7 of may 09 me gamertag is xxelitetunicxx
i really need microsoft points please
please i just got xbox live and all i want is some points. idc how many just enough so i can buy maps. thank you very much
i need 800 microsoft points for cod 5 please my gamertag is toughgym
send the code to my email i gave u
I noticed there are a lot of people asking for points so I thought I would give it a try and see what happens, so I would really appreciate it if you just sent me like 500 microsoft points so i can download this Broken Steel Game Add on so that Fallout 3 wouldn’t have such a crappy ending. Doubt this will work, but you guys are awesome if it does.
hey dude i rely need the new cod 5 maps so it u can can u send me some points chers :) ( gamertag : jack477) 800 points (send the code)
may i plz have 4000 points for all the fallout game add-ons
and to change my name thank you very much
i will explode when i get them thank you again
hello may i have 800 microsoft points so i can get the new call of duty 5 maps please and thankyou :)
Necesito 1000 microsoft points , o por al menos 950 o 750
please may i have 1000 because i will be able to buy call of duty 4 map pack and some new cars for need for speed undercover if not can i have 800 thx.
could you send me just 300 microsoft pointss so i can buy the fifa ultimate team please thanks if you do gamer tag: kered brown
yooooooo please i would love the new nothern badlands map pack on lord of the rings battle for middle earth soooooo please can i have 500 microsoft points?????
hello can i have 2400 microsoft points please. so i can get TLAD and ultimate team gt danielofwbafc
i need microsoft points ty
i need 1000 microsoft points for fable 2 see the future
i need ms points for halo 3 map packs n my girlfriend wants the old banjo kazooie please send me some mate im in need
i need 1000 microsoft points for fallout 3 plz
can I have 1000 microsoft points please thank you
Man can i get some Microsoft points please man i need to buy my variety packs for call of duty 4 Please Thanks Man
Can i have 2100 microsoft points please to buy some games thankyou
I Need 4000 Mircosoft points For My Xbox360 For My LiL’ Sister for Rock Band 2 And Lips For New Songs For Both
i need some add on o can you give me 3200(name is my xbox live account)
can i have 1000 microsoft points please badly need them for cod 5 maps
need 800 for cod 5 map pack please thanks
need 800 points for cod5 map pack please thanks
i need 12 month of live is it possible ??
points plz any amount
can you send me 1000 mircosoft points plz i need maps for halo 3 plz send them to bulkistcornet thank you
please please please may i have 1600 microsoft points to buy (FIFA09 ULTIMATE TEAM) and the (CODWaW MAP PACK 1) if you could do this for me i will be so happy and gratefull. thanks kidkiller.
I could use 1500 points for Fable 2 downloads knothole island an see the future.
Would make my borin day off work nice an eventful :).
plz can i have microsoft pionts need to change ma name
can i have 1050 microsoft points
can i have 600 please im new to this site my gamertag is Mob Sucka ILL DO ANYTHING not lying
Having these microsoft points will let me buy the fable and halo wars add ons
Could you send me 4 million points, i am too cheap to buy them and i figured that if everyone else is begging i could beg also. I know, getting a job and working for it would be so much easier, but what the heck, maybe i will get lucky.
Microsoft screwed up big style and charged my account for my Live even when I redemmed my 3 month voucher. Now I can’t afford any points for the new Halo maps :(
800 would sort me out.. Cheers mate.
GT: CrossProjectin
Could you send me 1600 gamerpoints or a gamer point code my gamertag is mikeyo526
I would love to get 800 or more MS points. I have had the same gamertag for over 3 years. Thanks,
Love Is
(Italain translation for username)
Hey, could you possibly send me some points. 800 is all I really need. I’d appreciate it so much.
Please, I need 800 points, I want mythic map pack on halo 3:)
plz need 800 for cod 5 map pack
hello mate please can i have some microsoft points i want about 1880 please mate email me on my hotmail many thanks ryan
Can i have 4000 Microsoft points so i can get halo 3 maps plezzz i really need them plez
my gamer tag is Lt Darl plezz send me 4000 Microsoft points
Hey i need 1600 points to download Lost And Damned For GTA IV plz
plz send me microsft points thank you.!!!!
I need a 1600 point code
im having a money problem but want to change my name because it is stupid can i have 800 points please?
please can you send me a code for 800 microsoft points please
umm i definetly need microsoft points-i’ve never had none but i would to have the feeling of buying something on the market place.Can i please have 1600 microsoft points?
Please send me 4k microsoft points my family has no money my dad just got laid off and i dont live with my mom also i dont have a job im just lucky to have an xbox my gamertag is Primm0 please
can i please have 1600 microsoft points its for my little brothers birthday and i have no money
Can i have 1600 mirosoft points?it’s not much but i really need some.My Gamertag:Wasabi Fighter1
i need to get some game add ons.
much appreciated !^^
i need 1600 microsoft points please all my friends have the same sort of name and want it to please please please please please
i need 600 microsoft points to change my GT plz
got myself a code re enabler id like to try out can you send me a used code so i can see if it works
love to know
hell post it to email: imacowardlol@gawab.com please so i can have a chance to try it
would like you to tell me the amount of points it was too
thanx a bunch
Can I plz have 100,000 points? Puh puh puh pl3z???
plz can i have some microsoft points plz so i can download halo 3 maps
Can i have 2100 ms points please i need to change my tag nd buy the COD 5 maps my tag is dannys154 nice 1 m8
i need 800 to get the legendary map on halo…. plz!!!!!
I doubt anybody will give anybody points on here but I would REALLY LOVE IT if somebody e-mailed me a code for 1200 points. I want Castle Crashers so badly. My e-mail is supermastergamer@verizon.net. So anybody who has any points lying around or just feels like being super nice, please e-mail me! Thanks to anybody that does and heck, if you give me your gamertag along with the points maybe we’ll play Castle Crashers together.
hey i need 1000 points
i need 1600 ms points for castle crashers my gt is Colt45 n 2 zigz
hey could i get a couple thousand points?
i am skeptical about this but if your giving any away i would like some cus i need to change my gamertag and i also need to get a few themes and whatnot
muchly appreciated
PlEASE i need it for fallout 3 expaons and mabey halo maps i will help you with any game (i have )with tips lvl up and more for who one gives me micrsoft point
i need 2100 ms points for a bunch of stuff PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My e-mail is danieldrozda@hotmail.com
I want some microsoft points for games on the dashboard. I want at least 1600 microsoft points! Please?
all i need is 450 microsoft points so i can buy the disturbed track pack
listen i know you might not do this but i need 400 mp so i can get a cheap arcade game, thats all i ask thanks for reading
can i plz have 1800 microsoft points thank you
all i really need is 800 MP please.I want to buy CoD:WaW Map Pack 1
hi plz send me a 2100 Microsoft points plz i have been dying for free points i have searched every web and then i found this one
i need 1200 msp so i can down load diferent halo maps on xbox live i am realy desperate for new stuff
I NEEED 800 points to change my name PLEASE!
plz ppl i need to get cod5 new map pack i havent got it in ages im begging u plz send me 800 points plz
plz can i have 10,000 ms points please thank you send to lickalotof
i need 1800 , 2100 , 4000 please
1800 or 4000
4000 see it when it happens
ples 1000ms ponts for halo map pack
i need 800 points for call of duty 5 so i can download map pack, please…..
i would like 2000 for various thing, please im not asking for much
plzz m8 could u hook me up wid 1200 microsoft points so i can get more themes and map packs hope u can cheers
plzz m8 could u hook me up wid 1000 microsoft points so i can get more themes and map packs hope u can cheers
can u hook me up with 1000 MS points plz m8 i need themes and map packs
can some one send me xbox live points my e-mail is johncuella08@aol.com
plzzz micrsoft points plzzz plz and thank you with all my heart
can i have 1600 micrsoft points plzz i need to change my name get bk to me soon as possible
can i have tho code plez aston_villa_f@hotmail.co.uk
can i have 1600 microsft point plez my gt is IanZ BeastZ xX
I really NEED not want but i NEED some Microsoft Points please i REALLY need some i need a max of 1600 and a min of 1000 please just send me as many as you can i will be extremley greatful.
plz can i have 800 points for the cod maps
Can I get 1000 Microsoft points……I love playing team slayer on Halo3 but now I cant because you have to have the mythic maps now…..I already have 200 points but the maps cost 800….Please, I would appreciate it the most out of everyone here
i needz pointz! 800 plz
OMG i need 800 mp for change mi name plx
i need to get 1800 microsoft points so i could buy gta4 lost and damed so some one has some just send me a messege to my gamer tag is afternoonten and plzzz give me some i never had it plzzzzzzz
can i have 800 microsoft points to get the new call of duty maps
can i have 800 microsoft points for the new call of duty maps
it would be great to get some free microsoft points,i am a little poor at the moment,and could do with the points for cod waw,new map pack.thanks
4000 points plz ill believe when it happens and reffer and spread the word positivly if it does.
Please can i have 2100 microsoft ponts, i need versus mode on re5 and 2 map packs on cod 5, please please please,
Thank you for putting it into consideration
can i have 1600 micrsoft points please i realoly need them for new maps send them to chicas.jose@ymail.com please
I want the microsoft points very poor now after bying xboxlive suff + xbox
can someone please send me 1000 MS points? I just need 1000 more til i get the game i want on the market place! my email is
can i have 1000 points please so i can down load mappack
can you please send me atleast 800 m points need for cod4 variety map pack ty
my email is yefri456@hotmail.com
i would like points to buy new maps and to buy arcade games so plz help
plz i need microsoft points i need 4000 bad cause my i dont have maps and cany play online on alot of my games plz send a code to garyneil_2005@hotmail.com
ok so i got my 360 for my birth day and i lost my job after that and im trying to get a new one but times are hard can i get 4000 points to get some games
can i pleaze have 1000 micro soft points to buy call of duty world at war map pack 1 so i can play the zombie asylm map with my friends send them to fruitykid@gmail.com that would be nice
excuse me may i have a couple pointss? im brokee
Thanks can i have 1000 free points
Alex55669 is my gamertag mate
plz plz plz plz i really need some m.s point for halo 3 maps REALY REALY DO SO CAN U SEND ME SOME POINTS
Can you send me 1000 ms points so i can change my gamer tag/new maps for halo and gears of war 2 plz. gamer tag:IcedSNIPER510
plz may i have 2100 ms points plz need new cod 5 maps nd change name thanx
i need only 800 msp for the new cod 5 map pack 2 coming out later on tonite all my friends r gonna leave me out if i dont get these please be the charitable friend you are
i need only 800 msp for the new cod 5 map pack 2 coming out later on tonite all my friends r gonna leave me out if i dont get these please be the charitable friend you are
my gamertag is : streetja
no caps or spaces just streetja
lets see if this works which it probs wont who the f@#k am i kiddin
I know you are probably tried from people asking for Microsoft point but can you please please send me 1600 or so I am poor and cant afford to buy them i have to borrow all my game so please can i have some my gamer tag is fireboy3159
seen some my way please any
pleaws it be graitfull of u if you give me 800 microsoft points for fallout 3 the pitt
Yes please :)
Need 600 points for map pack on cod4
hi i need 800 ms points for need for speed pro street car pack and i dont have money to buy 800 ms points so please give me 800 ms points.
PLEAS ALL My friends have all these cool things from there microsoft points but i cant because my parents dont let me buy them so please please pleas please please help and give me points:(
i need 530 please
i need 1600 MS points for a new xbox live name and the shi no numa map pack for call of duty world at war
plz can i have microsoft points about 1600 so i can change my name and download mappacks for call of duty 5 thank you send the code to coolcraig005@aol.com thanks
please can i have 1600 because i need cod 5 maps and i have no money tah (Y) your best bud dows!!
Need 500 points for call of duty 5 maps
I was wondering if you could just give me 800 ms points so i could get cod5 maps My gamertag is Dance Halo
please ur buddy,
Dance Halo
my gamertag is C0IIiTO add me if you like im on all the time and my email is blingking2150@aol.com i got 22 codes if anyone wants to exchange codes or just add my gamertag and ask for them
sorry dude first time on this any chance for 1600 just want map packs for cod 5 please gamer tag cozzy reborn??
need points
can you please send me atleast 800 m points need for cod4 map pack2
my email is tyrone1257@gmail.com
helloz can someone tell me how to get free points for xbox live plz thank you for time hope i get responce
plz i need microsort points 1200 for the new maps for CoD WaW PLZ PLZ HELP ME plz send me the code to england_the_best20@hotmail.co.uk
please give me 800 microsoft points my gamertag is oO T Byrne Oo
need 1000 microsoft points for new cod 5 map pack 2
i really like playing cod5 and halo 3 so i was hoping that u can give me 2,ooo microsoft points for the mythic map pack and new map pack 2 on cod 5 thankyou so much
i wud lik 800 point plz so i can get the new cod 5 maps i havent gt map pak 1 n wud lik it but now map pak 2 is out n defo need dat so plz can u email me 800 point
i wud lik 800 point plz so i can get the new cod 5 maps i havent gt map pak 1 n wud lik it but now map pak 2 is out n defo need dat so plz can u email me 800 point my gamer tag iz grottyMR MUSCLE
i need only a 1600 or 2 500 microsoft point codes plz my
gamertag is bruskiiijc
plz i need for new cod5 zobie maps!!
hi plz may i have 3100 for cod 5 maps and some arcade games coz my m8z have them all lol thank you
Can I please have 800 or 1000 or 1600 points for the halo map pack. My dad wont let me buy them unless they accept pay pal. Thanks!
Can I have 1000 Microsoft points? I really want to the new map packs but it’s not in my budget to buy them.
i need 1000 microsoft pts to download maps for a game i wanted to play plz
i like some microsoft points to buy map pack 1 and map pack 2 on cod waw
plz help me i need 2000 microsoft moints so i can get the call of duty 5 map packs plaese please help me im diying for them
pretty plz im beggan ya i need 800 microsoft points to change my tag i dont get poket money xxx
Can u give me 500 microsoft points for PGR4 bonus vehicles?
i neeed 1000 microft point to new map on burnout paradice plzzzzzz
can i have 1200 anyone send the code to email knowlesm84@yahoo.co.uk please
i need 2400 plz im beging u my msn is matt_523@hotmail.co.uk
if u dnt i will be sad and if u do i will repay u
can i have 4000 points to buy maps and halo 1 plz
cheers :)
please send me 1600 microsoft points. thank you.
hey can i have 1600 microsoft points please it would be great thanks.
can i have 800 ms for halo 3 mythic map pack. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can i plz hav 1000 microsoft points so i can play Fantasy football on fifa! Plz send a code my way YIZZERR
i need 1000 mircosoft points to get maps i want to play, plz can u get me them?
i need 1600 microsoft points to download maps
email me at theundead09@gmail.com
i reallyneed 800 ms points please
i really need 800 ms points please
i need microsoftpoints for the halo 3 map pack all i need is 800 plz and thank you if i get them
can i plz hav 2100 points for the halo 3 maps because its annoying when i get kicked or excluded from games
plz i need 4200 microsoft points so badly to get a game and map packs and my dad won’t let me get any so plz send me a code to
Can I have 1600 wii points please so I can get the enternet channel
can i plz have 1200 microsoft points my x box is broken and cant ready discs so the only way i can play is if i buy the games from live i just want to buy san andreas plz help i have no games to play
i need 800 microsoft points for cod 5 map pack 2 plz and thank you
Hi can i please have a points code so i could buy some maps thanks
Plz send me 5000 microsoft points i need them, I was laid off over a year ago and I havent been able to get a job so I can’t afford them as is I had payed for a year of xbox live right before I got layed off I only have a couple of moths left before that ends i could use those points
my email is Ryansegovia@gmail.com
can i have 500-1000 so i can use it for my fifa ultimate team please will be most appreciated
can you send me 800 microsoft points i want the cod waw map pack 2
please can you send me a code for 1600 mail is victor40000@gmail.com
i need microsoft point bad to get games and other good stuff
I need a 4000 point code. i really need it to play in the new map pack.
i need the new cod 5 maps i need 200 points
I need microsof point pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
plz send a code to skatergirl_pro1@hotmail.com
need to get an email of 1600 point code generator that works please send me a generator that no one will steal my id so i dont have to put in a password please send to imacowardlol@gmail.com my old email is above tooo
can i get 400 microsoft points to get maps and other stuff and can i get codes for xbox live months
gamertag is Supremesttyler
i meen 4000
hi can i please get 1600 s point please thanks you
I need 4000 micosoft points for the new call of duty maps for wow and 4
Hey there i need 1000 point please send it to nicesanger@gmail.com . it would be soooo nice :-)
need 4000 micro points for maps. Xbox Live GamerTag: BOA DEADEYE
can i get 1200 points for the two new map packs for halo3, thanks
thank you for the 1000 points i will be receiving
i need 1600 points send to gamertag jdionne2002
I really need 1600 Microsoft points for 1 thing call of duty waw map pack #2, and I also need it for a name change.
can i hav 1000 ms points plz i want new zombie maps:(
send ms points to pmartinb@hotmail.co.uk
can you please send me 800 microsoft points need for call of duty waw new map pack please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need 4000 microsoft points pleaseeeee i cant play any games without maps
i only need 400 Microsoft points for mythic map packs on halo 3 and my parents wont buy them so plz
could you sent me a 800 microsoft points code please at the following adress if you want:Silverballers30@hotmail.fr
plz i need 4000 or more microsoft point for maps on halo3 halo wars call of duty4 and a lot of games
thanks you send codes at yoyo.hello@hotmail.fr
plz can i 5,600 plz for the fallout 3 expansions,oblivion expansions,halowars,castle crashers expansion,call of duty map packs plz dude
I can’t play with any of my friends on live they all have these map packs and play them so bplz can i have some, my gt is -Irish Wolf lord?
i need 1000 microsoft points so please give me some
I would like to have about 2000 points Plz send me a code. i thk you
hey its mike again i cant get into my old email so send the codes to the knew one plz
hey i need 800 points for a fallout dlc the gamertag is BallSweatJoe
hey can i have 5,600 points plz for map packs and add ons
hey can i plz have some points for the call of duty 5 maps thanks if you can
i need 4000 points plz my gmer tag is KingDavidLIVE
I need some microsoft points so i can change my name please. I appreciate this!
can you send me 2000 microsoft points pls.. i want to buy gta:sa from the market place.
hey can i have some microsoft points i want to download some arcade games plz
can i ppppplllllleeeeeaaaaassssssseeeee have some points im BEGGING YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
PLEASE ! :'(
GAMERTAG: graysondog1
EMAIL: graysondog@sbcglobal.net
i need 1600 i need it for fallout 3 new download
email cky2250@gmail.com
Heeey.. Please.. just finished fallout 3 and i really would like to have the Broken Steel dlc.. please 800 points..
I Need 800 Microsoft Points..I Don’t Maps… =[
need 1600 microsoft points please, thanks
can you please send me a code for 1600 microsoft points? PLEASE i need the mythic map pack for halo 3. send the code to my email. please and thank you :)
any amount over 2000 would be great,for Rock Band And Guitar Hero and CoD,Please And THANK YOU!Gamertag:ThatPatsFan442
Can I please have some microsoft points?
PLEASE COULD YOU SEND ME AT LEASE 6000 Points. my kid wants to download some games. he’s 4 years old and it breaks my heart when he tells me he’s bored with his one game
Sorry response for abouve my gamer tag is BOISEBOUNCER86
I just received my xbox 360 but I dont have any more money to buy the points can you please help me.
i need points to help me out on here…send points to Camel1_keeano.com
I need 1400 microsoft points so i can get both of the Halo 3 map packs “Mythic and Legendary” please and thank you and another 800 would do me good so i can get “Broken Steel” for Fallout 3.My emails address is daltonj12@hotmail.com
could i please have 1000 microsoft points please and i will give u 10mil on forza motosport 2 if u give me could my gamertag is joshlongford147
YO, dont even know who iam asking but i could use 1 microsoft point! that would be awesome!
i need 2400 microsoft points for all gears of war 2 maps, im only a poor little sparrow. plz help
points plz
yo can i get like at least 1600 ms points thats all man just send it to me at west.coast.king@hotmail.com
plz need 4000 points for videos, new gamertag, games thanx
plz i need 1600 points for forza motorsport 2
send me a code to guigui_lavalade@hotmail.fr please
Plz may i have 2000 microsoft points please so i can get halo 3 map packs and i need to change my gamertag because people keep taking the micky out of mine. Many thanks if you send the code to mctobyt@hotmail.co.uk
I could really use 4000 microsoft points please.
please can i have 1200 points to get cod5 map pack 1 and 2 i love that game and really want them maps please please please
my gamer tag is lilanbrap i would really like it if you sent me the points soo atleast send me 800 minimum plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
please guys i need only 800 microsoft points if u could send them to me i would b so grateful
Can i Have some points i dont really care how much but more than 1000 lol
Dean13lewis@hotmail.com send me the code to that email thanks XD
yo can u plezzzzzz give me 4000 points its for my friend its his birthday so please
please send me some microsoft point i need the really bad if it really happens i will refure more people to your site thank you
send me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1600 microsoft point i need for soulcalibur 4 equipment
May i please have these points becuase i dont get any spending money and i have just got an xbox and i need the new maps for my games if you could send me the microsoft points i would be very gratefull and thankfull
Thank you :)
hey whats up im just wanting to change my name and get the maps for call of duty i really need this and i understand that there is a lot of people beging you for this but i want it a lot please and thank you
plz send me microsoft points cause i want to change my name n get a game send the code to nvalenz_nvalenz@yahoo.com
plz i need 1600 microsoft points becuz i want the new maps for call of duty waw
plzz plzz 2000 microsoft points
thanx for advice and stuff
jamesere09@ymail.com please for 2100 ms points(lol why is there hundreds of requests on here, anyone getting them?) anyways please :)
i need 40 microsoft points stat my gamertag is SuperToaster57
Well, this place actually gives you free Microsoft Points just for doing some surveys. It’s super easy too, don’t know why so man people keep asking for free MS Points.
can you send me 1600 microsoft points because i need the oblivion add ons seriously i have been waiting like a month to get them but dont have any money
can i have some
i need them for cod 5 map pack 2 so plz can i have them
plz plz can i have them need them for map pack 2 you will be rockstars if u give me these thank u
plzz send me 2000 points tthan you
can i hav 2000 points for the cod 4 maps please :(
I want 1000 microsoft points for point lookout
can i have 1600 MC points…..thanx for the advice…….
yoo plz send me 1400 points for all the maps on halo 3 ive only got 2 maps plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
all i need is 800 so i can get map pack2 for cod waw plzz i wanted them for ages now!
if possible please send 800 microsoft points so I can change my gamer i.d. thank you
can someone please please let me have like 1000 microsoft points
i need them so i can buy the maps for call of duty WaW someone please??
please send me 2000 microsoft points and a 3 month card i need it so i can keep in touch with my friends in germany. i thank you for reading this and i hope you send the points to me.if send e-mail to maxrick69@yahoo.com
can i have 800 microsoft points i want cod 5 new maps
i need to change my gamer tag people keep saying im a noob so can i have 800 microsoft please
and i want the map pack for cod 4 if thats ok
but if not can i just have it for my gamertag
We are in search for all the skulls in Halo 3 and we need 780 points to get the mythic map where the last skulls are at. Please help us in our time of need!!
i need 4000 ms points plz need to do alot of stuff
1 change name
2 buy maps
3 buy more maps
please can you send mee 1600 points i need the new map packs both of em
proof that it works by sendin mee the points plees
can i have a 2000 microsoft points code for worms 2 and fallout 3 point lookout
thanks a million:)
i would greatly like microsoft points because yesterday was my birthday no joke july 3
can i please have 800 microsoft points because i just got COD5 and i need the new maps. My gamertag is fefe jr
Can you please send me 1000 microsoft points so i will be able to buy the new worms game and rent a movie. It would be highly appriecated THANK YOU.
hi i live on my own im very poor the only thing i have is a xbox with live and a tv which my dad bought for me before he died of aids so plz can i have some points my gamertag is jackg906
I would love you forever if you would please send maybe 2000 points if possible. I really want a different gamertag and there are some Rock Band 2 songs I am dying without. Please? Thanks for your time. lol
But if you can’t send 2000 then i’ll be perfectally fine with 1600. I hope you can please send them………I never get anything good in my life. :'(
I have no mony im broke I would love to get 4000 microsoft points plz I rilly need it thanx.
Dude i need Microsoft Points for the legendary Map Pack and the Mythic Map Pack so i can play team slayer,team double,Double EXP weekend and more i would extremely appreciate and thank you from the bottom of my heart if u could send me some min 800 points and max 1400 if you do i want to thank your generosity.my gamertag is Crackman117 and my email is elpibaso2@yahoo.com
i need 4000 points for the new COD WAW maps thnx man
i really need some points bad because i dont have any money to get them please pimp my xbox live.
i need 1600 microsft points
can i have 4200 microsoft points please
May I please have microsoft points I really need them for Halo 3 Mythic Map pack, please and thank you.
I forgot may I have 1600 microsoft points, please and thank you !
Please can i have 1600 microsoft points to change my gamertag and to but the new halo 3 map packs please
hey could i get 800 microsoft points free please i really hate my gamertag an moneys real tight so please
I’m not sure if you are actually giving out free points, but if so, I would like 2000 points so I can play with my friends online. My gamertag is quakegod467. Thank you.
Can i have 800 Microsoft points please?
I would love to have have some points for Battle field 1943.
i’d like if some1 could send me 1200 microsoft points via email for my battlefield 1943. plz i really need it and cant get it :(
Can I PLEASE have 800 points for Point Lookout. Point lookout is awesome but i dont have points. I would really appreaciate it! thnx
email: austin.mutschler@hotmail.com
I think if someone buys a game, the expansions should be free as long as you use a code that’s on the box or somthing?
the people here are crazy….
need 4000 microsoft points plzzzzzzzzzzz
hi plz can u send me 2000 microsoft points plz , i promised my lil brother that i would buy him the COD4 and 5 map packs but im skint……ill send you them back when i get some money next week ….Thx if you send them me and my lil bro would much appreciate it .
My gamertag is Shepa D 1600 points please
thanks mate legend
i need 1400 ms points please and thank you
i need 1,000 points for fifa 09 please thanks.
i need 1200 points pls im going to get full castel crashers game ty
Hm, came across this whilst looking for something else. I cannot help to laugh at all the comments ;]
Very nice, you guys. I’m pretty sure those points have been gone for awhile. Cheers!
can i have 1200 points to buy battlefield 1943 please
i only need 400 microsoft point to buy a car in burnout paradise
Hey i got a gears 2 rank 92 on a fresh account if anyone wants it im offering 1400 MS points for the account. CANADA ONLY email if u want, alley-boy@hotmail.com thanks
i need 4000 microsoft points for halo3 mape COD4 maps and a name change can i get some my gamer tag is Killer Void. Thanks.
PLEASE i could really use 1600 please n thank you
please let me get microsoft points my Gametag is XrB o STReeTS
plz can u get back to me asap to footballfanatic7@hotmail.co.uk
plz give me a free 1000 microsoft points code because i need a fifa 09 ultimate
i only need 1600 points for some maps…thanks a lot
plz can you give me 1000 microsoft points for songs of guitar hero an a arcade game :)
i need 4000 thank you
can u please send me 2000 microsoft points to change my gamertag and buy the cod5 map pack
i need them for cod 4
i need 2000 for movies plzz
can u please send me microsoft points to change my gamertag
i need 2000 to download game add ons please
i need 5000 for movies
can u please send me 2000 points to change my gamertag and buy cod5 map pack
i need 1600 microsoft points so i can finish fable 2 please. i would be very pleased.
Can i plz have 4000 microsoft points
plz send me 2000 points so i can get maps 4 halo 3 and gears of war 2
i need 4000 microsoft points to download arcade games for my kids thnk u. ill appreciated. thanks again.
i need 1000-1500 microsoftpoints
Gamer tag: andresxd123
please can i have 2000 microsoft points for cod4 and 5 maps
i need 1200 ms points to the battlefeild 1949 my gamertag is Griffyxty
i need 800points to a new gamertag cuz i hate the one i have atm, please send :(
can i have 2000 microsoft points please
because i need my name changed its rotton
and get new maps on cod 4 and 5
plz can i get 1600 microsoft points thanks
plz can i get 1600 microsoft points thanks
hey please give me 1600 microsoft points I realy need them for cod 5 new map packs please sent me a code for the points to my email it is adonisflores95@gmail.com
hi my gamertag is SAJ316 and my email is stonecoldscottj@hotmail.co.uk i only need 60 ms points as i have 740 and need 800. :-)
PLEASE?? can i get some microsoft points. i really need a certain add on,but im broke
Could i PLS have 1000 microsoft points if u do send me them ill biy u a 3 month xbox live card
plz i need 2000 points for map packs please and thank you
plzzz i need points iv been dieing for them
Hi people,
I’m currently in possession of (another) Halo 3 level 50.
I decided after a few months laying back that I should try and pick up the account selling business once again.
I already succesfully sold multiple 50s in the past,
a few examples: iFlashback, SR Unreal, Chico BE and so on and so forth.
Anyhow, my latest 50 is on the “iKenHazCheese”-account.
If anyone is intrested, feel free to drop a message on that account.
I’ve seen that several sites like haloproaccounts.com ask prices going from 59$ to 89$ and over,
I find that too expensive so my rate is 2100 microsoft points each.
2200 points tank you
i need 4000 please i need to get new maps
i desperately need 850 microsoft points to get the new call of duty waw maps
please send me 1600 points i want to buy a game and get a game ad on
please give me 1600 i want the mythic map pack for halo and also i want battlefield 1943 thanks!
I need 1600 to change my name please…
Please i need some about 4000
I want 800 microsoft points for the Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack
Plzzzz can i have those 800 microsoft points (sorry for not saying plz in the last comment i sent)
Hi, I would be greatfull if i could have 1000 microsoft points for call of duty:World at war for map pack 2 and im only going to have 200 microsoft points left but thats fine.
Thanks for readding.
my gamer tag is MoD x FLAMER x can you give me more than 800 plz im begging you cause my friends all have the new map pack on call of duty waw so can you give me some plzzzzz.
Can you !please! send me 1600 points please i beg.
Oops i forgot my email here henri_gr8@hotmail.co.uk
i need 1600 ms pionts for cod 4 maps and halo 3 lendgy mapps thanks soo much
yo can you give 4000 ms poits plz I have problems playing games onlie and if you don’t give me ms point that meens that i have whaste money on having xbox live
oh sorry my email is conker_live_and.reload@hotmail.com
and my gamertag is MyLittleCP
so plz send me the code for more than 800
1600 points plz
Plzz can i have 1900 microsoft points for Halo and Farenheit xbox originals as i have 500 points only. PPLLZZ. There supposedly really !!
O.k. Thanks.
i realy need them cuse i cant aford them
ineed 1600 please please ineed
please tell me
If you send em ill be very grateful p.s. i need 2300 points now as i got something else. PPLLZZ! :)!:)!:)!:)!:)!:)
can i have 800 microsoft points to get the “secret of the monkey island”
need points thanks man
need 2000 points to get thing please help me
need 2000 point thanks
need alot of points help me
hi i need 4000 microsoft points for now plz eamil the code plzz thz
please can u sent me 2000 microsoft points. i needed for Rock Band songs
please can i have some points i will for ever be in your debt cheers
can i please have 400 points so i can download resident evil 5 versus mode
need 400 points thats it for now please????
can i have 4000 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hey can i get a 1600 code plzzz :)
hey can i get a 1600 code plzzz :)
euro code plz
sorry bowt so many posts they were all ment to be in as one post
i need some for my sons 12th b-day……. 1600 or 4000 would be great. thx
1000 points please for cars on midnight club =)
can i please hav 1000 points for the battlestations maps
can i please have 1600 microsoft points my gt is hypaaaa x thankyouu
please please i need 1000 microsoft points for the new halo maps.. thanks for everything!!
please 1600 for fallout 3 point lookout and broken steel my mail is xxgargan_rockxx@hotmail.com
Can I have 1000 microsoft points I wanna buy the maps for cod4 plz gamertag is x MvPz x TACO 7
i am willing to give a 2100 point code away if some1 emails a real 1600 point code to me (thelittlerabit11@hotmail.co.uk) and i will check first. as i dont need 2100 points only 1600 points and it will be a big shame to waste 500 points when i got it for free anyway.
Please I need 4000 points for new maps for call of duty and for Battlefield 1943. Thx
can i have 2000 microsoft pints for maps plz
plz send me 2000 ms points
im 8 years old, and i have lung cancer.
may you please give me 1000 microsoft point please! thank you
1600 points. I would be very thankfull I need them to get GTA 4 lost and damned. Plz
I need 600 points that i can get battlefield 1943. Send me a friend reguest!
plz can i get 800 points for the crackdown getting busy bonus pack thnks
I need 1000 points for gta SA. i am a college student looking for something to do in my extra time. thanks for your time. i really hope you choose me
can i have 800 plz so i can get battlefield 1943 full game thnx if u do
I can i have some ms points idc if you do give me some or not but that would be nice lol thanx here’s my email back for an answer p.s i have no money lol
i need 1200 points pls
i need 1200 to help get a game on the 360
I need 4000 microsoft points to get all map packs and a gamertag change badly.
can i have 1600 points to my xbox live account ok thanks my gamer tag is badbobd
can i please have 800 microsoft points for cod 5 MAP PACK 3!! thanks
gamertag ; xKEELiNGx
just go 2 this website but DONT!!!! OVERUSE IT OR THEY WILL BAND UR GAMERTAG and u wont be able 2 play it anymore http://www.freemicrosoftpoints.info/
can i have 1000 microsoft points plz
can i have sum plz need forza 2 stuff tnx
i need 1000 please
can i please have 1000 point so my brother and i can play the new cod 5 maps together
hey i really need 1600 microsoft points to get the call of duty maps can u send them to me thanx
hi can you send me 4000 ms points to my email it would help it is patty278@verizon.net thanks
Can I have 1200 points for GoW2 All Front? I’m a little short.
Yo can I get 1600 points Marvel Vs Capcom 2 just came out on download and i want it so bad.
Hi. I’m looking to change my gamertag… need ms Points :D
send me 800 to change my name please
Can I have 1200 MS points?
I need it for Trials HD!
i need have plz 800 ms for buy gears of war 2 fortant colection
i have 800 microsoft point for buy geras of war mao.
tank you
please will you email me 2000 microsoft points as i need the new cod 5 maps please
i need 800 microsoft points 4 alien hominid hd plz help me
i realy need 6000 microsoft points because have no money for games plz THANK U
1600 ms points will be great instead
will it work 1000ms points please thanks alot realy needed it
hey i would really apreciate it if you could give me 1600 codes becouse i bought some and my brother put them on the wrong account so we cant use them so please could i have 1600 points
i mean points
i need 1000 point for gears of war 2
please can i have 1000 point for g.o.w 2 please thank you
Can i have some cos i need/ want new cod 5 map pack with the new zombie map!!!!! Pwease
i need 1400 xbox live code plz man i need cod 5 map
1600 i need halo maps
Hi. if you choose me i need 560 points for Pack 2 for Race pro and 1200 points for trials HD (arcade game availible August 12th but it isn’t essential i want more Pack 2 for race pro) thank you.
i need 1,400 microsoft points so i can get the mythic and legendary map pack for halo 3 thanx
4 my coment above can i pleaze have 1,400 microsoft points
oh and u can email me the code thanx and sorry about all the posts
i need 1200 points for gears maps
can u plz give me 800 points so i can change my xbox live GT tyattack10 everyone makes fun of me cuz of my name plz help me
can i have 800 plz so i can get saints row 2 download thanx if u do
i need 2100 mp for call of duty 5 map pack 3 and gamertags and change name plz plz pick me im joinin a clan so i need to get really badly =D xD
Can I please have 1600 ms points for some rock band songs. My friends and I want some new songs to play to change things up a bit. Thanks, my email is johnthrawl@ymail.com
an i please have 12 months xbox live and 4000 ms points thanx
I need 1600 points!
Please and thank you :D
I would Greatly Appresiate Like 1000 PTS. Thanks Bro.
may i please have 1200 for Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 much preciated!!!!
i need 2100 microsoft points plz
yesterday i was crazy enough to rent me a x-box
….. but wat i dont no
………. the x-box ist great really fantastic
best thing ever
can i have the points to see more of those fantastic-o manistic-o
need 800 please by tuesday for call of duty map pack 3 please thank you.
hey how are you i need 4000 points for the maps for call of duty world of wars please thank you
Please Can I Have 800 MSP To Buy The New WAW Maps Because I Love The Zombies On Them Because My Mate Has Them Thanks
Could you please send me 1600 microsoft points and im broke…
I don’t know if this works but if so please send me as many points as possible
i need 1600 microsoft points for call of duty world at war map pack 3 and halo 3 (the new map pack)
i got 1600 MP if any wants to trade for 1400 MP …gotta be american to get them….email is danp15@hotmail.com
can i get 2000 i need the new nazi zombie maps soooo bad
i need some 1600 point cards please and thank you
I need microsoft points for halo 3 maps please i have no money it stinks
can i have 400 please
yo dude, can i have 1400 points for the dark corners map pack on gears of war 2. i really want to get all the achievments.
i really want battlefeild 1943 plz plz plz plz
hey i realy need 800 microsoft points to download map pack 3 on call of duty world at war plzz i realy neeeeed them on my friends will get realy pist cause i dont have the mapps
Can you send me 4000Microsoft points tht wuild be very kind thank you :D
Please Send Me 1000 MS Points
please, just 1600 msp
i need 1600 for the new gears of war 2 add-on.Thanks
Cool, thanks for the tip!
ms poit all i need is 400 or 500 or 1000
hey man, can you give me 1600 microsoft points please im completly broke
Can i please have 1600ms points??? my gamertag is americangang26
hi can i please have 850 microsoft points please because all my mates have the new maps on cod 5 and i feel left out so please cani have the thank u
need 1600 PLZZZZZZZZZzzzz Z zz zzz 4 cod5 map pack 3
i need 800 for map pack 3 (cod5)
im just like every xbox live gamer in the world i want to make my gaming experience fun by getting stuff from the xbox live marketplace like mappacks and other game add-ons so can u please send me 800 ms points so i can get call of duty waw map pack and the resident evil 5 vurses mode pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
can i please have 800 microsoft points for the new call of duty maps….thank you
can i get 1600 points to get codww map pack 3 please an thank you.
hiya please can i have 2000 free microsoft points i want Cod waw map pack 3 but dont have enough money!
1600 pls and thnk u!
May I have 4000 Microsoft Points so I can buy Halo 3 maps and Call of Duty WaW maps to,PLEASE!!!!!!I REALLY NEED some,thank you gamertag [mrfluffyninja19]
could i please have 1600 microsoft points but 800 will be good to. thank you
curt444 is my gamertag
Please can i have 1000 points to give my mate, need the new cod map pack 3 to play zombies with him. :)
can i get 1600 microsoft points please
my email is johnstie@live.co.uk
please please can i have 2000 microsoft points so i can buy the two worlds map packs
please 4000 points for new halo 3 map pac please:)
i need 800 microsoft points for cod5 waw map pack please!!!!!! thanks if i get em
i need only 800 microsoft points for the new map pack please end me a friend request and points thanx
Please give me 4000 microsoft points i need them for the cod 5 maps and guitar hero 3 and 4 and rock band 2
Gamertag: Private Ryan847
plz can i have a 1600 gamertag is chase deckling
email is homi219@gmail.com
hey can anay one help me???
i need 800 microsoft points for call of duty map pack 3.
please can sum1 help me get sum please please pretty please.
i need 2800 microsoft points to buy maps for cod 5 waw please
my gamertag is xcolomboricanx
i really would like the new maps for call of duty5 but my mom wont give me the money to get them if someone would please be kind enough to give me some then i would be verry happy and gratefull thans =]
my gamertag is -xMULTI GUNNERx
i need to buy the new game battlefield 1943 if any one could help me out with points or what ever to gert this i strongly thank you!
i need 800 microsoft point please for the new map pack for COD5 :) please an thank you
i need microsoft points
send me 2000 microsoft points thanx
can i get 2000 microsoft i need them for gta lost and damged i dont have
an money and so dont my parents im 14
i need mircosoft points can you please get me some
i need 800 ms points to get mythic map pack thanxs
I need 3000 points please
i need 1600 but i aint payin
plz send me 1600 microsoft points to my gamertag carter3232
can i have 2000 plez :)
can i please have 3200 points for maps and such?!?!?
hey can i have about 4000 or 1600 ms points thanx…
can u plz im begging u to sent me 4000 4 the call of duty map pack 1 and 2
i need 800 microsoft points for a map pack
hey i just want the nazi zombie map pack thats all i ask for please!!!
May I please with all of my hert have some Microsoft Points Thanks
can you please give me 1200 points for the marvelvscapcom 2 your the man!
I need 800 ms points for Halo Mythic Maps.
Pls its important.
My Gamertag: SkZ FiLiPiNhO
well…if this site is true can i have 1600mp points to get castle crashers… or 4000 so that i can change my gamertag also. i dont like it and people tend to make it sound differently. also there has been a recent update in marketplace and i want to get this gears2 armor for my avatar.
if i get a code you will forever be thanked.
can i get 1000 points please i need it to get GTA4 Lost and Dammed. Thank You
i need 1000 free points please!
Please give me 1000 microsoft points please!!! i want to get cloths for my avatar and i want to buy maps for gears 2 plz!!!!
need point please!
Hi there!
I recently bought Mirror’s Edge for the 360, and it wasn’t what I thought. The look of the DLC for it is appealing to me, so I was wondering if I may have at least 800 Microsoft points, please? I would definately but the DLC to good use, so your points would not be wasted!
Many, many thanks and I hope that you pick me!
Thanks again
can i please have 4000 microsoft points please i just got C.O.D. 5 and me and my friend loves nazi’s and we already made it to lvl 50 on the map u start with and its getting boring just with that lvl so if u could plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :( :) thank u so much
i have no money and my friend is starting to move and we really want to play those lvls before he leaves please please
hello,iwant microsoft point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please may i have 800 Microsoft points i need maps for game battles please
Please can I have some Microsoft points please, It would be really great to have some ,so I could have lots more fun with mappack 3 nazi zombies, I am a very good kid…PLEASE…. Thank You Anthony A
I am just asking for the lowest amount of microsoft point cards you can get,
not sure where you live but i know in some countries i know there are 800
microsoft point cards,
please if you could send me them that would be great y email is
i need 1600 for rock band 2 gorillaz pack pklzzzz and iron maiden too
Hey i need 800 points to get mothership zeta plz y-k-u-s@hotmail.com
can i please have 1600 microsoft points so i can by an arcade game and a new map pack
can i have 1600 microsoft points cause my freinds want me to play need for speed underground to for the 360 origanal xbox games and my freinds rly want me to get it cause they have it and i dont and they said u dont get it we will remove u from our freinds list so plz can i have 1600 microsoft points
can i have 1600 microsoft points cause my freinds want me to play need for speed underground to for the 360 origanal xbox games and my freinds rly want me to get it cause they have it and i dont and they said u dont get it we will remove u from our freinds list so plz?
can i have 1600 microsoft points cause my freinds want me to play need for speed underground to for the 360 origanal xbox games and my freinds rly want me to get it cause they have it and i dont and they said u dont get it we will remove u from our freinds list so?
i need microsoft points to change my gamer tag because about 12 people changed their gamer tag to something EXACTLY like mine i want to be different gt: carlos the pro
here are examples of other people that add me WITh gold member ship tht changed their gamer tag to annoy me
jv the pro
joseph the pro
kris the pro
omar the pro
marc the pro
jay g k the pro
gio the pro
and more i just need 800 to change it pleease and i was the first one with my gamer tag please send message to car.s001@hotmail.com
canadian code Btw if u do :)
can i have 1000 ms points please . send me a mail plaese
just need 1600 microsoft points if this works for call of duty 5 map pack 2 and 3
1600 ms please .
hey can i have 100 Microsoft points for the new halo 3 map packs please
i meant to say 1600 sorry
can u send to my email?
can i plese have at lest 1000 microsoft points plese i need them alot and if you do god bless u alot
i need 1000 microsoft points plz.my email delbert.99@hotmail.com
pls pls pls may i hav some points! i live in the middle of nowhere and points are as rare as diamonds. if at all possible 4000 points would be a dream come true. thanks m8!
gamertag: ocmoooo
1200 microsoft point code buy fifa 09 send me on gamertag is asif da king
Visit DoubleYourPoints.webs.com
Get free microsoft points by doubling the ones you already have!!!
Can you please send me at leat 800 microsoft points I need and want to change my name badly for my gamertag silly snoopy please thank you.:)
i need 1000 microsoft points for my son but i am brocken help me
I need 4000 Points. I want battlefield 1943 game and some other stuff. Thanks!
hey could i have 4000 ms points please? fancy some arcade games & maps. Thanks
can you geft me 5000 points please please please please thank you
can you gaft me 2000 and 5000 points please please please please please
can i please have 2000 points for the halo maps thank you
Please can i get 1600 points? My credit card cannot be accepted. I need DOOM and Castle Crushers.
please send me 1500 microsoft points so i can get new cod maps and extra stuff.
so how does this work i just ask for some point and i get them? well in that case would love 4000 points just lost my job and i need to destress by playing some games i never have before and now with the on demand games what better way
i need ms points plz an thank u
plz can i hav sum points as i want call ov duty maps :) plz. thanks alot :)
i really need help, i need 800 ms points soon! i would really appretiate it if you would give it to me, i need to change my name or ill get banned!
may i please have some ms points i really need them to change my name!..please and thank you!
can i get 3000 microsoft points for new game ad-ons like in od5 new maps and stuff plz
i ment in cod5
I need some Microsoft points i just started so please!!!!!!!!!!email them to me at mills2596@yahoo.com
Plz can i have 1200 ms points so i can download Battlefield 1943
My GT is rarestNRG
hi my name is lee my gamertag is Radspartanboy sorry
Please, can I have 4000 MP.
i need some
Wow what a bunch of whiners.
i need 1200 points to get suberb Trials HD Full versio
hey i j ust got xbox360 live nd cud i get 2000 point for sum new games 4 my 2 lil girls a cople of 400points games wud do them gr8 i will pay 4 rest but no money right the game xbox concle nd gamnes took all what i had
plz could i get 800 ms points for map pack 3 on cod 5 thanx
bdw when will i get them fanx#
i need as many points as u can get me…thx
please I need maps 4 cod I need 4000 microsoft points
plz send me 1600 or some plz thnx
hey my name is john i rly want the microsof points i am begging i need to get the new mat pack 3 on cod 5 so i need 1600 thank you BTW my gamer tag is :credited59
hey, if you could get me 2100 mp it would me appreciated alot, gamer tag is TuffyGong thanks
Can you send me 800 microsoft points plz
I need some microsoft points 1600 to be exact
OMG I need points!
gt is : LOL Spot
Could i have some points please?
Can I haz ms points plz
need 2000 microsoftpoints so I can buy the new gta lost and damed maps thnx also for cod5map pack 3 I all ready have 200 points my xbox gamertag is pvt fiddle thx mate best person around
Wassup please 1000….lolneed rite now
I need 800 so I can get an indie game that I have fellin love with
Hiya, could i please have 400 points for Fight Night DLC, thanks.
hi i need 1600 point for gow2 all fronts map pack thank u!
Can someone please give me 800 microsoft points? I need to change my name because i am in a clan. XBL GT: SaTaN ADvacATe
can i please have around 2000 ms points i just lost my job and need help getting them for my brother to play a game on my account so if you can thanks a bunch
Anyone able to send me some microsoft points, I need them to get the maps for COD World at war
i need 2400 mp so i can buy map pack 1, 2 and 3 to cod waw
you dude, how do you do this and iff need be, i need 1600 points for the gears maps, is that ok?
PLEASE SEND ME 5000 MICROSOFT POINTS my gamer tag is the name
I just started xbox live and I would really apriciate having microsoft points thank you
all my friends have em and they make fun of me i need em for nazi zombies
all my friends have em and they make fun of me
hi. idk if this is free or not, but could you send me 1600 points for 2 maps on call of duty World at war?? i would much appreciate it. please send to my email LG3031@k12.sd.us more detail about if you can or not
can i plez have 400 points for nba 10 rookie game. thank u sir
can i plz have some points
can i plz have 800 microsoft pts for the new nazi zombies maps plzzz and thanx
Hey there. I would really need 1200 microsoft points for the watchmen arcade game… thanks if you do
need 4,000 microsoft point for maps
i need 1600 ms points please
please can i have 1000000000000000000000000000 ms points to protect me from the aliens that come into my bed while im sleeping and pretend there my uncle
Hi please please please can i have 2100 for a arcade game and fallout 3 broken steel please please please please please,
thank you loads,
acually even 1000 would be great,
Ive been trying to get microsoft points for months now but i cant because my dad was fired from his job. Ive been tring to find ways to get money for them but i have no luck, so if u could please send me as many poionts as possible here is my gamertag, thankyou for everything.
Gamertag- XXmetallica19XX
Plz send me somepoints plz plz i need them relly relly bad because somebody hack my gamer tag and every thing is gone i need 1600 plz
send them to my gamer tag Ice Man Stunna
need 4000 ms points plz need to do alot of stuff
1 change name
2 buy maps
3 buy more maps
1600 microsoft points please guy
gamertag: jayri5270
can i have ms points i have no money to buy and i never haded ms points.
please i need 10000 microsoft points im not allowed to buy any thank you
Can i have 1200 PLEASE so i can get castle crashers. Thanks
iw ant to get the cod waw maps
I need 2000 microsoft points for 3 games and I am broke. Please E-mail me the codes at devinprahl@gmail.com. thanks
may i have some ms for cod waw
i need 1600 points for new map
I need 5000 for cod 5 maps and halo 3 maps and some arcade plz
may i please have 4000 microsoft points to buy the new maps for halo3 and cod waw
i need 1600 and 2000 microsoft points for cod waw, halo 3 and cod 4 maps please!!! :)
i need 2100 ms points
i neen ms points my gamer tag is sm1th7 69 pleez send some pliz
may i have some 3500 microsoft points to get some maps from call duty 4 maps thnx :)
i need 4000 Microsoft points to buy new cod maps and gears maps please help and thank you in advance!
Gamer Tag: BE7RAYER
Hye ,please can you give Me 1600 points for Gta IV The Lost And Damned ?
pleas i need 2000 points for maps
please send me 4800 microsoft point for burnout paradise add ons and halo 3 maps pleeeaaseee
can i please have 4000 pts for halo3 maps and halo 2 pls pls pls thank you thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
pls e mail me the 4000 pts and codes at mongoose2014@live.com i need these pts for halo 3 maps and halo2 thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
send me 2000 microsoft points please so i can get halo 3 map packs and call of duty maps
can i have 4000 microsoft points please!
hay can i get 2000 microsoft points plz
may i please have 4000 microsoft to buy a xbox live account to try it out please
can i have 1300 points plz thx
plz i need microsoft points any amount above 800 is fine, ineed to buy zombie nazi for call of duty 5
ohhh wait i forgot my gamertag is-betive14
May i please have 800 points,i need some for a map,if you wanted to know my gamer tag it is:ahulk2
May i please have some,i need it for a map,if you wanted to know my gamer tag it is:ahulk2
I really need 1600 ms points for the cod5 maps
send them to me at hibbityhoobplah@yahoo.com thanks
can i have 2100 microsoft points pleaseee :) for new cod maps
I need 4000 microsoft points so i can buy the all fronts map pack for gears of war 2 and change my name
may i plz have 4000 so i can get gay tony and lost and the danmed
plz i need 4000 microsoft points i bdeg you they for maps and castle crashers and other games
need 2000 points for halo 3 maps please=)
hi my gamertage is Dropafly and i need 21000 Microsoft points so i can downlaod stuff for Halo 3, Fallout 3 and other stuff so if you can email me some codes on xbox live that would be great thank you
dude can u plz give me a 3 month membership card thats all need
can i please get 400 ms points i need all the new halo 3 and gears maps. thx so much
can i please get 4000 ms points i need all the new halo 3 and gears maps. thx so much
pleasecan i have 2100 micro soft so i can change my name and buy battlefield 1943
heres my email
can i have 4,000 microsoft point please i just lost my job 1 and half weeks ago and i was saving up to buy 8,000 microsoft point and the new odst game but i have had to use that money to pay for the bills now. im currently looking for jobs and have had a few interviews but i dont think im in luck so please spare me 4,000 point ill pay u back when i can
hi can i lease have 2000 points thanks so much
can i have 2000 points please thanks so much
will you please send me 1200 points to get castle crashers?
Hi I was Just wondering if I could have around 1000 or how ever much more you would like to give me.
need at least 800 pionts for cod 5 map pack 3
Please can i have 1000-4000 ms points please im begging you
by 1000-4000 i mean any amount of points between these thanks
i really need those points. my xbox went insane and deleted paid items. they are not in my download history and wont let me redownload. almost 4000 points worth of stuff. gone.
i need ms points so i can get call of duty map packs so please pick me ad thanks for your time and added me on xbox live if you got it captryan xx
can i have 1600 points to get the cod4 maps and to change my gamertag
hello i need 4000 microsoft points i need new avatar assesories and maps and games.. like GOW2 AND ARCADEs
I need a Ton of Points please
need points please my gamertag is: snowman23034
can i have 1200 microsoft points so i can buy fable 2 see the future premium and knothole island premium? thanks.
yeah can i get a code for 2500 microsoft points? you can PM me on my youtube account which is xXx Prejudged xXx make sure its a PM cuz i have freinds who would take it too lol XD thx.
can someone please send me a code to my e-mail for 1600 microsoft points or more since I need the mythic and legendary map packs. i had them already but since i switched gamertags it wouldnt let me use them and i dont have enough to pay for them again, so please send microsoft points codes to spartanallen@gmail.com
i need 400 microsoft points to buy 2k10 draft combine the full game
may I please have 400 microsoft points
i mean 4000 microsoft points
can u send me some codes plz plz plz for midnight club L.A.and gears of war 2 my xbox live gamertag is Kernalvk10 (pronounced colonel).
can i have 5000 microsoft points plz 4 some arcade games and cod waw map pack 3 and 2 change my name plz thanks
if you give me some microsoft points maybe we can be friends but if you dont i will get my friend to hack you ok :) jk hahahahahahahhahaha
all i need is 5000 so i can change my name and buy gta san andreas game
can i have 800 to get fable 2 maps please
can i have 800 points please
Please send me 4500 microsoft points, I need to buy gears of war 2 maps and arcade games, plz
Please send me 4500 microsoft points code to carlos_roma@live.com.mx, I need to buy gears of war 2 and halo 3 maps and some arcade games,plz I beg u
Can I get 5000 points? I need them for Fable 2 DLC and Halo 3 maps and Fable full game originals.
I need 4000 Microsoft Points,so i can get all the Map Packs for CoD:4,CoD:WaW,Halo:3
and for other stuff off of the Marketplace ! Please , Thak You!!!
“Much Love for you brotha, Chillax and take a Toke!”
HA Ya Done
1000 points for Fifa 10 live season download? cheers pal
Give me 4000 points! I need new songs for LIPS…
hey i need 1600 points code or 1000 either one would be amazing thanks! i need halo 3 maps thanks for reading
hey i need 1000-2000 points plz
I need points plzzzzz?
yo i need 4800 points for gears of war 2 maps please.
need 1600 points for halo3 maps please thanks
Can i have 5000 points to buy fable 2 parts off the marketplace please?
may i have like 2400 or 1600 microsoft points cuz i have nothing on xbox no games or anything and i just wanna buy something i can use my xbox for… it would be great..
thanks, Ethan
can i please have 800 mircosoft points to change my name
plz may i have 1600 microsoft points plz cos i need to change my name and get cod 4 map pack thanks
i need 800 micro soft for fable 2.
Please can i have 1000 microsoft points so i can purchase south central on midnight club
if you will plz send me 800 points ineed anouther part of fable2 plz plz with sugar and buble gum on top
preety plz im despperate
i mean 4000 microsoft points please thx
i have a week free trial on xbox live and i wanna download the gta 4 the lost and the deamed . can i please have 1600 microsoft points
need 4000 for burnout paradise
need 4000 for burnout paradise plz thks
can i have 4000 points please. my gamertag is azDEATHDLR
my email is dj_illusion303@yahoo.com. thank you
will you give me some points please!!!!
my gamer tage is malachigerard thNKS
hey just wonderying when do we get the points man its been over a month now come on some of us neeeeeeeeeeeeeed them becaus i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to change my g.t
Can I please have 200 microsoft points for fifa 2010?
thank you very much!
thats my email can i have 2400 because my old account got hacked and i had 5000 on it :( please can you email them to me for bioshock,
we are a poor family thank you
Can i please have 1600 points for Halo 3 Maps I would really really like it.
Can i please have 800 points so i can get the halo 3 maps please
need 1600 points for halo3 maps please thanks
hi could i have 2100 microsft points to buy a arcade game plz i really :D
I need 3 map packs. They are 800 pts per pack. Thats all I need. Please help me.
plz send me 1600 points plz so i can buy two games plz i really want them thank u GAMERTAG: lallum1
every time i come on this site my comments are not there but when i post one they appear. anyway can i please please have 1600 points so i can have the halo maps please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please.
hey man do you think you can hook me up with 2000 microsoft points for halo 3 plez and thank u
i need 2000 microsoft points for panzer general allied assault and to buy music for beatles rockband please and thank you :D
can i please have like 1600 microsoft points cause im in a clan nd i need to change my name.
i need a 2000 points code so i can get some DLC
yooo , heard this was the spot for the microsoft points. not really but ill take what ever you can spair.
thanks, paul
please send me 1600 microsoft points so i can buy call of duty maps and other stuff that gets my interest.
hi can someone please give me a new unused redemption code for a 1600 microsoft point amount so i can buy and download the new Ballad of Gay Tony
that would really be helpful
sincerely Nick S.
Can i have 5000 points plz? id like to download so new content.
i need 1600 microsft points plz ppls
i only want 800 microsoft points just to change my gamertag plzz
if you will send me 1800 point for xbox360 i will be most greatfull and by doing me this faver in retern i will add u on xbox live or do some think for you, i would go out and buy it my self but i have no money coz i havent got a job yet and i am still looking for one lol. greatfully genraljimbob91
i want to buy gta 4 balled of gay tony 1600 points tnxxx
please can i have 1600 ms points coz i realy want trials HD thx very much if u give mr thm :D
Can i plz have 1000 microsoft points im only 11 and i really need them so plz
i need points please my hard drive broke down gamertag/lalo38th
may i have about 1600 micro soft points
May i have 2400 or 1600 microsoft points please? i want to buy Army of Two and the add-ons.
can i have 4000 microsoft points i really need them i am broke and i want to buy new maps and halo 2 and maby halo 1 i dont care if u send me 1600 i just need some microsoft points plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
can i have 100000 so ican get fable 2 game plz then can i get 990000 points for gta iv
can i have 2900000 points for games plz thanks a lot p.s need ok thank you
i need 50000000 for saints row 2 plz i will pay you if i get it my email is kylexy113@live.com yo thanks a lot
can i have 2100 microsoft points for the new gta iv plz
hi can you please send me 1200 microsoft points for the ballad of gay tony
Please, I need 2400 microsoft points. I’m a full time student and just barley making rent and I would love to spend my free time enjoying my games.
yo can iplease have 900 microsoft points to change my gamertag.. please
please send me 2000 microsoft points for AC2 ezio avatar outfit and AC2 future DLC