Grand Theft Auto 4 cheat codes

Stuck in the latest Grand Theft Auto? We’ve put together some new GTA 4 cheat codes which you can enter via the cell phone which Niko carries:

  • Better weapons – 486-555-0100
  • Car repair – 2228-555-0122
  • Change weather – 468-555-0100
  • Health – 362-555-0100
  • Health, armor, ammo and weapons – 482-555-0100
  • Helicopter – 359-555-0100
  • Invulnerability – 5483-555-9191
  • Jetmax – 938-555-0100
  • Pedestrians riot – 555-891-0011
  • Police boat – 754-888-0100
  • Song information – 948-555-0100
  • Spawn Annihilator Helicopter – 359-555-0100
  • Spawn Cognoscenti Mafia Car – 227-555-0142
  • Spawn Comet Car – 227-555-0175
  • Spawn FIB Buffalo Car – 227-555-0100
  • Spawn Jetmax Boat – 938-555-0100
  • Spawn NRG900 Motorcycle – 625-555-0100
  • Spawn Sanchez – 625-555-0150
  • Spawn SuperGT – 227-555-0168
  • Spawn Turismo Car – 227-555-0147
  • Strippers Strip -468-555-0100
  • Wanted Level Down – 267-555-0100
  • Wanted Level Up – 267-555-0150
  • Weapons – 486-555-0150

The Lost And Damned cheat codes

For those that have purchased the The Lost And Damned downloadable content for GTA 4 here are some brand new cheat codes:

  • Spawn Burrito – 8265550150
  • Spawn Double T bike – 2455550125
  • Spawn Hakuchou bike – 2455550199
  • Spawn Hexer bike – 2455550150
  • Spawn Innovation bike – 2455550100
  • Spawn Slamvan – 8265550100

The Ballad of Gay Tony cheat codes

For those that have purchased the second downloadable content pack for GTA IV, The Ballad of Gay Tony – here are some brand new cheat codes:

  • Explosive sniper rifle shots – 4865552526
  • Super punch – 2765552666
  • Spawn Akuma bike – 6255550200
  • Spawn APC – 2725558265
  • Spawn Bullet GT – 2275559666
  • Spawn Buzzard helicopter – 3595552899
  • Spawn Floater boat – 9385550150
  • Spawn parachute – 3595557272
  • Spawn Vader bike – 6255553273

Got any more cheat codes for gta 4 to tell us about? Drop us a comment on the blog and we’ll keep adding to the list.

For the true GTA 4 lover
New: Buy Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Official Strategy Guide from

Grand Theft Auto 4 cheat codes

Related: GTA IV PC release date

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576 Responses

  1. peter says:

    you should make a cheat to have BODY GARDS like 492-555-0100

  2. completed the game gta 4 with alot of codes completed w/my friend – vern jonathan-lawrence westfall. it’s so easy w/the gta series. who got the new gta 5 that’s been on sale here in london?

  3. H20 Tyler001 says:

    Wo wo wo wo …. wheres all the other cheats ?? In previous GTA games there was ALWAYS a money cheat. And Lucio Viacrucis,jr … what are you on about. GTA V isnt even made yet. Its GTA IV.

  4. CaRsOn says:

    You could add this to one of your list its not like a cheat but its an awsome secret place…..

    u no the soda sprunk from GTAIV and you also know where honkers is right? so you know where sprunks secret haunted factory is….what???!?!? you dont well send me an invite skimaniac717 “360 only” or if you dont have 360 email me at

  5. miles says:

    it is miles

  6. bob says:

    cj can fly

  7. bob says:

    use 2 cars in two players

  8. bob says:

    2 seated turbo

  9. bob says:

    2 seated turbo jet

  10. Mr.Awesome says:

    Where is honkers please tell is it on the 2nd island too?

  11. Mr.Awesome says:

    Wheres honkers on gta 4???

  12. Htut Oo Yoon says:

    I want gta4 cheat code for PS3

  13. D,FORD says:

    where ara all the other codes

  14. jim says:

    can u really fly a plane in this

  15. mike g says:

    make cheat 4 car repair-2275550122

  16. Jordan Stock says:

    Lol whats the cheat 4 the plane then? is it 123-456-7890 and 2 repair youre car if u have the health cheat use it in youre damiged car and it repiars it i done tht on missens wear when u smashed up youre car take it back 2 repair it don’t havet 2 lol use the health cheat

  17. BoeZ MaN says:

    Does Anyone know if its possible flying planes? Are there any cheat codes for it please mail it to me

  18. BoeZ MaN says:

    Full health and armor
    Dial “3625550100” on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to “DOC-555-0100”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets”, “Finish Him”, “One Man Army”, and “Walk Free” achievements from being earned.
    Full health, armor, and ammunition
    Dial “4825550100” on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to “GTA-555-0100”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets” achievement from being earned.
    Weapons tier 1
    Dial “4865550100” on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to “GUN-555-0150”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets” achievement from being earned.
    Weapons tier 2
    Dial “4865550150” on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to “GUN-555-0100”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets” achievement from being earned.
    Remove Niko’s wanted level
    Dial “2675550100” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “COP-555-0100”. This code prevents the “One Man Army” and “Walk Free” achievements from being earned.
    Add one star to Niko’s wanted level
    Dial “2675550150” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “COP-555-0150”.
    Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
    Dial “3595550100” on the cell phone. The Annihilator is armed with rockets. Note: This phone number translates to “FLY-555-0100”. This code prevents the “One Man Army” and “Walk Free” achievements from being earned.

  19. Mac says:

    is there a money cheat

  20. aloha mon says:

    can we jack planes?

  21. nick says:

    mr.awesome on gta 4 honkers is at island 1,& the small part of the 3rd island

  22. Zakkary says:

    gta iv is so easy i have had it for 2 days and i beat it with cheats ha ha try to beat it with out cheats theat is a challenge trust me gtg grand theft auto iv fans

  23. no name says:

    raw ass game but needs more cheat cods

  24. cody says:

    its so cool and its really and it was really easy i had it for 5 days and beat the hole thing the cheat codes make it easyer to beat so yea it was really fun

  25. cody says:

    but it needs more cheat codes for the game

  26. POOPBOY says:

    Damnit, there is no money cheat! Stop asking! Probly all 10 caring this much about cheats, RUINS EVERTHING!

  27. Elijah says:

    Weapons tier 2

    Dial “4865550150” on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG.

    Remove Niko’s wanted level

    Dial “2675550100” on the cell phone.

    Weapons tier 1

    Dial “4865550100” on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades.

    Add one star to Niko’s wanted level
    Dial “2675550150” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “COP-555-0150”.

    Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
    Dial “3595550100” on the cell phone. The Annihilator is armed with rockets. Note: This phone number translates to “FLY-555-0100”. This code prevents the “One Man Army” and “Walk Free” achievements from being earned.

    Spawn Cognoscenti
    Dial “2275550142” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “CAR-555-0142”.

    Spawn Comet
    Dial “2275550175” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “CAR-555-0175”.

    Spawn FBI Buffalo
    Dial “2275550100” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “CAR-555-0100”.

    Spawn Jetmax
    Dial “9385550100” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “WET-555-0100”.

    Spawn NRG-900
    Dial “6255550100” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “MBK-555-0100”.

    Spawn Sanchez
    Dial “6255550150” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “MBK-555-0150”.

    Spawn SuperGT
    Dial “2275550168” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “CAR-555-0168”.

    Spawn Turismo
    Dial “2275550147” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “CAR-555-0147”.

    Change weather and brightness
    Dial “4685550100” on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to “HOT-555-0100”.

  28. Liam says:

    How the hell do you jack Planes?

  29. Liam says:

    how do you fly planes

  30. evan says:

    ok u cannot jack planes. only coppa. and for da plpl tht beat it in lik a day suck. theres no funn in dat or the money cheat. u get money lata in da game.

  31. Alita says:

    How do I enter cheat codes on GTA4 pc?

    All websites say – “Bring up Niko’s cellphone, use the table below to find the cheat you are looking for, and then enter the cheat using the directional keypad on the phone. Once the cheat is entered, a ‘Cheat Activated’ message will appear.”

    When I press up the cellphone is displayed but I cannot access the keypad. 2 choices are given: Multiplayer or Editor

    Please help!!!!

  32. dennis says:

    ummmm u cant beat dis game in 2 days inless you &&&& played dis game for 24 hours in thoes 2 days “”””ZACH””””

    and is there a cheat for no remove wanted level completly ………?

    email mehh for answerss
    md planes…. wht bout datt

  33. dennis says:

    to remove wanted level********

  34. Michael says:

    where can you find more cheats for GTA IV
    when is GTA Sin City coming out
    Is it going to be for PC

  35. William says:

    how do you use the cell phone

  36. sahil says:

    whats the cheat for helicopter do you want to know its 3595550100

    from sahil

  37. where is his mission complete cheats and money cheat?

  38. gayatri says:

    hey can some one pls help me out… how do u use your cell phone in the game .. if i wanna use cheats … Im playing the PC version. When I get the cell phone up it only gives me the otpion of dailing nos that are stored.

  39. gayatri says:

    PLs email me the ans at


  40. harm says:

    what is the cheat for no police ?

  41. eshwar says:

    i want a permanent unwanted level and can i go to the air port and can i fly the flights.please give me a reply.this is for gta 4 -pc

  42. frank says:

    how do you actually type in the number into the cellphone, some sites just say “press up twice” but that doesnt work. anybody know?

  43. frank says:

    Before using cheat codes
    You cannot enter any cheat code before your cellphone really works. Thus, You have to succeed the 2 firsts missions in order:

    1) Drive to Roman’s Place mission.
    2) It’s Your Call mission: go to see Roman at the cab depot, drive him to the hardware store, then back to the cab depot.
    3) Now your cellphone works. Let’s cheat!


    1) Press Up to display your cellphone.
    2) Press Up again to access the keypad.
    3) Enter the following numbers to activate the corresponding cheat code. Press A to call.
    4) The cellphone calling, then ”Cheat activated” displays and the phone hangs up. The cheat is on!
    5) Once you enter the first cheat code, the new ”Cheats” menu appears under the ”Options” menu. You can now access the cheats by just validating the corresponding cheat’s name.
    6) Save the game to keep the cheat codes in your phone. But carefull! As in all GTAs, saving after enabling a code can cause some problems. Note that this may disable some Achievements. A message always indicates the blocked Achievement(s).

  44. frank says:

    how do you enter the numbers on nikos cell phone? it is confusing me!

  45. gta4 ownzzz! says:

    im back again :)
    fanatic car”car 227 5589″
    fib buffalo”227 555 0100″
    sanchez”mbk 555 0150″
    here’s my fav8()
    stripper’s strip in hooker club:() “hot 555 0100″
    wep pak #1″4865 555 0100”
    change weather “468 555 0100″
    900nrg”625 555 0100″
    raise wanted level by 1″267 555 0150”
    okay well all the cheats i posted on this note and the note above can be used but i suggest not saving after you use the because it might mess up you’r game(maybe even you’r xbox360 or you’r ps3…

    happy hacking
    x ()

  46. gta4 ownzzz! says:

    i will try to figure out the cheat for the jetpack and the 2 seated jet but… it may take me a while

    sorry that it probably will but they are hard to find

    bye :3

  47. gta4 ownzzz! says:

    okay i might of thought of what they could be hold on lemme check


  48. brad says:

    Wtf man i love it but needs more cheats trust its cool wid the cheats i love the bike one =] its great well anyways gl wid the game and have fun on it don’t cheat :l From: Bradz

  49. matzu says:

    is there any cheat for infinite ammo/hp
    and for money?

  50. joe says:

    i found some more cheat codes that no one else has. for a news helicopter dial 3652670100… become fat dial 5873330100……for a tank dial 55508340100…..its really fun when u r fat and get into a tank….watch what happens….

  51. joe says:

    dial 911 on the game phone and press 5 u will get a police truck….if u dial 7548880100 and u r by water u can get apolice boat…..get into a helicopter and go up as high as it can then jump out and then put in the cheat for a police helicopter and u can get back into it and fly away…its really fun….but do it fast or u will hit earth and die.

  52. josh says:

    hey joe. i tried the cheats u said and they r really fun….i became fat in the game and got a tank and got in and the tank would not move and the guy said i cant move iam to fat….that was funny….thanks for the cool stuff…..u should find some more and put them out.

  53. Azza says:

    “How do I enter cheat codes on GTA4 pc?

    All websites say – “Bring up Niko’s cellphone, use the table below to find the cheat you are looking for, and then enter the cheat using the directional keypad on the phone. Once the cheat is entered, a ‘Cheat Activated’ message will appear.”

    When I press up the cellphone is displayed but I cannot access the keypad. 2 choices are given: Multiplayer or Editor

    Please help!!!!

    you need to of completed the first mission pmsl

  54. bobby says:

    you give me the cheat code for a banseen please!!!!? ?

  55. jake says:

    you cant be come fat

  56. jake says:

    bat you can climb

  57. jake says:

    y ant yous talking to me

  58. Ron CJ says:

    Why to use cheat code in this game?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its a GR8 LOSS

    Just make only one cheat. (i.e MONEY CHEAT)

  59. twig says:

    how do ya put in coads on phone

  60. mahad says:

    Hi is there a cheat for infinite ammo, no police, or infinite health?
    reply back at

  61. Matty (How To Use Cell Phone) says:

    I noticed a lot of you are having problems trying to dial numbers on Niko’s Cell Phone.

    In the PC Version all you have to do is press the button that you use to bring up the phone twice.

    On my computer I press P to bring up the cell phone and then P again to enter a phone number. You must enter the number with the enter and arrow keys.

    Also if you dial 911 you can call the emergency services to your location. Which is handy if you need to steal a police car or if you need to call an ambulance to refill your health.

  62. mark says:

    this game is awsome who ever made that game is and has cool gravicks

  63. I think all of these cheat codes are very useful. but I don’t know should I put in this: “-“? Also, I want to know after I put in the cheat codes, I should press which button on the keyboard to activate the cheats?


    If you can help me, please send me the answer to the below Email address:

    Also, I will give you something that all of in boys will be very interest about it for you as a present for being answer my question.


  64. craig says:

    x box363 cheat codes for gta4!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. gwinner says:

    wat about a tank code

  66. KILLER SHANE says:


  67. KILLER SHANE says:


  68. gang boss says:

    i hate gta iv without infinite health and money cheats its just crap because u lose all ur money when u die

  69. poo head says:

    cheat for plane is 987 4536 675

  70. mark says:

    good job on the game to me that is the best game of the year

  71. firefighter says:

    is there a cheat to unlock all 3 maps…..

  72. LJ says:

    spwan infernus

  73. does any1 have a code for an airplane. -whooooosh-

  74. Kieran says:

    honkers is in the 4th island and to put chets into the phone press up twice and use the drectional bottons and a to pick the numbers

  75. HHH says:

    Excellent codes game sick when used!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. wallster says:

    that tank code 55508340100 its too many #’s and dos’nt work neither dos the be come fat 587 333 0100

  77. austin says:

    you should make a plane cheat like 103 555 0100

  78. austin says:

    you should make a plane cheat

  79. Make a cheat for a jetpack or a cheat for a tank.

  80. Monchster says:

    these codes rock too… although someone may have already posted them

    NRG-900 – MBK-555-0100
    Sanchez – MBK-555-0150
    SuperGT – CAR-555-0168
    Turismo – CAR-555-0147

  81. Forrest Linn says:

    i’ve had this game since it came out, not gonna lie, it’s a bit of a disappointment. there aren’t many customization options, the codes aren’t even that interesting, there’s just not enough to it to make it that great. i still lay it though, i’m playing it now, but it really isn’t that cool. also, there needs to be some way to remove previously entered codes.

  82. doomslayer4 says:

    ok so you all got problems ohh if you got gta sanaandreas i got the hidra cheat triangle triangle squair circle up L1 L1 down up
    lol i memmorized it MWHAHAHHA ohh well hey for somethin fun to do go into the hospital and walk into doors in the baxk till one opens and you can push people of the beads and they dont get up lol

  83. doomslayer4 says:

    i mean triangle triangle squair circle X

  84. Your Mum says:

    cheat for invulnerability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    no death cheat: 5483-555-9191

  85. bobyang says:

    could you send me the grand theft auto cheats list please and it for platstation2. thank you

  86. cheekee says:

    more cheats plz…. There not enough like san andreas Also the game is tight just wish there was a jetpack code — im 51% in the game

  87. your dad says:

    if u use cheat codes then whats the reason for buying the game?

  88. james says:

    one youve entered the cheats there is a option on the main menu called on it and it has all your entered cheats instead of writing them all over and over again

  89. weasel says:


  90. mr.mack says:

    does any person have da cheats 2 fly

  91. hot baby says:

    tank cheat plz

  92. hey says:

    yeah whats the tank cheat

  93. DANNY says:


  94. JUAN says:


  95. JUAN says:


  96. Lil twista 18 (360 only) says:

    To ppl that say that they can’t open the cheat thing, you gotta beat at least the first mission to do cheats…

  97. jkCunningham says:

    Pedestrians riot cheat
    (note: blocks One Man Army achievement, use at your own risk)
    dial 555-891-0011 on Niko’s cell phone during game play

  98. danny says:

    i like san andraes the best because theres so much more cheats for it than any else and grand theft auto IV has such crappy cheats. the best one is spawn helicopter, which is (359)-555-0100.

  99. danny says:

    Grand Theft Auto IV is fun but i like all the other ones best because they have lots more cheats, but my favorite is San Andraes because it’s just funner and i think it has the most cheats. The cheats for Grand Theft Auto IV are kind of boring, but my favorite is the helicopter cheat.To activate the helicopter cheat, you have to pull out your cell phone and dial the phone number, (359)-555-0100

  100. Akash09 says:

    seriously da cheat codes aint so intersetin as in san andraes…..>>>example no tank codes no money codes etc etc

    GTA IV iz kinda slack buh itz a owsome tympass gamez

  101. Akash09 says:

    seriously da cheat codes aint so intersetin as in san andraes…..>>>example no tank codes no money codes etc etc

    GTA IV iz abit borin buh itz a cool tympass game

  102. Akash09 says:

    y dont da stripper’s strip????

  103. killer boy says:

    you should make a jet pack cheat like 111 444 0100

  104. killer boy says:

    you should make a car flying cheat for gta4

  105. swag boi says:

    plz make one with big rims for cars like a code for 24s and wat type of rims and 26s to 30s it would be cool

  106. alex says:

    nice cheats some are new

  107. Abhay says:

    Infinite ammo by completing the Game
    GTA IV 100%

    No need of moneycheat when you have stevie’s gargage in Bohan just put cars of road for money after completing his cars delivery.

  108. Abhay says:

    Sorry Garage in Bohan
    Does the plane cheat works?

  109. killert says:

    i need a money cheatcode

  110. j says:

    in pc, which key can bring up the phone?

  111. j says:

    i have a cell phone but i don’t know how 2 use it. i answer it by pressing ‘tab’ but i don’t know how to bring up the phone.
    please help me

  112. Cheets says:

    This game is wayyyyyyyyy to easy, ive had it for like, 1 week and beat it WITHOUT cheats, i kinda hate the ending…. well the ending i chose

  113. firefly says:

    most of the cheats don’t work

  114. qimmy says:

    hi :D I want to know why my camera is vibrating when I’m playing
    and can you give me a lamborghini (INFERNUS)Cheat

  115. Malik Haroom says:

    Plzzzz give me GTA 4 money cheat code___________i really neeeeeed!

    give me the answer @

  116. Malik Haroom says:

    Plzzzz give me GTA 4 money cheat code___________i really neeeeeed!

    give me the answer @

  117. Josh says:

    some of the cheats do not work, I can only have 10 numbers in my cellphone at once.

  118. bob says:

    there is a cheat code for the hummer and the vette does any one know them i had them but lost and cannot find them any more

  119. Trantster says:


    but y use cheats it takes the fun outta the game you retards

  120. Trantster says:

    like its funny watching people get beat the cra p outa and watchin the plan blow but it gets borin after a while.
    i did same thing on Saints Row 2 wich is similair.

    p;lane cheat is 987-4536-675

  121. nick says:

    they r all soi awsome
    gta 4 is better that all of them they r so awsome

    how many cheats can their be lol

  122. Mudogz says:

    Is there a code cheat code for the Multi-player mode? Like being able to getl all weapons?

  123. BAF1998 says:

    GTAIV would be alot better if it had a money cheat and an actual jet to fly and jack

  124. Gamerz says:

    Ok u all have a lot of problems…..some stupid ones! Do the missions make the cash. And why isnt there a flippen cheat for no cops?!?! there was one for san. Well anyway i can tell u all got more whining to do. Oh ya and codes can only have 3 #s to start with u all r stupid for putting 4!

    Peace out

  125. ehsan says:

    what is the money cheat

  126. sheena says:

    to get jetpack get a helicopter fly up 100 times and fall down 90 times do not mess up if u mess save then u restart there u got jetpack

  127. jarrett says:

    ok look everybody on GTA IV there is no plane , tank , peds riot , strippers strip , or no death cheat. but you do get infinite amo after you beat the game. no money cheat AND YOU CANT MAKE CHEATS!!!! if you want people to make cheats go to and search rockstar games GTA IV. and ask for them to make cheats there and no jet pack cheat no police boat cheat and you can only go to 3 when you dial 911 not 5. and the car repair cheat dont work unless you do the DOC-555-0100 while in a car or the GTA-555-100 cheat in a car ok if you have anymore questions about cheats for this game email me at

  128. Denies Gta4 Player says:

    When u have a Fib Buffalo, you can press L1 en then u can search criminals en kill them!, really fun!
    And the Fib Buffalo is Bullet Proof:D:D:D
    Really cool game!! Also for girls! ;)
    Xx Denies <3

  129. Andrew says:

    Is there a cheat for a tank?

  130. coolgirl27 says:

    if anyone has a jet pack code email me at

  131. Ashley says:

    Uhmmm. I wish you had more cheats, but half these don’t work. You should work on them and figure out whats wrong with them :)

  132. *wink**wink* says:

    ok wondering if anyone knows anything about the clothes in this game! forget the money cheats u dont get to use it, taxi’s the few gay clothes and the food….oh ya and stripers but i wish u all would stop asking about money cheats! oh yes and if im wrong about the clothes being gay it may be because i dont own a xobox360 and lost and the damned

  133. kevin says:


  134. kayla says:

    omg!!! can you make a cheat code saying you would be allowed in manhattan???? in gta IV?

  135. B says:

    Da **************invincible cheat on here doesn’t even **********work! Piece of ********code can’t even get all the numbers in the dialing part wad da hell.

  136. mike-1908- says:

    please i want more cheats!!!please please please!!

  137. mike-1908- says:

    and i want cheat for money

  138. mike-1908- says:

    come one guys answer for new cheats please plzzz

  139. abdirahim says:

    why donte have a jet plane/plane

  140. coolgirl27 says:

    make a cheat code for a big big big big big big big big tank any choose of color

  141. spicy91 says:

    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz give a cheat to steal a plane

  142. mike says:

    if u have any more qwestions or add me on msn girls as well

  143. andrew says:

    in the game gta 4 how come the cheat invulerability dosen’t work?

  144. andrew says:

    e mail me and give me the correct cheat coad for gta4 invulnerability

  145. Draco says:

    AND THERE IS NO INFINITE MONEY OR HEALTH CHEATS! IF UR GOOD U WOULDNT NEED MONEY CAUSE U WOULD ALREADY HAVE AT LOEAST $30,000 AND JUST USE THE HEALTH CHEAT OVER N OVER AGAIN TO FIX UR CAR AND REPLENISH UR HEALTH! o and u dont have to type in the numbers every time! type in a cheat once and then just hit the up button on the D-pad (xbox360) press a go all the way down then there would be a place called cheats get it?????

  146. mkkjnjjukoiihuhygfhojchgggygy

  147. niko bellic says:

    helloo.. guys..

    those who are not able to enter the cheats .. the method is as follows.
    take out the phone in game by pressing up button.. and then again press up button to acess the keypad.. then enter the desired no. and highlight the green button using the arrows key and press enter.. it will make call to the desired no. and if this is the cheat it’ll automatically activate and displayed on ur top-left of the screen ..

  148. GTA 4 PwNS says:

    There Is no money Cheat. AT ALL.
    But There Is a money hack:
    Block a street with your car. Make sure there is a ATM Nearby. Then, When Ppl Go To use it and when their done STAB (yes stab) them to death, pick up their money, walk to the end of the street and then go bck to the dead guy and his money respawns. YOu can do this until you have
    $99,999,999,999 :D hop i helped.

  149. GTA 4 PwNS says:

    oh ya and when his money respawns its 3x the money he left the first time ;)

  150. cpl says:

    468-555-0100 Change weather
    486-555-0150 Get a different selection of weapons
    486-555-0100 Get a selection of weapons
    267-555-0150 Raise wanted level
    267-555-0100 Remove wanted level
    362-555-0100 Restore armour
    482-555-0100 Restore health, armor, and ammo
    948-555-0100 Song information
    227-555-0142 Spawn a Cognoscenti
    227-555-0175 Spawn a Comet
    938-555-0100 Spawn a Jetmax
    625-555-0150 Spawn a Sanchez
    227-555-0168 Spawn a SuperGT
    227-555-0147 Spawn a Turismo
    359-555-0100 Spawn an Annihiliator
    227-555-0100 Spawn an FIB Buffalo
    625-555-0100 Spawn an NRG-900
    227-555-0147 Spawn an infernus

  151. cpl says:

    thx4 the cheats

  152. rex mex says:

    i have the money cheat code i have flyen a jet/plane and THERES NO TANKS! im not tellin the code for it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  153. rex mex says:

    you have to find it your self!

  154. tyler says:

    the money cheat is the HEALTH AND WEPONDS cheat as well

  155. jia hou says:

    oi dont call him send to you all la share it at here

  156. jia hou says:

    hei y some num of cheats is 11 pls recheck make me confuse leh

  157. jia hou says:

    put every single that they call you to email them we must share mod you should put a rule no selfish guy that dont wan to share cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  158. jia hou says:

    make a bodyguards with 10 and jet pack for me thats all i want for gta4 xbox360 and i want real dun gib me 11 num

  159. jia hou says:

    inurable cars and ownself too or jet pack can change to walk on air that jump few times you are on air,my wish and i forgotten to indrudus i am wong jia hou from selangorP.M.stay at pf

  160. jose says:

    hey you sould put more car codes
    and more weapons codes to
    and make your own team for back up

  161. jose says:

    here are new wepaons
    weaopns tier 3
    1,bow and arrow
    2, katana
    3, sword
    4, knife
    5, baseball bat
    6, thunder bold
    7, tornado
    8, thunder

  162. question boy says:

    if anyone could make a code to fly planes for the xbox 360 i would give them $1000 if you do make one on then add account is PickledNote my brother made it and i hate him for thank you if you make one.i want to fly planes so bad on gta iv that i would do anything and i mean it.ty

  163. question boy says:

    if you cant email me at

  164. question boy says:

    make a cheat to fly planes make the code to be this

    257-555-0100 OK!!!

  165. jose says:

    amry tank 227-555-0149
    swat tank 227-555-0148

  166. jose says:

    put mortal komabt fighters in the game
    for back up
    you can chose your fighter
    mka-555- 0145
    2,lui kang
    4, johnny cage
    5, sub zero
    6, sonya balde
    7, jak
    8, night wolf

  167. Edward Kohl says:

    Man what the hell see here um so far the fat, news helicopter, no die/infinite hp, police boat dont work and the numbers are supposed to be like for example 911-555-8264 and not like for example 9127-555-4683 kk it is supposed to have 3 numbers at the begenning and 3 in of them in the mittle and also 4 of them at the ending of the code and so far i realy realy need these rare cheat codes that never came out yet i need these: no cops, never die, all vehicle cheat codes, jetpack, hover craft, army tank, army helicopter, army boat, army car, army jeep, army truck, army shirt and hat and shoes, army van, army jet, army plane, army submarine, police jet, police plane, police van, police car, police truck, police boat, police submarine, van, car, truck, jet, plane, money, riot and more but the most one i realy want if they have it but the lord of the rings mod/patch/cheat/code/cheat-code/cheat-codes/codes/mods/patches/cheats/etc/etc’s/more/more’s/others/other ok guys and guy and boys and boy and mens and men and dudes and dude and mans and man and womans and woman and womens and women and girls and girl and ladies and ladie and laydies and laydie and chick and chicks and laidies and laidie and more or what ever k plz i realy nead/need them ok ppl/pl/people/pll and also i want to beet/beat the whole-game/whol-game/wole-game/hole-game/hoel-game/hoal-game and more ok so i can unlock this unlimited/infinite ammo so i can shoot and kill and attack alert lots of people on this/that game/demo so i can do what ever i want with the infinite health and infinite ammo and all of the vehicles and also no cops and i will be able to drive all of the jetpacks/jets/planes/helicopters/boats/submarines/ships/hovercrafts/cars/vans/trucks/bikes/pets/toys/more/other/etc oh and one more thing dont forget that jet and airplane and jetpack cheats/cheat ok guys and also weapons plz get thos wpn cheat codes were you can get some separate weapons and maybe more soon

  168. question boy says:


  169. question boy says:


  170. Jamie says:

    Hey who Wants A Jet? Dial This Number=227-555-151

  171. fwgsg says:

    chubaca 123 555 ak47

  172. MUTHU says:


  173. MUTHU says:


  174. hbk says:

    a money cheat

  175. any 1 now the cheat that gives u bodygurds if so email me ty

  176. John says:

    I have the game on PC. When I pull out my cell phone the only options I have are going into multiplayer etc. I can’t make a phone call. What’s the problem? How do I fix it?

  177. Tye says:

    Any cheat for the Infernus car? The lambourghini in the game??? I lost it by picking up the phone to Brucie to go for some damn boat ride and the game just rips the car away from me and i was stuck with the SUV to drive home with!! My Lambo was gone!!!!! I’ve tried all the so-called “Infernus” cheats on here and no one has it right. Please help! I know I saw atleast 2 codes on here and none of them work! Try the codes before you post people. So does anyone know it??

  178. mikev says:

    i have 157 codes of gta iv

  179. gta says:

    what is the money cheat????

  180. @b|-| | s |-| e K says:

    when i take out niko,s phone .there are 2 options video editor and multiplayer………… do i dial the cheat no???????????



  182. bob says:

    what is the jet cheat

  183. jimmy says:

    i wish there was a cheat to skip a level

  184. dragon says:

    the strippers strip cheat is fake and half the other ones to the strippers strip cheat is the weather cheat

  185. connor says:

    what is the cheat for the tank many thanks……xxxx reply plz

  186. Luke says:

    If your car as stalled, go to your phone, and type in any three digit number, then enter, and the car will work again

  187. markrockin says:

    The code is Song information – 948-555-0100

  188. kabeer says:

    i like this game and i want all cheat dof this game

  189. Daniel says:

    i want to know what is the money cheat plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  190. Miranda:) says:

    Song Information.
    If you want to find out the artist, album, song that is on the radio in Niko’s phone pull up the phone and dial:

  191. Miranda:) says:

    Completey Fix A Totaled Car.
    Dial 362-555-0100 on Niko’s phone while in the car to make it as good as new and get full health and armor.

  192. Miranda:) says:

    Vinewood Laundromat
    Dial 555-5123

    Liberty Construction
    Dial 555-1274-73

    Dial 555-221-3877

    No Problemo Bail Bonds
    Dial 555-945-733-92

    Used Auto Parts
    Dial 555-7300

    The Serrated Edge
    Dial 1-800-555-5555

    Superb Deli
    Dial 555-4674

  193. Miranda:) says:

    Listen To Back On My Grizzy In Car
    While playing press Up, Down, L2, R1, X, L1(2), Right, Left, Up.

  194. Miranda:) says:

    Drive A Ferrari
    While playing press R2(2), Left, Down, Circle(2), Down, Down.

  195. Miranda:) says:

    Infinite Money
    While playing press Square, Left, R2, Down, Down, L1, Up, Circle.

  196. marc says:

    227-555-0147car hahahahahahaha

  197. marc says:

    227-555-0100car ik weet niet of hij het doet hahaha maar meschine ook wel hahaha

  198. EmO nErD says:

    haha well i just got this game….
    and i already know almost ALL about this because ive had it when it first came out. but then my stupid brother HAD to take it with him on the plane… got stolen… just our luck eh?
    but yea…. its fun.

  199. dude this game has a lot of cheat’s

  200. MUM AND DAD says:

    following cheats are from GTA:
    FBI BUFF [ 2275550100] HELI [ 3595550100] TURISMO [ 2275550147] SANCHEZ [ 6255550150] NRG900 [ 6255550100] BYE BYE COPS [ 2675550100] Mum and Dad are warning you, anyone but anyone that begs 4 the money plane and tank cheat should stop getting drunk……… FACE IT, GTA IS NOT GONNA UPGRADE SO Y BOTHER ASK Friggin weirdos More cheats next time

  201. wassy 09 says:

    i think there should be a cheat that lets you do up your car and make it so you can actually buy more things in the game.(let me now if you now any brill cheats that are not on the website.)

  202. sifhs says:

    i love grand theft auto

  203. mikyru asano says:

    free killing 429-555-0612 no cops anywhere 568-555-0956 all gta iv weapens 407-555-3872 everthing on gta 245-555-6788

  204. mikyru asano says:

    thats what i want :3

  205. mikyru asano says:

    a money cheat a all weapens cheat no cops anywhere cheat free killing cheat an anime cheat and all gta cheats

  206. mikyru asano says:

    put flying in and drive on air wit any thing and i want all monters from left 4 dead 2 and the witch from left 4 dead 2 >:D

    put mortal komabt fighters in the game
    for back up
    you can chose your fighter
    mka-555- 0145
    2,lui kang
    4, johnny cage
    5, sub zero
    6, sonya balde
    7, jak
    8, night wolf

  207. mikyru asano says:

    and a shark cheat and a whael cheat

  208. mikyru asano says:

    and all doors open cheat and stores cheat

  209. mr gta says:

    subaru 09 2275550192 plz

  210. mr gta says:

    227 555 0 191 rx 7 plz

  211. yungray says:

    r all dose cheats true

  212. Cesar says:

    What is the cheat code for the tank i tride it but it didn’t work so what is it please till me it

  213. Cesar says:

    One more thing whats the cheat for flying car.

  214. b-dowg says:

    people stop putting up fake codes some people dont want to waste their time putting in fake cheats also to put in a code on the phone press up 2 times to get to the numbers if that dont work it depends on how far you are in the game also but it wont take that long from the mission “it’s your call” + I know how to see the statues heart :) but me no tell.

  215. Don David says:

    please make a code for a lamborghini gallardo.

  216. wi hase a cheat for a tank made by lars bazelmans

  217. dipu says:

    pls send more wepons cheat codes

  218. rajhauns says:

    Invulnerability – 5483-555-9191
    this code does not work when ever i can only type 10 number i cannot type 11 help me……

  219. jake says:

    i think that their should be a money cheates….

  220. AcE3939 says:

    is all the cheats for gta4 or that gay tony thing or lost and damd?

  221. doobyest says:

    wheres the plane? how do i get it? email

  222. steven says:

    can you fly planes

  223. lil tay says:

    GTA is da best game ever and man kind

  224. Shae says:

    Cheat Codes Are In Case You Want To Get Away From Cops , Get New Cars. and Get You New Weapons

  225. Luis Rules says:

    Call 911 For Emergency Department

    1 For Police
    2 For Paramedics
    3 For Fire Service

  226. $juan$ says:

    complete game 100% cheat is 254 555 9865

  227. jack ass says:

    wat is the dam money cheat

  228. jaber says:

    the air plane cheat is 245-555-0109

  229. Uranus. says:

    I don’t think the invulnerability one is right, there are too many numbers there.

    Anyone knows the real code for that?

  230. ahmad mahafzah says:

    Look everyone that says GTA IV needs more cheats the rockstar company realised that so they made an edition called the ballad of gay tony that has really nice cheats such as the SUPER PUNCH, TANK, SUPER JUMP , NO DEATH and so many more look them up at google

  231. Nat says:

    You guys should try the boat cheat and create it over somebody, when you do it, the boat smashes the people and leaves they’re money or weapons laying there for you to take.

  232. mr. o says:

    put a mony cheat

  233. JoeB says:

    for all you pple who dont kno how 2 put in a cheat code first you have to trigger the mission “It’s Your Call” drive Roman where he wants 2 go then he will go into the building before he gets out of the car he will give u his old cell phone wit his # in it u need 2 drive him back home A.K.A his shop and then the phone is yours to keep press up twice and dial the cheat code #. Happy Cheating Y’all

  234. kieran says:

    they all work them cheat and you can drive planes

  235. unknown says:

    if you want a money cheat ust kill people and they will have money

  236. john says:

    isnt really gyes….. i have all codes for the gta4 x-box and ps3i have and laborgini gallardo…..i have 2000 cheat codes because at book gta4 have this isnt reallly bla bla bla

  237. Kelvin says:

    Where are the planes?Can You Fly Planes?Do you got aeroplanes cheat code

  238. ZOMBIESLAYER-_ says:


  239. blakevo says:

    can someone plz get me sum cheat for 360 gta 4 cars with turbo!!!!!!!! plzZZZ!!!!

  240. Danielle says:

    It wont let me dial on the cell phone? what do i do?

  241. hughzy says:

    does any 1 no dat cheat 4 jet pak plz

  242. jaknjill says:

    if u want a plane u need all islands,then u go to happiness island and find a fat dude eating a burger in front of the gift stand,then stand close and he tell’s Niko about a army 2 seater jet that can be found listen 2 his location and try rite it down at home…i think he says 365 star fin lane or something but it is a plae with a long lane 4 take off,go 2 that location and there u go an army jet

  243. youssef says:

    plz code for lambo morchialaogo for ps3

  244. jannette says:

    i need more cheat codes for ps3 for grant theft auto 4
    i need unlimited bullets

  245. kieroche add it on ps3 says:

    its a great game the sultan rs is amazing , what i realy want to know CAN U DRIVE A PLANE !! if so HOW if u want 2 tell me add me on the ps3 kieroche no spaces or caps

  246. kieroche add it on ps3 says:

    AcE3939 the cheats are the same i fink (:

  247. kieroche add it on ps3 says:

    do cheats reck the console ?????

  248. Louis says:

    Yeah, can u fly planes?

  249. connor **** says:

    can u have any jetpacks was the cheat ……………………………………….

  250. justin says:

    ok i really really wont the monster energy subaru mod code if there acually really is one dose any one now?

  251. rahul says:

    skip a mission

  252. demon says:

    the code for weapons 3 does not work pls help me

  253. dweleR says:

    can any1 tell me the Serial Code and Unlock Code ??? PLS :) email :

  254. To get a Ferrari dial this into Niko’s phone 267-555-0175 THIS CHEAT IS REAL BEILIEVE ME

  255. Jay says:

    I want to play my own muzik on my GTA4 for my PS3

  256. Zombie Smacker says:

    I personaly wish this game had as many cheats as the SanAndras GTA. But it’s still fun. Still haven’t beaten the game :D XD

    Add me on Xbox360 LIVE. Mannypancakes <3

  257. sean says:

    There is no planes,money cheat or tank for all you retarded s who keep asking.

  258. tyler says:

    is ther a nitis cheat

  259. abdu says:

    money cheat-329-555-0142

  260. ryanss says:

    Why dont the strippers strip??

  261. S3%%Y says:

    how do u get two players with 2 controllers on 1 ps3 on 1 game togther

  262. no celings 12 says:

    Can u fly planes

  263. valon says:


  264. maty-bee says:

    the plane cheat is 987-4536-675

  265. Daniel says:

    I love this game! But my favourite GTA was san andreas because you could fly a plane. I wish someone would just create a plane cheat!!

  266. kunal says:

    can we get bikes by cheat codes

  267. brayton enneking says:

    is ther a cheet for money and/or lambosghini murcielago

  268. ... says:

    Wow, people are asking why they don’t work. It might be b’cus they don’t exist. And why is one of those girls showing off that she’s a girl playing gta? Whata fool. I’m a girl too. Doesn’t mean I’m going to tell everybody.

  269. LCHC says:

    Ok yo there is NO MONEY,JETPACK CHEATS AND YOU CANNOT FLY PLANES! And everyone try beating the game without cheats that beat it with cheats.

  270. aleigha says:

    write cheats i need tank too many cops!

  271. aleigha says:

    write cheats i need tank too many cops

  272. Zach Henson says:

    I bought gta 4 to see how it was and i loved it. It is fun and entertaining. I would recomend it to everyone.

  273. habib says:

    they should make cheats online

  274. should make jetpacks and different types of helicpters

  275. anthon joe says:

    how u play with ur friend ( not online )

  276. danny says:

    plane cheat does not work at all the game is crap put quads on the game o make a quad cheat

  277. man says:

    penis in your hend 342 555 1098

  278. dylan says:

    monney cheat money cheat
    make a £250000 money1 like on san un dreyas come on people

  279. austin says:

    no cops come after you on a different island or at the airport

  280. gjjj says:

    i want a cheat for a jet pack!!

  281. stupid-ass says:

    you can fly planes ! :P

  282. MIKE says:

    can u get a jetpack on gta 4 for the 360

  283. lilrican says:

    tha riot and the predent one dosent work

  284. sam says:

    plz make a money cheat code in a week

  285. sam says:

    grand thrftauto iv

  286. sam says:

    make a girl game of this plz plz well DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  287. leafs rule says:

    the strip cheat is fake cause its the weather cheat

  288. leafs rule says:

    any one want my thong

  289. leafs rule says:

    who wants me thong

  290. ryder says:

    this shod be a wold racerd book 2011 because it rocks

  291. ryder says:

    you rock 100000000000000000000%

  292. reese1977 says:

    how do i get a plane

  293. John says:

    no death cheat does not work for my xbox 360!!!!!!

  294. cris says:

    I suggest that there should be a flying cars cheat like 198-553-1001

  295. jadee32 says:

    if you see a truck that is green and says gruppe6 on the side of it blow it up it gives you 1k

  296. kawayne says:

    do u have a real cheat for money

  297. gta fan says:

    ok. This is semi dangerous. go to the strip club in Bohan or Honkers in Alderny. When you do that get a private dance by a chick. you can go all the way through. Make sure you go all the way through without alot of money. then when it is over the chick runs out screaming, then all the guards come at you.

  298. luke says:

    a plane cheat is 478-555-0178

  299. daniel says:

    man kann nich 11 zifern ein geben

  300. daniel says:

    geld cheat 329-555-0142

  301. shoya says:

    ang pangit naman!!!!

  302. shoya says:

    kasi d ko pa na lalaro

  303. KING YOZI says:


  304. KING YOZI says:



  305. some kid >. says:

    kk to all you pplz asking for money cheats

    THERE ISNT ONE, and you wont need one if you work for packi for a bit
    coz you rob an effing bank and get a 1/4 of a million

    most of the cheats in the list at the top of this page dont work
    and you can only have 10 digets entered into your phone at one time

    oh and if you go out with roman take him to a bar
    have a drink then drive home
    its fun to do ^^

  306. Jordan says:

    Ok I want to enter these cheats but when i access my phone the only option i get is online. How do i enter these codes?

  307. moomoo 247 says:

    i need fling car cheat

  308. spryo72 says:

    cheat: have pokemon in liberty city: 896-555-0150

  309. cris says:

    Why didn’t they put a cheat code for a police uniform like 522-556-1001

  310. fred says:

    dit is een gaaf spel jong helaas geen geld code dat is jammer en het is vet makkelijk

  311. Andrew says:

    I Finish This Game 6times

  312. you should have a money cheat code that you can have 6.000.000$ and a hocker cheat code that a hocker will come to you and a cheat code that give you gang.

  313. opps i mean a girl that comes to you and comes in you car and do it to you

  314. qadeer says:

    can you cheat a banshee

  315. Grant Davis says:

    I feel I should say, I enjoy this site. Could tell me how I can go about keeping up to date with it? I feel I should let you know I discovered your site through MSN.

  316. qadeer says:

    whats yhe cheat from the banshee

  317. aditya ajit vaidya says:

    so many cheats were confusing but very much useful

  318. nick says:

    if you want to have a gang dial 216 485 0120

  319. michaeeelx says:

    why dont the strippers strip i mean c’mon why fake cheats make a real cheat plz :)

  320. michaeeelx says:

    why dont the stripers strip :@

  321. jordan munir says:

    will sombody make a $$$ cheat

  322. Why all u guys puttin up fake cheats? Hardly any of them work. By the way GTA IV is the best game on Xbox 360 that I have!!!!!!!!!! How can u people think that you can make your own cheats? Imposibilities are waht we all dream of but neglect to realize the true meaning of the word thus living our love in a realm based on hopes and dreams.

  323. jimmy says:

    can you cheat money

  324. carl says:

    can you cheat more ammo

  325. spy boy says:

    can you cheat a s.w.a.t uniform

  326. grand davis says:

    are that code realy working

  327. sam says:

    the money cheat is 3295550142

  328. sam says:

    i now the money’s 329-555-0142

  329. Unknown says:

    You play only in pC? yuck!!! buy ps3

  330. bla bla bla says:

    dese cheats dnt work do da 1dat duz work

  331. jason says:

    i know a cheat it is a bullet gt 227-555-9666

  332. jordan morrison says:

    i have all the cheats

  333. i have all the cheats now thanks lol

  334. i have all the cheats now lol

  335. i really need a money cheap for the dam game

  336. jordan says:

    hi ya god all the cheats

  337. jordan says:

    hey guys gta 4 is the highest rated game so people that play modern warfare 2 suck

  338. jordan says:

    hi im at school just now =)

  339. jordan says:

    hi heather

  340. hi george :) and hi to every one else

  341. u should pet romeo to d the middle finger 234 555 0100

  342. ryan says:

    gta is a good game because its funny. it’s better then gta sanandras

  343. ryan says:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

  344. ryan says:

    11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

  345. JOSE says:


  346. my dogs name is snuffy says:

    i had it for two days and i beat it with cheats is there a cheat for the lam borghini and a jet pack and a money cheat if u have my ancer email me at

  347. my dogs name is snuffy says:

    grand theft ato is a cool game and my xbox name is Cheifluke send me a freind reqest if ur interrested

  348. my dogs name is snuffy says:

    again send me cheats @ i need cheats or i can just print them out im looking for a lamborghini im 15 years old and i go to middle school and my name Luke Degnan and i type fast sometimes see u some day and im good and bad mostly bad . byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  349. THIS IS LOSERS says:

    no word works on GTA iv dumb asses

  350. jessyca says:

    does anyone know a cheat for a jetpack for gta 4 on pc?

  351. liam says:

    what is the chea for a mitsubushi or a skyliner

  352. jack.betts says:

    poop cheat is 1125 555 0919

  353. rawster boy says:

    hey wutz up with no bmx bike ain’t that not cool

  354. Icy_Blue says:

    how do u get the stripper outfit in GTA 4, PS3?

  355. jack says:

    most of the cheats dont work they most ov just made them up

  356. mike says:

    does any1 know the code for planes and rockets on the anhilarator, if you do post it pleas, thanks

  357. ME says:

    hoppfully these cheats woork

  358. basher says:

    this game ever
    is the best

  359. mike says:

    enable 2 repair the vehicle ur drivin pull the phone up and dial 482-555-0100 this will repair the car or whatever but it gives u health,armor,amo and wepons

  360. antreas says:

    gta super cars codes

  361. im hungry ''survant'' says:

    i no a cheat or 2 flying car is 3215558031
    and the $1000,000 and a car cheat is 9895551005
    cops cant get me is 5835559010
    to repair your car is 22285550122

  362. jack says:

    i ghave all the gta games and they all suck!!!!!!!…………JK they rock bitches

  363. big sis says:

    the airplane code 123-456-789 does not work who ever said that is crazy mN DUDE U ARE WAY OFF

  364. tapout 151 says:

    if u git in a helcopter fly to lady libertys feet there will be a door with 2 plates on each side go in that door and u can go up a ladder tha leads to a heart

  365. gta iv lover says:

    I’ve played all of the Grand Theft Autos & the best one is number 4. I’m not allowed to have GTA IV yet, so I can’t wait untill the next time I go to Carl’s house. He lets me play it for as long as I’m there! I hope these cheats aren’t fake! The reason I love this game so much is because I only get to play it once a year. I always wanted an invulnerability cheat. THANK YOU PERSON WHO MADE THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  366. gta iv lover says:

    By the way, somebody put the Jetmax cheat on this site twice.

  367. gta iv lover says:

    The cheat for a Banshee is 265-555-2423. I hope somebody will make good use of this cheat code.

  368. willeo says:

    this game needs way more cheats like maybe a jet pack and i hate how u have to buy certian packs it stupid we bought a 40 buck game now they want u too buy these stupid bounus packs just to get other cheats stupid u should sooo read this

  369. yep says:

    okay seriously, people you need to understand a few things.
    1. stop asking people to make cheats, you can NOT make cheats. the cheats are built into the game.
    2. there are no money/tank/pedriot/plane cheats. most of the “cheats” people posted here are fake.
    3. if you want some more cheats get the gay tony extension to the game.

  370. JaCkY says:

    i think some is wrong:
    Plane 123 -456-7 890
    Song information 948 -555- 0100
    Become fat 587 -333- 0100
    A tank 555 -0834- 0100
    Plane 987 4536 675
    Plane 103 555 0100
    Plane 257 -555- 0100
    Plane 245-555-0109
    spwan infernus 555 -339 -737
    no death cheat: 5483 -555- 9191
    Pedestrians riot cheat 555 -891- 0011
    jet pack 111 444 0100
    new wepaons 456 -555- 0148
    chose your fighter mka-555- 0145
    A Jet 227 -555- 151
    Free killing 429 -555- 0612
    No police anywhere 568 -555- 0956
    All weapons 407 -555- 3872
    subaru 09 227 -555- 0192
    RX-7 227 -555- 0191
    complete game 100% 254 555 9865
    Ferrari 267-555-0175
    Money 329-555-0142
    police uniform 522-556-1001

  371. mabz2k10 says:

    hello i would like to noe gta iv on ps3 lambo codes pls can i hve it if you dnt gemme it to me than ur internet is gnna get blocked everones okeee beyyyy fanx

  372. sultan says:

    can any one have the cheat for lamborgini car plz i need it plz help me if any one has the cheat tell me on this id

  373. aj says:

    where is the mini van cheats??

  374. cj says:

    i love this game i like it better than gta 5

  375. cj says:

    the best part ov the game r the strippers

  376. allain says:

    no cops cheats plzzzz email me for xbox 360

  377. TAZZZZZZZZZZ says:

    there is a glitch for gta 4 infinite health

  378. is there a cheat for every time no police

  379. mike says:

    where do u find a forklift

  380. hakam says:

    who know jet lamborghini in gta 4 ps3

  381. hakam says:

    i want to take lamborgini but i don’t know how

  382. tyler says:

    tye there is no infernus cheat what you do is when you get the infenus you get the around the city liky you can hyjack cars you find poeple driving infernuses that you can hyjack and drive

  383. Hunterific14 says:

    there is no invincibility cheat no money cheat no tank cheat and not jetpack cheat. why do half of you ppl write cheats for ballad of gay tony and lost and the damd
    here are some working cheats

    Health, armor, ammo: 482-555-0100
    Lower wanted level: 267-555-0100
    Weapon #1: 486-555-0150
    Weapon #2: 486-555-0100
    Helicopter: 359-555-0100

    here are some car cheats
    i forgot names


    all of these cheats are 100% working
    i promise

    gta4 rocks


    Have fun cheating :D

  384. Nikolas Aristotelous says:

    this is a code for lamborghini 362-555-0123 if it does’t work try this one 227-555-1100

  385. Przprz says:

    manny thanks for the cheats ansd codes but some people jest make them up so dont

  386. babe says:

    kan het niet in letters???????????????????????????????????????????????????

    ik kan dat nu niet

  387. JokerStrikes says:

    wat is the money cheat can anyone please tell me

  388. JokerStrikes says:

    u should add money cheat codes and body guard like 4 or 5 of them!

  389. zackaryan says:

    lol u should make a car spawner cool lol insted of a trainer

  390. matt says:

    whats the cheat for the race car

  391. brandon says:

    for all of u who want the money cheat, there is no money cheats, but u can just bid money at the LC cage matches.

  392. melrose-faye amelia groves says:

    I absolutely loathe this game it has terrible vilonce in the game which should not be displayed to young children.
    I have a 15 year old son who is absolutely addicted to this propesterous game and i think it should be banned aswell as cheating to win! just obide the rules of the game (not to sure if they have any) and why in gods name whould you ever want to ‘jack’ a plane or helicopter! I think this should never be played again and i bet half of you are younger than 16 its horrific!

  393. gta iv says:

    what is cheat for tank

  394. nico says:

    its really addicting

  395. ricci says:

    whats the cheat for a jet plane

  396. PISSEDOFF says:


  397. dylan says:

    is their a cheat for a jetpack

  398. dylan says:

    if there is can u tell me plz and is there a cheat for a plane

  399. stifler says:

    my car is automatically accelarate .cant stop that please help.i m pc user

  400. adam says:

    some of those cheats don’t work like the make strippers stripp one

  401. tim says:

    Damnit, there is no money cheat!!!!!

  402. uze says:

    hi wahts the serial code and unlock code?
    pls help

  403. uze says:

    whats the serial code for gta 4?
    pls help

  404. star says:

    i want money cheat

  405. Bret says:

    I am wondering is there like any big boats you can drive except the (tug) I have been wanting to know?

  406. tyrone says:

    their is no plane cheat or body gurid cheat

  407. tyrone says:

    their is no plan cheat or body guird

  408. dani says:

    enter 4865550150 for weather

  409. Justin M. says:

    you should make more grand theft auto games like for zanesville oh. and add kids and add school buses and let the man get into the bus and let the levels move i love these games make it for ps3 games.

    p.s. hope you make this video game alot of people will by the game

  410. jordan5395 says:

    how do u get all the islands without completing it anyone know a cheat for it

  411. jordan5395 says:

    i can’t enter the invulnerability cheat can anyone help me

  412. ben says:

    they should be banshee and lambergens chats

  413. Redneck says:

    Does anybody know the REAL invulnerability/no death cheat code for Grand Theft Auto 4??

  414. llordi says:

    press the up button and then press alyright up button.

  415. Abdulrahman says:

    what is the cheat code for weapons tier 3 for (PS3)?

  416. Abdulrahman says:

    if anybody tells me the cheat for weapons tier 3 i will tell him/her the cheat of infernus (Bernie’s Car)


  417. niko says:

    how to get a tank

  418. ismail says:

    can any body tell me the cheat for no police completely

  419. ROHAN says:

    what a game,but episodes from liberty city is much better

  420. shannon says:


  421. alfie says:

    any one no what the cheat no is for a jetpack on gta iv

    email me on my email address

  422. aayush says:

    what is the chit for no police?

  423. Look game is rubbish can’t fly planes no more ilands coz I’ve done every mission thts on it well crap

  424. Anyone got any think to say about or has any tops for
    me plz add me on facebook
    Anthony Houghton
    thx xx

  425. stijn says:

    is there a tank cheat

  426. Curty says:

    How do u get jet planes?

  427. che isaac says:

    what is the infurnus cheat in gta4

  428. scott says:

    what is the cheat to get snow

  429. Jerrry says:

    The riot cheat code its not working o.o

  430. ted says:


  431. bryan says:

    yo is there faster car than all the other cars

  432. bryan says:

    i notice something if all gta has cheats for money then why cant this one have that kind of cheat

  433. bryan says:

    the money cheat is 3295550142

  434. bryan says:

    3295550142 is the money cheat

  435. brogan says:

    i need 2 know where the secret island is wid the f22 on it


  437. adrianoredson says:

    i dond hef sam cheats for bake

  438. Connor says:

    There is a money cheat my brother has it and there is a cheat to become the ruler of liberty city it is awesome because every one bows to you when you go past and you can kill millions of people and you wont get the cops after you the number to rule liberty city is 289-555-981

  439. StevenP12 says:

    What is the cheat for no police?

  440. crisp says:

    police chopper is 3585550100 and police boat is 754 888 0100

  441. shaRpez x says:

    Really they should put all the cheats from San Andreas and Liberty City Stories together and add them on the next GTA ( if there will be one ) and put them on that game.

    God Speed And Party On!

  442. james says:

    to use cell phone press: the thing wich u bring the cellphone up with twice x ur welcome

  443. GTA IV Player says:

    I want to enter some codes but when I press up the cell phone is displayed but when I PRESS A SECOND TIME I still cannot access the keypad… Reply ASAP!!!!

  444. knight rider says:

    have a cheat for thoes people who like knight rider

  445. justin says:

    is there a cheat 4 a tank

  446. April jane francis says:

    this game is so kool n awesome hell to the ya pce

  447. Amber says:

    the cheat for no police is quite easy and u wouldn’t believe but my stupid brother thinks he can get to the island without from the swat team

  448. cortez says:

    i cannot access the cheats on the phone because it only gives me one option so can u help thanks

  449. deesha says:

    WHAT IS A HONKER??????????????????????????????????

  450. brent robinson says:

    what is the cheat for no police

  451. rick says:

    money cheat

  452. rick says:

    how i get cheat for money

  453. rick says:

    how to get cheat for money cheat for grand theft auto 3

  454. nick says:

    is there a no cops cheat

  455. devil says:

    How to get lamborgigi and other cars

  456. Jay says:

    Get the mOney code

  457. matthew says:

    to bring up your phone double tap arrow up and if you completed the 2nd mission you can but cheats

  458. Naz says:

    thanks for the cheats buddy

  459. xxx says:

    how do you get a jet and a plan

  460. fuck says:

    how do get gun$

  461. gta fan says:

    how do you jack plains

  462. gta fan says:

    what is the money cheat

  463. HELTH says:


  464. paul says:

    the riot cheat isent working i got ps3 any help?????

  465. Callum says:

    Hello, is there any cheats for a plane or a jetpack…how can you finish the game really quickly?

  466. 555.5100 says:

    bon les code toute en haut c’est de gta 4 sur ps3 ??
    oui ou non

  467. hayden says:

    does anyone notice that the same code for “Stripper Strip” is the same as “Change Weather” What is with that

  468. mynetxx says:

    I like this game !!:))))………

  469. connor says:

    wat in the cheat for no police on gta elc

  470. I wont to all of the cheat code

  471. xG74x says:

    Yo I play modern warfare 2 a lot but when ever I get a chance I play gta IV I came here for cheat codes but if you play modern warfare 2 just send me a friend requst my gamertag is: xG74x thanks

  472. werewolf says:

    you are all stupid if you dont know how to use the phone all i can say is wow

  473. joseph says:

    Y’all need more and better cheat codes

  474. Madeline says:

    Hey is there or can there be a money cheat code cuz i need fucking money!!!!!!!!! Pweez =]

  475. B-dog says:

    Hey, I forgot… does the health and armor cheat give money too? Thanks

  476. harpo says:

    gta4 is a great game and its cool to play and theres cool stunts that you can do but whats most awsome is that theres so maney levils to play and it is alot of fun.and it is cool that you can have sex with your girlfriend and with a stripper thats on the the streets of liberty who ever is reading tbis i hope you like this and that you have alot of fun paying the game grand theft auto 4 ow and also that you will have fun ow and the cheat code for no police is 332-567-0126

  477. you are all LOSERS says:

    Ok I hope you know there is no jet pack or air play codes and most of you need to learn how to spell and use proper grammer. People can’t make cheats. Cheats are pre loaded into the game by the game developers. You can’t add any and there is no money cheat because that’s why you kill people to get money to make the game intresting. Get it? Also you can’t jack plans 1. How could you jack planes 2.why would you jack a plane 3. Where would you go in the plane? 4. How would land the plane without dieing and 5 how would you fly a plane. Now to the jet pack if you went to high and ran out of fule you would die and fall to your death also if (if you don’t have the islands unlocked yet)you went over a island border you would get killed and they could aim for the jet pack and shoot you down so there you have it.

  478. you are all LOSERS says:

    Plane not play

  479. you are all LOSERS says:

    Also there is no body guard cheats or anything so go cry to your mom. And when I said play in the first one I meant air plain

  480. Hazim Reitz says:

    umm…. man, GTAIV cant use airplanes, only logical super intel human like a heli :D so damn hard to control it when on last mission XD…… btw find a way to use CE mine, its BLOCKED!!!!

  481. clifton c.c says:

    can niko fly a plain

  482. daylan says:

    what is the code for the plane

  483. daylan says:

    does any one now the code for the plane

  484. The One Free Man says:

    Does the Invulnerability Cheat REALY work? Cus when i try to type in the code i wont get the last number!!! please remove the cheat because it doesnt work

  485. nahid says:

    Der is planes in island 1 or 2 but is der a cheat to go to another island without doin de cheats if der is plz telll me on nahid_’

  486. Andreas says:

    Riot peds,Invulnerability, police boat and Strippers Strip don’t work on ps3. What shall i do?
    * *

  487. yoyo says:

    what is the cheat for norwigen police CAR ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  488. hardy297 says:

    i completed g.t.a in 5 hours without no cheats but when i completed it i got bored so i looked on the site and it give me cheats so it was even more fun to play on.

  489. stinger said says:

    call 911 you can choose between police,paramedic and fire brigade

  490. PC ME says:

    how do i use the invulnerability cheat it does not fit

  491. PC ME says:

    if anione has the real invulrenability and money cheat plz give them to us

  492. i wanna know says:

    whats the cheat for the plane px someone help pleaseee

  493. Duran says:

    how can I unloack more police cars

  494. azrul says:

    did you know for cheat aeroplane

  495. liam says:

    invunrability an car repair dont work

  496. yeaaahhh says:

    is there a parachute cheat for this game if there is wats the number

  497. dean says:

    how to enter cheat codes in gta 4 niko bellic, s mobile and how to enter the keypad all it has is
    two options multiplayer and video editor, can somebody please tell me through email

  498. tizil says:


  499. woa says:

    woa a plane u lie

  500. priyank mehta says:

    du u knw any other cheats of gta 4 nd msg me at

  501. ffs says:

    Invulnerability – 5483-555-9191 doesn’t work!!

  502. costy says:

    thanks v much

  503. alec says:

    the stripers strip does not work it changes the day of light

  504. chris says:

    this website is awesome but they need to make mre

  505. RoNaLd says:

    hey i think u should make a game were u can haul trailers and boats and like bed trailers. i think u should see ur spadomitor and need to pump ur own gas. u should still be able to steal cars and stuff to. u need customization shops to for nice rides. other then that these games are pretty funn

  506. Tj says:

    Make a cheat too unlock all islands

  507. Dan says:

    Half of them dot work on the gta 4 cheats

  508. Sean says:

    Why are a lot of the IV (Niko) cheats FAKE! I really liked this website when I first saw it but then I tried the cheats and some of them are fake. Helicopter one is same as Annihilator. Pedestrian riot is fake although I would really of liked that! Police boat is fake as well!!!!! Please don’t put fake cheats on next time! Remove them or edit them please :(

  509. Steven says:

    Anyone know the code for airplane?

  510. Daniel says:

    I have xbox 360 and I am cant do the invulnerability because the code too long… it’s going like this 5483-555-919 and I just can’t do the number 1 in the end why is that?

  511. Katja says:

    I want gta4 cheat code for PS3

  512. bob says:

    can we have police clothes cheats and to work as a police

  513. bob says:

    can we have a work at the army cheat plz

  514. eLY says:

    whats the cheat for a flying cars on Gta Iv????

  515. tyler says:

    whats a jet pack cheat

  516. Vibish Aswanth says:

    Do any one have cheat for never wanted police chase, If u have plz send to

  517. bigball93 says:

    any one know the cheat for a tank

  518. bigballer23 says:

    can any 1 tell me the cheat for tank on gta4 plz

  519. Stripper Lily says:

    wtf Strippers striping does not work but it changes the weather dumbass get ur facts right!

  520. Anup says:

    Am nt able to cmplete 12th mission in gta 4 cn u plzz say hw to play it plzz guyz

  521. Kallum says:

    Should be able to modify cars like on san andreas it would be miles better

  522. Black Dragons says:

    is there a cheat were you can get all achievements unlocked for gta 4 liberty city

  523. niko says:

    how that police never shoot an as and wanted level down all time works

  524. jackson says:

    what is the cheat for inferure

  525. leonel says:

    u need to have one were u can have burnies car the one he gives u and striper strips does not work i did that like 3 times wonderimg if its true or not and noyhinn happens exept it says i did a cheat wtf

  526. Cocoa says:

    The ped. Riot doesnt work

  527. When is the new GTA coming out?

  528. crutis2003 says:

    Im 8look for a jet plane can you help

  529. JACKO says:

    driving in a audiiii it fassst bbbyyyyyyyyyyye

  530. tyler says:

    u should make one to get a plane and to be a police man emil me pls

  531. zaafeer says:

    How can i fly the big planes on gta4 on ps3 you cand send wat must i do to at

  532. you shuold make a code for gta iv xbox 360 were niko drives a moter siycul and you press xa and he and the bike turn ghost rider

  533. the guy who loves gta 4 says:

    i have all basic cheats from ign but there is no money or no popo so STOP ASKING :3

  534. mo says:

    you might have a real cheat code for gta 4 I want a money cheat and unlimited healt cheat as you know email me on this mo.1998 @

  535. how do u find them rat pingens

  536. josesanch says:

    is there cheat codes for infurnus

  537. Hassan says:

    what is the cheat for a lambo??…

  538. sonicjay2 says:

    me ps3 broke :[

  539. brandon says:

    gayatri, the cell phone in gta 4 to type a cheat press up in the D pad twice to use your cheat go on menu on the phone and go down to cheat click it and i will say all you cheats that you used

  540. brandon says:

    oh yea and their is no money cheat the best thing to do is make it through a lot of missions to unlock steves grage and use the spawn super GT [car] in his grage and he will give you 11,000$ for it and the Super GT but i dont know the super GT code so i use the Bullet GT and the code is 2275559666

  541. brandon says:

    and any one know a cheat for and tank limo and plane

  542. brandon says:

    i im a LIVE gamer XD

  543. Melissa says:

    I can’t see the numbers on his cell to enter the cheats

  544. Chris says:

    272-555-8265-TANK, BABY!!

  545. Big pun says:

    There should be a cheat to get a unmarked police car

  546. Please add some new cheats like security guard, moneu, super punch, or duper power:(please

  547. DIXI M.F. says:


  548. abdulrahnman says:

    U must press UP twice to dial the cheat code number

  549. rajan gupta says:

    i play gta 4 game on my computer and it is awesome it is very easy game you ike the game

  550. rajan gupta says:

    cheat code for tank on pc 2725558265

  551. Sarah says:

    Are you supose to have only 4 cheats

  552. Ethan says:

    Thx are these for XBOX

  553. Brandon says:

    Wat is the strippers and invisibility cheat codes is

  554. Ajay Jadhav says:

    Ousume gta seres 45..its will Ilike and Love that!!!!!!!!!!

  555. ashley says:

    do all these actually work for the gta iv game???
    and if they do can i post on my website?

  556. Deadlyrahbi says:

    Gta4 is a really good game but it does need a few more cheats

  557. yoyoman says:

    all town hookers cheat is 5554553217

  558. gta says:

    i love gta iv its the best game of all times

  559. karan says:

    You gotta press the ‘up’ key twice to type the cheat codes… Once, to bring up the cellphone and the second time, to access the keypad.

  560. Archie says:

    i have got every cheat you can get on the game. there are no plane cheats! i have looked at about 30 websites and im telling the truth. my favourite is the police anialator police helicopter 3595550100 . it doesnt have rockets it has machine guns. email me at or text me 07754753555 if you want all of the cheats or cheats on call of duty black ops or saints row the third or seeds for minecraft xbox 360 edition P.S. i have an xbox my name is v8 ShocKZ message me

  561. JEN says:

    whats the jetpack cheat code?

  562. kasikile says:

    the jet cold should be like this 6745550100 and the tank should be like this 8795550100

  563. kasikile says:

    jet should be this code 6545550100 and tank should be like this 4135550100 for xbox360

  564. Robin says:

    What is THE cheat for te tank

  565. I know how to jack planes

  566. juanmejia says:

    Its esear to kill theguy

  567. ethan says:

    how do you get unlimited ammo