Top 5 Games of 2010

Here is the Gamesweasel chart of the top five most anticipated games of 2010 (assuming they don’t all get delayed to 2011).

Lost Planet 2

First up it’s Lost Planet 2. As one of the first games to come out on the 360, this game absolutely floored me in terms of the arcade-style gameplay and visuals as you fought inside big mechs in a snowy landscape and shot lots of insects in the bum. This sequel takes place 10 years after the original story and now all the ice has melted to reveal a jungle landscape. You can now customise your character giving more of an RPG feel to the game and play through the game in co-op mode online. You can expect to play this one in February.

Preorder from Amazon: Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2

Heavy Rain

Also due for a February release it’s Heavy Rain. Much has been made of the very realistic tone of this game and details about it are still scarce. We do know that it’s going to revolve around four different characters and question the whole good and evil thing. It’s also going to have a film noir look, some supernatural elements and quick time events. Whether it’s any good or not remains to be seen but, if anything, it will be an interesting game to play whatever the outcome so that’s why it’s in my list.

Preorder from Amazon: Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

Mass Effect 2

Out in January, Mass Effect 2 is the sequel to the epic RPG set in space from those masters of the genre at BioWare. Set two years after the end of the first game, Jack Shepard is back to investigate the sudden disappearance of human colonies across the galaxy. Interestingly, you can import your save from the first game which will directly effect how the sequel plays, and you can even die at the end of the game which will of course effect the third part of the trilogy! It’s sure to be deep and completely take away your social life. Hey, it’s winter. Just make sure you finish it before the spring.

Preorder from Amazon: Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

God of War 3

Now coming out in March, it’s God of War 3. This will be the first game of the series on the PS3 and is sure to look absolutely stunning considering it already looked pretty tasty on the PS2. Kratos still needs to go to anger management and is once again waging war with the gods using his blades of Athena, his bow and his big fist gauntlets to smash up everything in his path, including solid objects of the scenery! This game is sure to be a slick action experience to give you blisters and is a must for anyone who owns a PS3.

Preorder from Amazon: God of War 3

God of War 3

Super Mario Galaxy 2

And to be released some time in 2010 it’s Super Mario Galaxy 2. Originally supposed to be a return to the planets visited in the last game, the game has changed direction and now features all new spherical 3D worlds and, apart from the use of the bee suit, completely new features and gameplay mechanics. Mario can now also ride Yoshi to swallow things and lay eggs and the game may also include the Super Guide feature from New Super Mario Bros Wii to help you if you get stuck. And that’s good news too as the game’s supposed to be even harder than the already challenging original!

Preorder from Amazon: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Related articles: Top 5 games we predicted in 2009, Top 5 games of 2009

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1 Response

  1. thejew says:

    have a look at the q4 list for 2010 amazing stuff can’t wait for cod black ops