Little Big Planet Beta Keys

Have you been one of the lucky few to get hold of a Little Big Planet beta key recently? Chances are that you’re not as only 1,000 keys were being given away on the official LBP blog and they were snapped up in less than an hour. It seems that the world is going totally Sackboy crazy all of a sudden, is LittleBigPlanet for PS3 really going to be the savoir Sony is desperately after? After all we’re hearing that in a bid to get the game out in time for the Christmas holiday season there are parts of LittleBigPlanet’s online functionality that are unfinished and will be released in an update patch at a later date. Could this spell trouble for games come the LBP release date? We certainly hope not!

The LittleBigPlanet release date is October 21st so there is less than a month until you can get your grubby mitts on the game, just be patient, speculate about the Little Big Planet Xbox 360 version and everything will be fine.

Little Big Planet Beta Keys pics

Related: Little Big Planet Xbox 360 version, Lilly Allen in LittleBigPlanet

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6 Responses

  1. jack says:

    i want a beta key

  2. bt182 says:

    if there is any left send me one please(psn:BT182)

  3. cam says:

    i want one please

  4. cam says:

    please i want one

  5. Saddy says:

    I Soo Bad Wan’t It :(

  6. Saddy says:

    THE BETA :'(