Online magic school

If you had the choice would you rather send your kids to Regular Comprehensive or Hogwarts? Harry Potter school of course!! Who apart from Lisa Simpson wants to go to some common every day nit infested school learning algebra and modern languages when you could ride on a steam train to a ruddy great castle and be taught magic by Alan Rickman? So this summer break, instead of letting your kids run amok on the streets boozed with cider and carrying knives why not send them to Wizard101 where they can become a Wizard’s apprentice at the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts.

This exciting kids PC MMO is designed with safety in mind, letting kids have all the fun of an online adult game community without any of the nasty buggers who want to ruin and corrupt everyone. They’ll be able to learn, collect and cast spells as well as do the odd bit of puzzle solving, play mini games and make friends. If this sounds like your kids bottle of pop then why not head to the site and even sign them up to be a beta tester before the school opens up later in the year.


Online magic school

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1 Response

  1. savanna says:

    looks awsome omg