Free Nintendo Wii Points

Here’s a way of getting $10 worth of Nintendo Wii Points for free. Many of you may have been searching for free Nintendo wii point codes only to find yourself facing those sites that want you to complete 5 offers and sign away your soul to get just a few dollars worth of rewards, or download a Nintendo Wii Points keygen that’ll do unpleasent things to your computer. Safest to stick with a big discount stores and use their deals to your advantage so as to avoid some legal issues with Nintendo.

If you buy three 2000 Wii point cards on Amazon that not only will you be able to download all your favourite retro games such as Mario Kart and Donkey Kong on the Wii Shop Channel with a whopping 6000 wii points to spend, but also you’ll get $10 of Nintendo Wii Points knocked off your order using the special Bill Me Later discount code BMLSAVES at checkout. The Nintendo Wii Points workaround closes 30th December – get in there now for Christmas.

More: Order Nintendo Wii point cards from Amazon now to qualify for $10 free

Free Nintendo Wii Points pics

Related: Free Microsoft points codes

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606 Responses

  1. Matthew says:

    could i get some free wii points please

  2. JEFFREY says:

    can i please have some free wii points

  3. JOHN says:


  4. Truett says:

    I’v been waiting for this offer so long!

  5. jay says:

    can i have some free wii pionts

  6. Missy says:

    Can I please have some free wii points

  7. barry westall says:

    can i have some free wii points please thanks

  8. robert says:

    wii points please

  9. darian says:

    pleas i dont have enough moneys to buy one and i want one real bad

  10. Jenny says:

    Can i have some?

  11. Alejandro says:

    Can I please have free wii points I really want some I’m in need of some I have never never had wii points

  12. timmy says:

    i want sum wii points tooo

  13. timmy says:

    damnit i said i wanted some points

  14. Swoosh says:

    I NEED WII POINTS NW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. zac says:

    i will sleep with your girlfriend for those points

  16. shawn says:

    may i have some wii points plz and ty

  17. spencer says:

    can i have some pls put it in my email adress pls

  18. July says:

    Please i want one

  19. I’ll trade you 2000 free internet’s for 2000 Wii points!

  20. ollie says:

    i need wii points im bust but need internet

  21. Kara Copas says:

    Is there anyway that you can get wii points without using money?

  22. Abe says:

    Hey dude, i really need some wii points, where i live they cost three times more than they are worth, PLZZZZ, I NEED WII POINTS!!!

  23. Fifix says:

    Can anyone send nintendo point code to my e-mail? Please…

  24. josh says:

    i need wii points i have never had 1 point can you give me 2000 or 1000

  25. Tom says:

    may i please have some wii points. my mum and dad don’t let me buy them

  26. ADAMSKI says:

    Give me me some codes that havent bin used

  27. AL says:


  28. my moms name is Jim and we live in a trashcan please give me some freaken points

  29. jimmer says:

    can have some free wii points plz

  30. keith says:

    i need free wii points

  31. desperateee :s !!! says:

    i reelei need em am gna cry if u dnt giv me em! pleess am beggin u am on ma kneesss hereee :( sendd us summm even if therss onlii 20 points jus sum plzz a dnt hav enyy :(

  32. dfds says:

    can you send wii points codes to my e mail but codes that arent used yet

  33. shabs says:

    oh yeh but if u die

  34. isaiah says:

    I need points bad i only have 2 games please may i have some points

  35. chancelor says:

    guys can i have some wii points plz i never played no old timed guys

  36. Vanessa says:

    I NEED AT LEAST 1000 WII POINTS BY THE END OF TODAY! PLEASE GIVE ME A CODE PLEASEEEEE IM BEGGING YOU! :'( ive tried many other websites for the past couple of days, trying to get wii points. they never worked so i hope you can give me wii points after all those days ive been looking for them.

  37. timwebster says:

    may i have some please i need some like now.

  38. Wii_Master says:

    I need some wii points

  39. timothy says:

    i need wii points i need 1000 piz man piz send to my email man

  40. colin says:

    can i have my free wii points

  41. Chuckytiffany says:

    My mom says I have to buy them myself. I not allowed to have an allowance, I’m not allowed to get a job even though i’m 17, My dad is so fucking cheap he won’t buy with a credit card, and I am desperate! I will beg! I know I should be thankful for what i have, But this is something I NEED! I only have 2 games on wii and they are getting boring. They suck too! Carnival games and wii play! I hate having to BUY STUFF myself!

  42. Jane says:

    can I please have free wii points THX

  43. isaiah says:

    I need points bad my parents & everybody i know are tight with money pleaz may i have some points

  44. luke says:

    please can i have some codes and wi points please i reli want the internet send the codes there please thanks

  45. CHEWY says:

    can someone plz email me the internet channel for wii

  46. bubbles says:

    can I please get some wii points beacuse my brother, my cousin, and I want some so we can go on the internet

  47. bubbles says:

    please can we get some wii points!

  48. bubbles says:

    can you give me some points that haven’t been used

  49. chaz baker says:

    points please

  50. George says:

    May I please get a valid Nintendo points card sent to my e-mail?

    Good luck,

  51. zekeroo says:

    could i please have some wii points

  52. KENNY says:

    please i really need wii point just 1000 point will be fine or 500 send it to my email

  53. Eddie says:

    hey can i please hav 1000 or 2000 wii points? ima move to israel ina month and its gona b hard to get points im not lyin plz thx so much also im not gona get points for a while cuz i got no mone left on me i would be extremely grateful if u send me some points
    i reservin my money on wii sports resort
    ty so much u rock

  54. aaron says:

    please give me some fresh brand new wii points

  55. aaron says:

    aaron my email address is aaroncummings @

  56. Nikoles says:

    I wish i could just get free wii points without having to do any offers or anything!!

  57. nathan smith says:

    WII points??????? >8D

  58. donell says:

    can someone send me wii points 2000 and up at i need them bad plz and thank u

  59. michael quintana says:

    why cant i buy the turtles in time game for snes with my wii card?

  60. Aaron says:

    please could i have a free Nintendo points please

  61. nunu says:

    can i have free wii points plz

  62. nunukm says:

    my i have sume points plz for my bro birthday

  63. nunukm says:

    my i have some wii pts plz i need them badly

  64. nunukm says:

    my i have some free wii point for my lil brother he wants them badly

  65. Devon says:

    Can i get free wii points 2000 please.

  66. Ronald says:

    May i please have some free wii points please.I am new to nintendo family please..=)

  67. edward says:

    ok me want water warfare so i just need 800 are more so send me a code

  68. darryl says:

    Yoooooo if any1 got wii points jus hit me up wit a text at 3472599740

  69. joe says:


  70. sonny says:

    need wii points

  71. Danny says:

    plz i really need 2000 wii points

  72. rick says:

    can someone give me 1000 points to buy pokemon?
    just send the code to my mail:

  73. John says:

    hey i only need like 500 wii points to get internet channel. please hook me up my email is

  74. Kyla says:

    I need wii points!If you have some I will give you a reward if I don’t I will give you a list of websites of games you could play on your pc.If you like this offer send me a e-mail and my e-mail address is

  75. tony says:

    please can i get 5000 wii points just send it to my email

  76. jennifer says:

    i need some wii points please i need it tank you for LL

  77. pop85118 says:

    points please

  78. Farrah says:

    I want at least 500!! I want the internet channel

  79. victor says:

    hey i realy need some points 500 is perfect, that is all i need. thxs y email is

  80. shen snclair says:

    please can i hav some points! thankyou.

  81. eddie says:

    plz give me some i will be very grateful thanks

  82. james says:

    could i have wii points i sign up to ur website anything but cash

  83. james says:

    give me wii points i sign up to ur website anything but cash

  84. juan says:

    can i pleaze have 2000 wii points

  85. Catherine says:

    Please i need 5000 wii points please send it to

  86. henry says:

    need wii points please i ask send me some please

  87. nunu says:

    my i get sum pointz plz?

  88. nunu says:

    can plz have sum wii points plz

  89. jack says:

    can i have 1000 wii points i need them proper badly to

  90. iseah says:

    Hey I just got a wii and I see all these sites that claim u can get free wii points buy I have yet to get a coe that actually works. Can any1 send me a code that works? Any amount is fine I just want to see if it works. Thanks in advance. U can send the code to

  91. Amaster says:

    plz can someone send me some wii points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need some. send them to

  92. Annie says:

    Please send 1000 or 2000 points to

  93. Steve Atsang says:

    can u send a code to

  94. FONZ says:


  95. nunu-frank says: my i plz get some wii points plz or 0ngslought ticket code plz

  96. Umm hellomay i please have 2000 or 1000 points sent to my email please im 10 and my brother is 6 and weve been bugging our parents but they say no.. so could you please send 1000 or 2000 points to

  97. Chris says:

    PLEASE!!!! some body send me some wii points to please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  98. Antoniorules says:

    Hey i need new wii points cause im just jelous of my friends cause every time i want to play the games on the wii shop channel i have to go to my friend’s house so please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my email is

  99. Dylab says: can i have 2000 or atleast a 1000

  100. BloodDemon says:

    i need 1000 thru 5000 nintnedo poins!!! email and give me codes please!

  101. Sneakz says:

    Hey, can anyone hook me up with a Wii Point’s Number? Lol send it to —– Thanks Alot to anyone who assists!

  102. joseph says:

    give me 2000 points
    my email is

  103. stefanie says:

    ill take some free points too! thanks a million

  104. Olivia says:

    Help me people! I wasted 40 bucks for a useless Wii points card! I just need half of it! Email me a valid code at

  105. supper says:

    pleaze send me some 1000 2000 wii pionts at


  106. queenslayer says:

    plzz can someone give me wii points!!!!

  107. Ricky says:

    WII points plz. parents won’t take me to gamestop I am BEGGING you I am about to go nuts! I need 1000 For pokemon ranch *sniff* email is

  108. send me one to please

  109. Adam says:

    Can some1 please leave me some Wii points i haven’t got the money to buy them. Please e-mail the points number to thanks.

  110. tyzhon kendricks says:

    will you send me some

  111. Daddys Gurl says:

    i need 5000 points plz e-mail me the codes i beg of u i am so poor i cnt afford it plz

  112. Daddys Gurl says:

    i need 5000 points plz i beg of you i am begining to b poor nd cant afford anythang plz send me some codes at
    thanks so much

  113. mud cake says:

    need PAL wii point mesage

  114. matt says:

    Could you send me the piont code at

  115. matt says:

    could you send me the point code matt

  116. brandon says:

    i need 1000 thru 5000 nintnedo poins!!! please email

  117. Stacie says:

    I would thoroughly love some wii points. I would be very greatful for ANY amount you’d be willing to give. My email address is

  118. jonh says:

    please give me 2000 wii points

  119. Wayne says:

    I just got a WII and would love someone to send me points.
    Please send to

  120. GABRIEL says:

    I need 3000 points. Please !!!!!!!

  121. jordan says:

    plase send codes

  122. Musawir says:

    pllzzzz i jsut wanted to c how the free points system works….plz send me 2000 points code….PLZZZZZZZZ :(

  123. GABRIEL says:

    I need 3000 wii points please.

  124. memz says:

    can u send me wii points numbers to

  125. bailey says:

    please can i have some codes i have been looking every where

    pleasse email codes at

  126. cool says:

    Can you please send me 2000 or 1000 wii points. My parents don’t let me buy them sso you will be a great help.

    please email codes at

  127. Bailey says:

    Can you please email me some codes I am not aloud to buy them. I only have 100 points left and i cant get anything know on my DSi.

    Please email me at

    If you do so I will put a link to my sitte and leave good feedback

  128. jaylen says:

    hey,can anybody send me some wii points please my email is

  129. warren says:

    can i have 2000 points plz cuz i am bored and my parents wont let me go buy it in der shops

  130. needpoints says:

    can someone please send me wii point codes at least 1000 or 2000 my email is

  131. solid snake says:

    please iam waiting fro a good man 10000 to buy a game from wii shop chanel

  132. Giovanni Mata says:

    I really some POINTS PLEASE send me some

  133. narutoshire2 says:

    Hi please send me some nintendo points. I really need some! Send it to

  134. cody says:

    dude, i’ve been waiting for ages to find clay fighter again, and now sence i have i’m too poor to afford it. so it would really help a brother out if u could send me atlest 2000 or 1000 at the least

  135. Uzma says:

    I need 1000 or 500 wii points. email at

  136. ME says:

    can some1 plz get me at LEASt 1500 my parents are2 strict 2 get me any

    mail them to

  137. G Man says:

    i need WII points plz

  138. Dean says:

    i need 400 wii points plz

  139. Jim says:

    Please someone give me free wii points… email to // Please give me some free

  140. Josh says:

    I just need 1 or two codes, please.

  141. Angel says:

    im new to this. if there is anyone that has 2000 wii points . thank you so much. email me

  142. here says:

    394145375903713 and05752132578531

  143. Amy Hart says:

    Can you please email me a lot of wii points? I’ve been trying everything! I’ll even take pictures of myself! Naked! Lol you can tell I’m desperate. I just really want some points, ANYONE! email to please! I’ll do whatever you want!

  144. Amy Hart says:

    Can someone send a 5000 wii points code? I’d really appreciate it!! :3 send them to please!!

  145. bob says:

    please send me some wii points i need them my email is

  146. spyr12 says:

    plz plz plz give me some wii points

  147. spyr12 says:

    and my e-mail plz give some wii points

  148. fahim says:

    can anyone send me 2000 wii points please

  149. fahim says:
    can anyone send me 2000 wii points please

  150. rob says:

    i need 2000 points plllllz

  151. bob says:


  152. zack says:

    please send me points @

  153. carter says:

    please send me 5000 wiii points to

  154. jay says:

    i need 2,000 wii pleace

  155. hi says:

    i need some wii pionts plz

  156. D says:

    I just want 800

  157. woot says:

    i need 2000 wii points will any one give me some

  158. Felle says:

    Please send 2000 wii points to me! My email is! PLEASE! YOU ARE THE BEAST!

  159. Felle says:

    Please send 2000 wii points to me! My email is! PLEASE! YOU ARE THE BEST!

  160. BubbleGum983 says:

    Hey can you give me some is my email

  161. crystalonix9 says:

    Please send 2000 win points to thanks your awesome.

  162. ahmed says:

    hey guys i saw these awsome games but i cant get them cause my mom is afraid they might steal money from the credit card could u send me some at

  163. nicklas says:

    if you get a wii points card code it has probebly been used by the person that gave it to you

  164. Callum Hudson says:

    Can you please e-mail me 5000 points pleasee..

  165. Sad Face :( says:

    Can anyone please send me at least 1000 to 1500 points… Thank you if you send me some…

  166. Blaster says:

    i want 2000 wii points

  167. roger says:

    Can someone email me some wii point codes at

  168. mathieu says:

    hey man if you can send me around 2000 points that would be super cool man.

  169. Philip says:

    Pleas i need 2000 DSi Points to


  170. joey says:

    please i need wii points plz plz email me at

  171. joey says:

    and i need 3000 plz

  172. hamdi says:

    can i have 5000 wii points

  173. RichBoy97 says:

    this is a free code for everyone 1245 3456 6789 5321 it a 5000 point card use it well

  174. mll says:

    can someone plz give me 2000 wii points my e-mail is

  175. Mike says:

    Why would people send you their points for free? Morons.

  176. luis says:

    someone give me free wii points & give me 5000 wii points & i dont want no more thats all i want.?.!

  177. Chris says:

    send me some wii points at make sure they are free

  178. sam says: i need codes so i can get games instead of extremely boring demos i realy need 3k points 4 pkmn rumble and ranch

  179. carter says:

    please give me 5000 points send it to

  180. octavian says:

    plz email me codes at:

  181. BetĂĽl says:

    Please !! I need 200 points please send me a code

  182. jake says:

    please send me a wii points code number 2000 or higher my email is

  183. alexmajor0 says:

    please someone give me an unused wii points card number. email me with one at

  184. natalie says:

    please send me a valid code for wii points! im poor and my mom needs money for food only. i have no friends so the only thing i do is play video games. email me a code plz. my email is thank you so much! :)

  185. Vincent says:

    Please dude send me 4000-6000 points, I want all the good Zelda games please me will love you big time
    send to Vincent_Crimson_Death@hotmail or thankies ^-^

  186. Sean says:

    I need someone to give me 2,000 Wii Points ASAP. My email is // Please, I need them badly.

  187. Ricky says:

    i need 2000 wii points thanks

  188. cody says:

    please can email free wii points code think you.

  189. 5 says:


  190. Hemanth says:

    Please send me the wii points code that is unused. I beg you. Please, please, please. My email is

  191. anthony says:

    someone gimy 2000 wii points send the code to my email

  192. stephanie says:

    could u please give me 2000 wii points

  193. Kadari says:

    My My….Heres 2000 points for you all 1705 7926 8776 3631 ENJOY!!!

  194. jamie says: please send some codes and if you do thank you.

  195. Erica says:

    Someone PLZ give me 1500 wii points I’m BEGGING YOU please I really want Pokemon Rumble*sniffle*Please someone just give me 1500 points THAT’S ALL I ASK for goodness sake!My parents are strict plz just 1500 wii points

  196. Erica says:

    Oh, and I is my email.please just 1500 wii points ;_;

  197. Aaron says:

    i riliy ned 2000 ponts plese . .

  198. Aaron says:

    plis giv me 2000 points email to

  199. chewy says:

    can u send me some points to at

  200. james says:

    please give me 1500 wii points i need to buy pokemon rumble my email is

  201. nick says:

    i need some nintendo wii points please email me at

  202. jarata says:

    give me codes my e-mail is i have 0 please help

  203. deshawn says:

    can u plzzz give me 2000 wii piont i realy need them plz god bless u

  204. Jason says:

    Send me 3k wii points please at

  205. Scarface says:

    Please i need a 1500 wii points code email
    thanks a lot much appreciated

  206. Adp says:

    can u please send me 2000 wii points? my email is!

  207. joshua says:

    please I need 5000 points at

  208. armando says:

    i need 4000 wii points plz ….. i only have 200 because sis use it all on sonic and mario games

  209. kukliks says:

    send me some points too

  210. andy says:

    k you give me some free wii points cause i cant find a site to give me wii points=[ if so plz email me at thankyou=]

  211. free says:

    free points please, lots.

  212. mikael says:

    i need 2000 wii points

  213. mikael says:

    ineed 2000 – 5000 wii points

  214. teetee says:

    i need wii points and a dsi

    please help

  215. Viki says:

    Please send dsi points . E-mail

  216. Jim says:

    2000 wii points

  217. Sergey says:

    hmmm idk what to say… just sent me as much as you can pliz =) thx

  218. Myles says:


  219. Colt Watson says:

    please give me 2000

  220. losuaces9 says:

    can you hook me up with 6000 points e-mail me at

  221. Keeghan says:

    Plz send me points i have never had nintendo points b4 im desperate plz!!!

  222. kogger says:

    i need 2000 points please

  223. Rebekah says:

    Hey.. I need 2000 wii points.
    Please give me the code asap! thanks :]

  224. Rebekah says:

    oh hey my email is
    I need 2000 points~~!

  225. Maarten says:

    i need 5000 wii points
    send a mail to

  226. Twan says:

    can somebody spot me 2000 points plz on

  227. ???? says:

    i am rich so i am going to give one valid wii point card 2000 wii points 6149-5565-8615-3276 spend it wisely………..

  228. Pokeman says:

    Please I need only 1500 Wii points,I will geive a Mew LV.100 for free in pokemon Dia. Pea. Pla.,send me at

  229. Kassie says:

    I have just bought a nintendo wii and dont have any points… please can someone send me a code for 1000 please :D

  230. dani says:

    please i need it will you give me please!!

  231. joemoma says:

    yo need 2000 points some1 send 2 me if ur nice at nd let me no!

  232. brandon says:

    please someon give me some free wii points email them to plz i beg u

  233. Discountnachos says:

    please i need 2000 :C

  234. sungod says:

    need wii point codes no used 2009 december

  235. DsiClub says:

    Please send points to this Thanks

  236. DsiClub says:

    PLease send the code to Thanks

  237. Eylem says:

    pleas !! but pleas i need 2000 points pleasssss !!!: ))

  238. Eylem says:

    its for ds i

  239. okier09 says:

    I need points! 2000 please, i want my free nintendo points please! (just like my ninckelodeon magazines commerical)

  240. ashley says:

    please i need wii point im not being selfish i dont think if i am then no need but ya<3

  241. ashley says:

    oh wait k for my points send to ! please i dont know were to get them

  242. Kendall says:

    Can somebody send me a free wii points code? I need 1500. lol. My E-mail is

  243. werehawk says:

    can someone send me 2000 points plz if so thxs my e-mail is thxs

  244. Alexander says:

    i need 3000 points, but is not buy

  245. Kailey Krupar says:

    please send me some wii/dsi points for free!? i really need 1000 to 2000 points, i really need it! please!

  246. luke says:

    please can i have 1500 points for pokemon rumble. i really appreiciate it . email:

  247. hanh says:

    could you sent me 2000 nintendo points card please?????? my email is:

  248. hanh says:

    give me the code and 2000 points card please!!!!!!!!!!

  249. Copster says:

    Can I just get 1000 pts plz? email

  250. Akira says:

    Plz someone send me wii points
    (i need 1000 points)

  251. Conor Jack Molloy says:

    Dear Podshow,
    May I have 2000 Wii points?
    No, I’m not begging, I’m no begger, I need wii points for The Beatles Rock Band Songs.
    Thank you.
    Conor Molloy. Oh yeah, if you do consider, thank you.

  252. joshua david says:

    I need 2000 wii points for free PLZ.?????my e-mail

  253. joshua david says:

    i need a 2000 point wii card PLZ?????

  254. Luke says:

    could you please send me those codes if you got em’?

  255. Jman says:

    plz send me 200 wii points code to my PLZ:)

  256. bobby says:

    please send me wii points i can’t afford any because my parents don’t give pocket money to save

  257. Anon says:

    Can you give me free wii points 2000-5000


  258. Anon says:

    Can you give me free wii points 2000-5000


  259. jordan says: can you please send me a code for at least 1000 points??

  260. Eric says:

    Can I have 1000 or 2000 please and thank you!!!

  261. Paul says:

    can i have some points please

  262. draco says:

    please send me 2000 points please

  263. draco says:

    may you please send me some nintendo points

  264. jovahny says:

    please i need points my mom and dad are poor just please send me the code please

  265. jovahny says:

    please can you give me the code my family and I have no presents under our tree because we cant afford anything just please

  266. pol says:

    give me the code and 2000 points card please

  267. pol says:

    give me the code and 2000 points card please

  268. Jelmer says:

    Could u please give me the 2000 points card?? My email is:

  269. Stormy says:

    may u send me the code for 2000 Nintendo points please? It would be very much appreciated :)
    my email is

  270. pachi says:

    i need 200 wii points email me at mysterymew@gmail,com

  271. Doru says:

    Hello to whom it may concern,

    may I also get some 1000 points? thanks so lot..

  272. martez says:

    ur the best website can u get me 1000 wii points

  273. corey says:

    i need 3000 wii points can sumone give me sum thank u

  274. bryan says:

    I need 5000 pleac

  275. Ante says:

    Plz someone who is reading this its ok if u dont but i do really want only one nintendo point card code PLZ.
    My Email is
    you Are SOO Great if someone does it to me.
    Btw if u do im giving away a free Flyff account with Good chars and items(rare items)
    Flyff is like world of warcraft and u can dowload it a
    Its free

  276. Ante says:

    I only giv that account to the person who gives me the codes

  277. Roy says:

    Please send me 1000 wii points

  278. amanda says:

    could you send me some wii points? plzzZ?

  279. juan cuevas says:

    send me 1500 points please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  280. angel says:

    plz can i only have like 1000 or 500 My email is

  281. ShOrtiee says:

    II NEED 2000 POINTS plz send it to mee my email is

  282. farzaan says:

    plz can i have some wii points…… 1000 sounds good

    plz thnx

  283. Tiffany McLendon says:

    can you send me like 2000 wii points i need them some so bad for beatles rockband please! :)

  284. mario misterio says:

    here is a ds code of 1000 points: 1022396870494650

  285. william says:

    kan i have 200 wii points plaece for my little brother

  286. william says:

    kan i have 2000 free wii points

  287. Sally says:

    oh please I just need 2000 point pleaaaaaaaaaaase! ;-)

  288. sonic_x346 says:

    can i please get some points 2000 my email is

  289. maxime says:

    could you send me 2000 nintendo pionts please

  290. koty says:

    could u send me a code for 2000 wii points plz????

  291. koty says:

    could u send me the code for 2000 wii points pls my email is

  292. Jennifer says:

    Please give me 1500 wii points…

  293. JStylesz says:

    As of what i see, I still see people begging for wii points and no one receiving. This isn’t a Wii Points Free Site. Stop spamming out your emails.

    I currently has a couple (6 or 7) Wii Points Cards which are worth 2000 Points. If anyone want some please don’t be afraid to email me at

    *I will not give you no more than 2,000 wii points to don’t ask*

  294. anjel says:

    can i get 1500 free wii points please

  295. Alamander says:

    Send me some wii points please. Thank you

  296. points says:

    Could you send me 2000 nintendo points too please my mail is

  297. devon says:

    i need some point to buy this game for 2000 wii points

  298. Jayden930 says:

    Could you please send me a code. It could be any amount, but 2000 would be the best. Plz & thanx. Bye.

  299. thanks dude says:

    in desperate need of 1000 points can you send me a code plz

  300. lov says:

    i want dsi points

  301. Frankie says:

    Plz someone send me 5000 point code wii

  302. kaur says:

    please send me wii points (2000) plz
    email is

  303. zer0 says:

    pleas send me 1000 wii points pleease

  304. M.Kart says:

    please send me an unused points card number (2000 wii points please)
    send the code to
    plz plz plz my parents won’t buy a card so plz send me

  305. christy says:

    plz send me 2000 wii point s

  306. unknown says:

    2000points please my email

  307. Mahfit says:

    PLZ GIMMIE 6000 POINTZ ‘N’ I’LL GIVE YA Wii Sports

    Any Questions? (Or Requests) Email Me At

  308. eduardo says:

    can i please have 2000 point

  309. David says:

    Wii need 1,500 points when you can you please return them
    my email is

  310. Joshua says:

    Can I have at least 1000 points please?????? Also what credit card number do i put in because it is required

  311. Daniel says:

    can I have 8000 wii points ?

  312. jonathan says:

    can u send me as many points as u want plz? my email is

  313. joe says:

    plz man i dont have any wii points i need some for my dsi

  314. ben says:

    Plz Can i have 2000 points card i am really need them. When i bought my dsi it came withno points.

  315. Johannes says:

    i need 2000 points plese !!!

  316. Johannes says:

    i need 2000 points plese !!!


  317. chriz says:

    email me the 2000 wii points card code

  318. Michael says:

    I want 2000 Wii Points so I can get my little brother and Sister Pokemon Rumble for their birthday.Plz. It’ll make them happy. Have it by today or tomorrow. I’m begging u.

  319. paul says:

    please will someone send me some points or let me know how to get some!! i need 1500 points please.. email

  320. john says:

    i need some points please please!

  321. Dude says:

    Hi could you please send me some Nintendo points codes by email. Thanks.

  322. david says:

    send me 3000 please

  323. Noah says: 2,000 pts please….

  324. Josh says:

    Can i have 500 points free plzzzzzzz email me at

  325. christina says:

    can i get 2500 points card

  326. Martin says:

    Send as many as you can please, 1000, 2000 or more! All id accepted!

  327. Nintendo player says:

    I would like some points too so here is my e-mail:

  328. dukie says:

    can anyone send me 1000 wii points please . to

  329. alejandro says:

    I just need 1000 for majora’s mask cuase its fun please. My email is only code please.

  330. ivy says:

    plz send me points…PLZ!!!!!!!1
    i need 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!
    mi email is

  331. Eric says:

    PLZ send me 2000 Nitendo points PLZZZZZ! my email is:

  332. antoine says:

    can someone send me a wii points code for 2000 wii points (email) thanks

  333. xavier says:

    could someone send me some wii points codes. i just need 1500 to get pokemon rumble. my e-mail is Thanks.

  334. Taylor says:

    I will give any1 who will give me 2,000 points 10,000 points. I promise i will give you 10,000 points. Please my e-mail is

  335. Terry says:

    I just bought a wii system for my kids and they have never played Super Mario Bros. I need wii points in order to get them, can you help?

  336. jurgti says:

    i need 2000 plz thats all i ask 4

  337. Millie says:

    Can someone send me 1000 points?


  338. katherine says:

    Hello My name is Katherine and i will really thank you if you will send me 2000 point please i need it my lil brother is crying for it and he has a disease

  339. Angel says:

    Can you please e mail me free points my mom and dad wont buy me any. please

  340. Angel says:

    Hey can you PLEASE give me 7000 Wii points

  341. Tom says:

    Plesea send me as many points as you can pleaseee

    thanks sooo much lifee saver

  342. bob says:

    1524-2517-6329-2370 that is a 5000 point code

  343. Dautis says:

    ok i am a big gamer so i just want and this is the only time il ask can i have 2000 wii points my e-mail is and please i need these points because my mom said she won’t buy me wii video games and she said i have to download them but she won’t buy the card and once again my e-mail is sorry for buggin’n you have fun with wii points and il come to your site more BYE.

  344. dog4428 says:

    Plz Can i get 2000 wii points

  345. Give Me The 5000 Wii Points Card At 190 Highland Ave. Karney , Nj

  346. casey ring says:

    send me 2000 @

  347. Robert says:

    could you send me 2000 nintendo points card please?????? my email

  348. Hi says:

    please send 5000 wii points to this address

  349. Devin says:

    please email me 2000 points

  350. maddy says:

    ok so i have no nitendo points. well i did but i spent them all and wasted my $20.00 yeah. the games soud like there going to be alot of fun u know. well i want my points back. well so someone needs to contact nintendo & tell them that when u delete games u should getthe points back.

    P.S for some people who have a wii too if u downloaded games on there then save them to a sd card put the sd card in your dsi & save the game to your dsi & play them on there.????

  351. abby says:

    i need points

  352. kalikalinka says:

    can you hook me up with 6000 points e-mail me at

  353. kalikalinka says:

    can you hook me up with 6000 points e-mail me at

  354. shakira says:

    can you send me a 2000 points card pleas my email adress is

  355. Aidan says:

    Please 100 or two thousand wii points code! Email-

  356. qwerty says:

    please! 2000
    my email is

  357. some guy says:

    can i have some points please i really need some my email is

  358. JOey says:

    I need 1000 wii points my email is

  359. stefan says:

    plz gife my 3 nintendo points codes plz!!! (3000 points)

  360. Jacinda says:

    can i have 2000 wii points. i badly want pokemon rumble

  361. Bella says:

    please send me some wii points any will do!
    thank you!
    email me @

  362. zach says:

    send me sum points plzzz

  363. mjg says:

    Can You Guys Plz Send Me Wii Points!

  364. joseph says:

    2000 wii points plz

  365. jo says:

    2000 points?

  366. frank says: 2000 points please

  367. dsidsi says:


  368. dsidsi says:


  369. jarryd says:

    please send me 2000 points

  370. Ross says:

    please give me 2000 wii points

  371. Tommy Smith says:

    please send me 2000 wii points please my email is

  372. Pat says:

    can you send me a 2000 wii points please. thanks

  373. Trey says:

    I need either an unused my pokemon ranch ticket code or 1000 point card code. My email is

  374. juan says:

    man i neeed 1000 plz man im begging you seriously i need them im not gonna obligate you if u dont want to just leaving a really needy person request

  375. rick gaines says:

    please bless me with 2000 wii points

  376. Devin says:

    plz send 2000 points to me

  377. Kassandra says:

    Excuse me every im new on but does somone have a nintendo code cause i need one pleeze

  378. adenh says:

    could you just post a code

  379. frankie says:

    gimme a code for 2000 wii points please

  380. frankie says:

    gimme code for 2000 wii points my email is

  381. Kevin says:

    Could u give a code for 2000 wii points please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  382. nuri says:

    Plz someone send me 2000 wii points

  383. jake says:

    pleeeeeaaase send me a 1000 points point card

  384. Lauren says:

    Please send me 2000 wii points

  385. armin says:

    I need 2000 points please. my cousin’s bitrhday!! =)

  386. M1sT says:

    can someone send me over 9000 wiipoints pl0x email is

  387. brittany says:

    please someone email me at for atleast 2000 points

  388. Tylp says:

    can i have 2000 points please

  389. chase says:

    i need 2000 wii points my email is

  390. Cloud says:

    just for the heck of it, Send me just Nintendo points at

  391. nuri says:

    can you give me 2000 wii points for germany plaese

  392. nuri says:

    can you give me 2000 wii points for germany

    please send to

  393. Yaz says:

    Can u send me 2000 wii points.

  394. Nalda says:

    I want a code to give me 2000 wii points.

  395. mickayla says:

    i really need dsi points please send me a points code or something

  396. twizzer says:

    please man i’m begging you i really would love to be blessed with 2000 points i really need them

  397. twizzer says:

    please send me 2000 points

  398. jefry says:

    plz send me wii 2000 points

  399. kevin says:

    send me code for points

  400. wesley says:

    send me 5000 wii points please

  401. wesley says:

    can u see me wii points

  402. wesley says:

    xan u send me free wii points

  403. Jackster says:

    SomeOne Send me 2000 Nintendo Point Card Number

  404. knucklemelon says:

    can u send a wii points code for 20,000 wii points

  405. joe says:

    100 or more nintendo pints please>

  406. dorothy says:

    i just got my kids a wii i need wii 2000 points for them thank you

  407. GodOfVideoGames says:

    Can you email me some Nintendo points please?

  408. James says:

    i need DSI points plz give me some!!

  409. Chloe says:

    send me wii points

  410. chris says:

    plz email me a 1000 points card for dsi shop :)
    also, plz ad any itunes gift cards (australia)

  411. ajdogup says:

    can some one plz send me some points anny will help thx

  412. keith says:

    need wi points send to

  413. keith says:

    send et least 6000 wii please and thank you

  414. Rellz says:

    i would like some wii points as well.

  415. Brianna says:

    My daughter turns 12 today! She was born on May 15, 1998. I knoe you don’t care but I am telling everyone about her b-day. Got her a DSi.

  416. liam says:

    2000 wii points

  417. liam says: 2000 wii points

  418. antonio says:

    i kneed like 3000 points

  419. cicisnapper says:

    due please sende me like 13 codes for wii ticket codes i really need these ……………….,thank you

  420. I need a fucken nintendo points card

  421. can someone give me a fucken 2000wii points card, just for the hell of it.

  422. can someone give me a fucken 2000wii points card, just for the hell of it.


  423. siddhant nath says:

    please i need wii points could i have 6000points

  424. navin kanagratnam says:

    i need 5000 points plz send me at

  425. harry says:

    yo send me wii points at or add me

  426. needspointsman says:

    hi i need 1000 points pls. ta

  427. Luke says:

    plz i only need a few points i think 1000

  428. Luke says:

    plz only 1000 points!!!

  429. robert prainito says:

    yo give me them points

  430. Julio says:

    Please 2000Wii I wanna get Sonic3&K

  431. Julio says:

    Please 2000 wii points I wanna get Sonic3&K my email is

  432. Danny says:

    I need some wii point code in my email . If you got some wii point code, you can put it on email :

  433. MJ says:

    Please, please, please can you send me a wii point card code with 2000 points. PLEEEEAAAAAASSSEEEE. I am really a guy in need. I seriously want and need 2000 wii points. It would just be so amazing if I actually got some. Oh please give some wii points and be the nicest and sweetest person on earth and send me some points at I just beg of you to send me something. I just seriously need it. Seriously. I give you my ever gratefullness if you give me some wii points. And remember you will definetly get something back from karma. Just remember is my email

  434. tjpogi12345 says:

    every single day….i have looked every website for free codes….but couldnt’ get even a single code,please give me a 2000 points code!i really need it!

  435. Kouta says:

    i need 2000 wii points…. thx^^

  436. Sunny says:

    please send me at least 1000 or 500 worth of points PLEASE!! i am desprate E-Mail me ?

  437. Feeelllix says:

    send me 2000 wii points my email is

  438. michael says:

    can you please send me 2000 points please im new to the whole wii shop thing so i need some points to get me started please my email is:

  439. Thad says:

    can someone send me over 9000 Wii points

  440. michael says:

    may i have just want 1000 points please

  441. michael says:

    may i have 1000 we points please?

  442. michael says:

    may i have 1000 wii points please???

  443. Frenchin Labia says:

    Please send me another 10,000 Wii points.
    My brother spent like over half of that last 10,000 you sent me!
    And dude…I got e’m in like 2 days!!
    Thanks again! ??????

  444. i have codes says:

    i will give you all wii points codes

  445. i need 2000 wii points

  446. Darian says:

    could you send me 2000 or 1000 wii points cause i cant play none of my wii games i need it fix but cant at the moment. my email is

  447. joe says:

    can you send me a 2000 wii points please.

  448. eenis says:

    hey i dont think u guys are gonna get free points how would u like it if i begged u for a points card. just earn some extra cash, buy ur points and go crazy!

  449. brad says:

    hey i really want points. where can i get the best deal on them?my email is

  450. rick astley says:

    never gonna give u up. never gonna let u down.

    haha jk. gimme some points

  451. Kenneth F. says:


  452. WILLIAM says:

    All of you beggin for wii points shuld be ashamed of your sleves…………………………………………………………………

  453. sebastian says:

    some one send me 1000 at least of nintendo points

  454. bob says:

    please can i get 1000 free wii points or the pokemon ranch thing

  455. Darius says:

    Can you send me 2 wii points codes?

  456. Tom says:

    plz 1000 wii points

  457. michael says:

    please send me a two thousand or one thousand wii point card please thanks my email is

  458. krs says:

    please someone give my 2000 at

  459. omtonzu says:

    i need 1500 points if you could

  460. austin says:

    send me 2000 or 4000 wii points plz… ill do anything for them

  461. Nicole says:

    hey can i have 400 points? pleasee :)

  462. Sarah says:

    Omg I really need 2000 wii points card.

  463. Christopher says:

    Please send me 1000 pts please or if you can, 2000, thats all I need, my e-mail is:
    (Please just email me the number, don’t send me a card, THANK YOU!!!)

  464. poaly1998 says:

    im getting 3000 points times 3!
    who wants a code?

  465. Chris says:

    can i please have some points ;) would be greatfull :) (:

  466. alexis says:

    send me free nintendo pionts 2 eather 5000 or 1000 k and im asking please please

  467. jeremylp says:

    can u plz send mii a 2000 wii point card number

  468. angela campany says:

    i would like 2000 wii points please

  469. some random dude says:

    yo pls gimy some points,unused,i realy want yoshis story 1000 pts pls send the code to

  470. B-dogg says:

    please send me a wii points code to my yahoo

  471. Babe says:

    can u send me 4000 wii points
    plz at

  472. ivona says:

    plezzzz send me nintendo points card plezzz 2000 or 1000 whatever you feel like giving away plezz and i wont ask anymore pppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  473. ivona says:

    tomorrow is my birthday :) just kidding plezzzzzzzzz sen me a nintendo points card my email is poop101_5
    plezzzzzzzzzzzz and i will stop anoying you plezzzzzzzzzzz

  474. Antoloc says:

    plz send me 2000 points

  475. cadub says:

    please send me 2000 points at

  476. Patrick says:

    i would like 2000 points pleaser. i can’t find it anywhere else

  477. hunterrules says:

    can some one please send me some points please :) thanks

  478. Leila :) says:

    Heyy i was wondering if u could get me some wii points i dont mind how many but quite a few would be nice

    Thx :)

  479. Leila :) says:

    My email is
    thxx =)

  480. pleaser says:

    plzzzzzz everybody help CAN someone That didn’t Want codes that CAN give them to me
    if i could i would never plzzzzzz someone but i don’t havĂ© money to but them so plzzzzzz
    if someone want to give me some wii points
    here is my e-mail but notice points from Europe

  481. viferce says:

    plz plz send me 100 points or 1000 either one at

  482. keton brown says:

    send me a 8000 points card at

  483. Rob says:

    pppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeee message me a wii nintendo points code

  484. teon says:

    can i have 1000 points for my dog and me friends forever

  485. teon says:

    send at 1000 for dogs games please please

  486. teon says:

    nintendo points please

  487. John says:

    please send me a 2000 point please and thank very very very very very much if you much

  488. skelefish says:

    i need 2000 wii points please send me some

  489. zxrnzx says:

    I realy need 2,000 wii points so send me at

  490. Hi there. I found this cool program for the DS that allows you to created your own music using over 100 sounds. I really like making remixes of other songs from other games (check my youtube page “Nintendofreak526” to see some Youtube poop remixes), and I think this program will be another one of those “addictants” for me. So, can I have at least 1000 points to get this game please?

  491. simon says:

    when i have no points can you help me

  492. Jerry Doe says:

    2000 points will be greatly appreciated.


  493. Lenny says:

    3000 please

  494. Keith barber says:

    i need the code really bad

  495. astro says:

    i need 2000 wii points

  496. Brandon says:

    give me any unused nintendo points code at

  497. jonathan says:

    i need 100 free wii points.thanks

  498. joey says:

    please send me 50,000 wii points i want to get my kids games for christmas.

  499. Jimmie says:

    hey can u send me some wii points plz i beggggg you.

  500. dakari says:

    i need 2000 and 1000 points

  501. dillan says:

    send meeeee wii points now

  502. dizzy says:

    please send me wii points at


  503. Greyson says:

    Please send me 1000 points please

  504. Tony says:

    Yo, Ive been goin in circles trying to get some free codes. Could you send me a code at I’d really appreciate it.

  505. mam01 says:

    I need 2000 wiipoints why, i wish me pokemon rumble. in my town givs no electronic shops.can you helb my?

  506. bhubu says:

    please send a code to

  507. Damion Morrison says:

    plz can u send me at least 200 points

  508. nathan says: plz give me some points

  509. Red says:

    I need 2000 wii points so, please send me the code

  510. wolf says:

    hey just for fun to see if its true send me Nintendo points to plz

  511. max says:

    i need 2000 wii points.pleas send my email:

  512. ricky says:

    hey i need 4000 points

  513. yoooo says:

    can i have a 2000 nintendo points card please???
    thanks man!!:)

  514. rasmus says:

    please send me some nintendo points. I will be very happy then

  515. zazzafire says:

    hey can u give my at least 2000points send the code(s) to

  516. bama says:

    can some one plz send me a wii r a xboxs points at

  517. Adrian says:

    i just need 500 wii points please my email is
    thank you

  518. nikki says:

    I really could use some dsi points I need 9000 please

  519. richard says:

    I need 2000 points please. my cousin’s bitrhday!! =)

  520. Kion miller says:

    can i get some points man my email is

  521. yousuf says:


  522. Want wii points says:

    Not gonna happen:(

  523. saveyor says:

    please i just need 2000 points and i will have all eltroplankton my e-mail is please can i have a code

  524. gene says:

    where can i get free wii points

  525. mattster says:

    could you send me wii points code pl z

  526. jake says:

    please send me 2000 points for my brother my email is

  527. jay says:

    plz send me wii points if possible ….. thank u in advance………..@

  528. Emmanuel Michael says:

    i need 1000 points if anyone can spare 1000 points email me the code on

  529. rachel says:

    im new to this.i need some points

  530. Maged says:

    I need some wii points so can you please reply with some codes for me thank you ;)

  531. Maged says:

    I need some wii points so can you please reply with some codes for me thank you ;) At (

  532. fire says:

    please send me a 2000 points code

  533. sammie tippit says:

    PLZ can i have 200 points i really want pokemon rumble it would be really awsome if u do thx my email is

  534. sammie tippit says:

    hey sammie again i ment 2000 points but it would be cooler to send me the game k thx

  535. Justin says:

    please send me at least 1000 points code

  536. mystery man says:

    please send me a 2000 wii points card code please

  537. brayden says:

    can someone give me 2000 wii points plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  538. brayden says:

    can someone give me 2000 wii points email is plzzzzzzzzz send me an email with a code on it thanks

  539. cool says:

    can i have at least 1000 points ppppllllllzzzz

  540. Lando says:

    Please send me as many wii points as humanly possible. Thankssssssss

  541. Lando says:

    Please send me as many wii points as humanly possible. My email is

  542. mathila says:

    Can I have 2000 Points Please please.

  543. mathila says:

    can i please nintendo 2000 points. thank you

  544. mathila says:

    can you send me a code for 2000 wii points Please and can you make it quikly? Thank You so much.My E- Mail is Thanks

  545. bug says:

    please send me 2000 points

  546. jonathan says:

    send me wii points please my family dose not have much please it’s the only thing that we chearish please

  547. mathew says:

    please oh please send me a 2000 points card!

  548. mysp2 says:

    i have free wii points only 10 if needed plz call 07963215869

  549. Sterling says:

    i’m in desperate need of points plz send me some ppplllzzz pleez

  550. john says:

    please send me 2000 points

  551. john says:

    please send me 2000 or more points

  552. J says:

    Hey, can someone please send me about 2k Nintendo points? My e-mail is, and I would really appreciate it if you sent me some…thanks in advance.

  553. Moya says:

    Please send me 2000 wii points please i need them

  554. robby says:

    please can i have free wii points

  555. david says:

    alguien me puede dar tarjeta 2000 wii points plisss

  556. shayleen says:

    i want and reallly need 200000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points my email is

  557. lilly says:

    shut it peeps duh hes not gonna give u free points if u beg and u don`t need them cuz if u did u`d use ur own money to buy some *idiots*

  558. ryan says:

    man please send me 2000 points ! my email is please man

  559. dalton says:

    please give me nintendo wii points im tired of downloading demos

  560. gonerlokdogg says:

    you homie i need some wii points cuzzzzzzz.

  561. Jimmy says:

    Please sent me a code of 2000 points at IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  562. cryshler103 says:

    i need wii points !!! my email is

  563. david says:

    please send me wii points code

  564. Nishaa says:

    Hi, my name is nishaa and i have only joined the nintendio channel and i just wanted to know if you could send me 1000points code?

  565. anonym0us says:

    can you give me at a thousand points please?

  566. anonym0us says:

    please give atleast a thousand points

  567. jessica says:

    can some one send me 2000 wii points

  568. Chris says:

    yoo send me 1000 wii points com on please im doing this on da internet channel for wii rite now

  569. Chris says:

    at 1000 points

  570. rockoloko1237 says:

    Please send me 2 or 3 thousand points I NEED them!

  571. rockoloko1237 says:

    Please send me 2000 nintendo points im a guy who really needs them send them at

  572. morgana says:

    I need 2000 wii points… can you send me a code ?? Ty

  573. morgana says:

    I need 2000 wii points…send me a code please Thanks..

  574. Liza says:

    PLZ send me some nintendo ds points!!!! Plz! I realli need them and ive been scammed so many times im just sooooooooooo sick of it! PLZ! Email – HELP ME!

  575. cameron pitt says:

    plz ineed this just atleast 1000 points

  576. cameron pitt says:

    plz i need this just atleast 1000 points to plz only 1000

  577. jose says:

    can u send 2000 wii points to my email

  578. james says:

    hey can someone send me 2000 wii points @

  579. Katie says:

    send me nintendo points please?:) email;

  580. bored of live says:

    Can you sent me 1000 points? i would be happy for you. My email is

  581. Danny says:

    Please give me 2000 wii points.

  582. vince says:

    it would be a nice christmas gift for my kids with a free wii points..any points will be nice ,thanks…

  583. tristar says:

    please send me a 2000 wii point code

  584. Kim says:

    Can you please give a 2000 wii points please?? I really need it… = )

  585. can you send me 2000 wii points

  586. samuel Taylor says:

    can you send some points for my lil sis? she wants to play almost all of the games on the wii shop channel. 2000 points would be good, if you can

  587. Stan says:

    May I have about 1000 wii points or more or the code to cause if I need to get a code I need to go to america again

  588. Eli says:


  589. Alan says:

    please send me 2000 wii points at

  590. brad says:

    I need 2000 wii points thank you.

  591. Mark says:

    Send Me Wii Points At

  592. mistory guy says:

    i need 2000 wii points my email is

  593. big h says:

    i need 2000 wii points email me ar

  594. dree says:

    Wii points please!

  595. jgu says:

    heres a code;63850 67463 32187